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Everything posted by spillige

  1. adds to list of things to do before i die: cut sinan off say hello to my little friends
  2. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  3. this is what happens when u inject methamphetamine
  4. ive lost all respect for u..... thought id add this bad boy, this car gets me hard :o
  5. looks good, though id like to see the car in the flesh to see quality of installation
  6. ... If you're single. I agree 100%. Off topic: Do you ever find your PC filling up with all kinds of useless files and when it comes to clearing it out; you don't want to delete them? I'm stuck with that issue at the moment. It's like cleaning the junk out of your room. i have this problem with my wallet dont want to get rid of any thing in there, its full of papers and crap its like 3inches thick It might be time for a clean-out spillage group clean-out of wallets LOL :P Evo never!!!!!!!!! if u can get it out of my kungfu grip 1st
  7. ... If you're single. I agree 100%. Off topic: Do you ever find your PC filling up with all kinds of useless files and when it comes to clearing it out; you don't want to delete them? I'm stuck with that issue at the moment. It's like cleaning the junk out of your room. i have this problem with my wallet dont want to get rid of any thing in there, its full of papers and crap its like 3inches thick
  8. should you really of chased and harassed him u could of caused an accident no?
  9. what are the chances of being spotted by Ascendant Rice
  10. This topic is not necessary
  11. x2 but if he was still in youd be complaining bout that too Had you been a part of any of the political debate threads in the past you would know that this is absolutely not the case. I was in the Liberal camp. See "Federal Election" in club lounge. Speedz: the Rudd campaign was well marketed... Now we will all suffer. Leroy: I didn't steal any kids from their families either... was talking more what people would be thinking in general not so much your self Sure $900 would get an immediate spend, but what I think Leroy's rebuttal (and my thoughts) is that infrastructure projects employ people and allows them to earn that much (or more) money each week, with effects just as immediate (weekly/fortnightly/monthly) as the $900 handout. This then goes over a 1-2 year spread. Sure there is a period of time to get the projects designed, but a lot of projects have been designed and have been shelved or have shrunk, all that needs to happen is funding and they can be built. The infrastructure will then hopefully be in place for the next boom where it can be fully utilised. That is the downside of governments of late, they plan for now not the future. i agree they do tend to do things by half then ends up costing more just to fix or upgrade things. on the other hand i think road workers and rail workers shouldnt get the funding just cause they so damb slow and lazy i once went to work in the morning bout 7ich i see 5 road workers looking at a road sign, mind u they decided to block off half the street and put caution signs every where. at lunch time i went past there again to grab something to eat and they had dug out alittle hole where they were going to pull the sign out, this little hole took them 5 hours to dig and 3 of the workers were sleeping on a near by hill, i went back to work later that night on the way home went past there again an they had just put up caution tape all over it and left :o
  12. I can tell you an even better cooling mod for the facelift Rolla. In the lower grill section remove all that fake mesh, cooling problems solved. Pre facelift has no cooling issues at all. the only problem with this is the plastic bar clip inserts are visable after removeing the pastric top mesh and the bottom grooves are visable at the bottom, can be fixed but bar has to be plastic welded and repainted.
  13. id be willing to help you install a k&n kit on your car, offers there if u want it
  14. dude have some fkn respect yeah?! her car just got written off and she nearly died? fkn idiot hope you and your friends are ok ashley! ha.........you can be an ***** sometimes mate....though majority of time i like your comments and have a chuckle over them......sorry to hear about your car mrs. sportivo............whats the plans vehicle wise ? im more than happy to have a vote, to see who wants me out and who wants me in. just say the word but remember once im gone youll all miss my bull**** remember i just say what your all thinking but havent got the balls to say so let me live
  15. like my jew ***** boss told us this year -save your pennies gentelmen things are gona get though-
  16. dude have some fkn respect yeah?! her car just got written off and she nearly died? fkn idiot hope you and your friends are ok ashley!
  17. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load! cut to rotor power
  18. x2 but if he was still in youd be complaining bout that too, i voted howard, like i was telling every one better the devil u know....
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