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Everything posted by 1stKill

  1. Mufflers looked tucked up from what i can see,but those tips look wrong...maybe call into an exhaust place and see what tips will fill the gap here is a pic of my Supercats with 4" Zetti stainless tips,fills it in nicely IMO
  2. I did when i left one day...remember
  3. Another dumb question...what is the little blue mushroom looking thingy next to my members ride entry? also noticed a few other members rides have these aswell
  4. Love the GT Auris and it's features and would buy one in a heart beat....but that yellow is just revolting,any other colors?...black or silver or even white.
  5. Spotted on Highbury rd Burwood 8.50am a white Echo without hubcaps and a big azz GTR style wing mounted on the rear hatch....looked so wrong,i'm still giggling
  6. Please take it easy and drive safely...have a good trip boys :D
  7. Yep worked a treat...cheers :D
  8. Before performing any work on the car, it is common practise to disconnect the battery to prevent any issues, so I wouldn't be surprised there. For your "AUTO" issue, firstly hold the switch in the auto down position until the window reaches the bottom and hold it there for a few seconds. Then do the same for the auto up position. The control ECU should then learn where the limit is. Thanks for the quick response DJ...will def try this after dinner,thanks again mate :D
  9. All good mate,i knew you were mucking around....and if i do sell the Aurion the upgrade if you could call it that will be nothing special,just a run about,low maintence and running costs,mainly i want less care factor,seems if you have anything half nice before long someone or something comes along and farks it,so why bother.
  10. quick question at some stage during the repairs they have disconnected my battery,i know because i had to reset the clock and audio settings,the problem i've noticed when driving in the dark is the drivers elec window button that says AUTO is now flashing where as before is was on solid when the lights are on,also the AUTO no longer works,i have to pull/push the button to make it work...any ideas,reset ECU? Cheers Lee
  11. Looking good bro ....the tanks seem to hold a fair amount of air,they are filled when the engines running or battery powered?
  12. +1...most of them don't care and if you have modded your car in anyway they treat you like a disease :( really sorry to hear about all this sh!t that going on with your ride John,i feel for you mate :(
  13. Cheers Evan,i might still have her next year...it was actually nearly 5.00am when i posted,i start work at 6.00am,the clock is on drugs on this forum and NO WAY Ash,i had a BA XR6 for a few yrs and it wasn't to bad but it was at Ford a fair bit,the Aurion has been trouble free for 3yrs,other than the hail and some d!ck that was following to close and hit me alls been pretty good for my 1st Toyota. :D
  14. body clock didn't get the memo on daylight savings,still struggling :(

    1. Pah


      ya it sux cant get to sleep at night then cant wake up in the morning

  15. Ohhhhh Dutchie that is some mighty fine work right there.... farking outstanding
  16. Thanks fellas :D I'm not sure whats going on atm but i've lost a little interest in my Aurion and after the accident it's got worse,there is still a few small things to be fixed by the panelshop,but i really cbf anymore...maybe time for a change :( one thing i noticed and enjoyed about the Kia was i didn't give a sh!t where it was parked or the weather conditions,how dirty it was ect ect,i found this kind of pleasent as opposed to my prima donna Aurion.
  17. Finally some good news ....just p/up my Aurion and everything seems to be fine,i will go over it properly this weekend and if i spot anything Sheens will take care of it. overall the customer service and repairs and the time it took was great...would recommend Sheens Vermont in a heart beat. now i can finally fit the K&N Typhoon kit thats been sitting in my office for almost a month Cheers Lee
  18. Yep 350z/370z with a Toyota badge,the front looks so much like a Nissan....
  19. I concur great news,wow your the man when it comes to Aurion brake upgrades,i will be following your lead for sure if you have no dramas,and i can just picture those 329mm front rotors behind my Buddy Clubs.... this effort deserves one of those star thingys...pay the man :D
  20. KOCAU founder...not a chance in hell,there is nothing nice to say about them,i would be branded a hater within hours,scratch that minutes :D Cheers Ronny :D update...got a phone call from the panelshop today and she won't be ready until next wednesday,ohh well the wait continues. :(
  21. Good to see her back mate,you must be stoked....now to see her in the flesh at the next meet for that closer inspection we can have a REPAIR OFF between Camry and Aurion
  22. Arrrrrgh not again,with points and $$$$ this time :( farking highway patrol,these guys are much stricter than your local bluey,unlucky dude....again :( and yeah please make another post so we know you didn't jump :P
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