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Everything posted by Steven

  1. Nargath if you are in you'd be the 5th and hence the group buy will go ahead. To those who have put their hands up so far, is anyone a Brisbane local or planning on pickup?
  2. Thanks for the BBQ even though I had to nick off early
  3. One more and group buy minimum has been reached
  4. Bloody long day but I'll answer a few questions now It does integrate with the steering controls, but you need to "teach" them inside the setting menu. Only need to be set once unless you wish to change what a particular button does Shipping to NZ is about $75. Local warranty means Australia, ie it only needs to be sent to the seller here in Brisbane which means lower postage cost and very fast turn around time (normally a few days, rather than several weeks) The unit also fits all Gen 6 Camrys (ie 2006 - 2011)
  5. They won't be shipped until the 25th (or slightly earlier if all payments have been made by then) as I can't get the above pricing until a minimum of 5 people have paid.
  6. DJKOR: This Group Buy has moderator approval. I've recently come across an Aftermarket DVD/GPS unit for the Toyota Camry (06-11) and Aurion (07-11) as per the discussion and review here Due to the interest generated I've decided to organise a group buy for interested members, with a discount in the vicinity of 10% from the seller located here in Brisbane. The pricing is as follows Basic Unit (+ external Microphone) - $560 Reverse Camera - $35 Digital TV Tuner - $85 Warranty - 12 months local Registered Post Australia wide is $16.50 although local pickup is available. To obtain the above pricing a minimum of 5 buyers is required. Payment will be by Paypal. Buyers will need to specify what optional extras they want from the above list and a postage address if applicable. I will then pass this information and payment onto the seller who will distribute the units. Please only register interest here and keep questions/discussion to the above linked thread. I'll be closing this group buy on January 20th and will require complete payment from all buyers by the 25th (details will be sent via PM). I'll be seeing the seller (George) tomorrow morning around 10am I'll be updating this thread will more information regarding the units specifications etc by mid-late tomorrow afternoon.
  7. Cops don't get a tweaked ECU on the Aurion, I don't know where this rumor keeps coming from.
  8. I was going to dodgy vinyl the front of my car for it. Only really need the front bumper and the bonnet done, and if I'm not worried about appearance it will cost bugger all
  9. Don't be frightened of by your initial encounter with us :P Mick is away for the time being so things should be sufficiently vanilla
  10. I'll require 2L of gasoline and public liability insurance
  11. It can be a little awkward the first time, but we'll walk you through it and you'll find it's alot of fun
  12. Mick at least say goodbye to your mates before marching off to that big old dealership in the sky Ash - Maybe with the help of 3 other strong men we might have a chance :P
  13. Steven, Was there a reason for you to replace them? As in something was noticeably wrong? They were very loud at speed. The mechanic reckoned they still had a fair bit of life left in them but I wasn't taking chances
  14. I had one of my fronts replaced around the 85k mark I think it was. Wouldn't say a common issue but probably typical of a front wheel drive vehicle.
  15. I see somebody already got the QLD FT86 plates. Using that new combo they have at around $800 I'd say they'd be an investment for sure
  16. Need to see where I am job wise first, should have confirmation around mid February at the latest
  17. I think "vodka" is just a common word in their language, and its meaning changes depending on the context of the situation. Ie "let's get drunk" translates to "Vodka" or "Let's have breakfast" translates to "Vodka"
  18. If you do end up doing this conversion, as a request could you take plenty of photos and document the conversion? It's a question often asked here on TOCAU to upgrade to TRD specs and this would be an excellent opportunity to gain insight into that.
  19. I quite like it actually, be a good work screensaver (if the work computers actually had screensavers)
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