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Everything posted by Foss

  1. In a FRONT WHEEL DRIVE?!?! Um...... no thank you.... I value my life. Do we know whether "engines, gearboxes and other parts" includes the stock ECUs? I'm certainly no expert, but if they used a modified stock tranny ECU, wouldn't it be possible to reflash ours with Bolwell's software? Though I daresay they would charge a mint for it.
  2. Motion Seconded. ;) Welcome to the forum, Adam. Wise choice of vehicle. Congrats.
  3. I've not really noticed it in my ZR6, but then again, I have 800W of bass in my boot, so everything on my car vibrates at idle. I'll be driving at lunch this arvo, so I'll get back to you after that.
  4. Bugger... ... I don't have a wheelie bin.
  5. Funnily enough, when I saw the vent, the first thing that came to my head was "Liberty"!
  6. Slightly off topic, but thats one nice taxi, Scoota. I know who I'll be calling next time I'm down that end of the state and need a cab.
  7. Yeah Ari, I'm still in for the eyelids, mate. Cheers.
  8. Fair enough. I guess I'm with Jeremy Clarkson (Top Gear) in that I don't like a car to do all the thinking for me. Although I do prefer to drive an auto. I guess I do agree on that point, yeah. Personally I don't like my car doing ALL my thinking for me all the time either. Once you get used to it, it creates opportunities for error when you get in a car without the features. The Aurion has a good setup with some of its intelligent features though. You have the option of using your lights as normal or flicking it to auto and letting it take care of it for you. I assume the wipers in the Presara and facelift ZR woudl be the same? I personally pefer to drive a manual though. Had the Aurion not had a manual mode I would never have bought it. So imagine my disappointment the first time I took it up a big hill in so called 'sports mode' and it changed down gears itself before I had a chance to. (But thats a rant for another thread.) On topic of Adamsy's original post, though, the auto lights system is kinda redundant, and I generally find it to be a pain in the ***** more than anything. They don't come on until much darker than what I feel is appropriate, they come on when I'm coming in or out of my garage, and worst of all, the come on whenever I drive under an overpass or even in areas where some trees are casting shadows!
  9. I installed my sub and amp a few weeks ago. Fairly straightforward job, if you have a HU with RCAs. Personally I recommend upgrading your HU too because the sound from the stock unit is pretty woeful IMO. I can't really give any DIY advice on wiring your amp to your stock unit, but there are devices (I think Aerpro make one) that allow you to wire a sub amp to your speaker outs or something. As for the rest of the wiring, I just ran my RCAs and control wire up the drivers side under the scuff plates and cable-tied it to the existing wiring there, then dropped down the plate under the steering column and ran the wires across there to the head unit, coiled up the remainder on top of aforementioned plate and clipped that back in place. The power wire I ran up the passenger side in the same fashion as the RCAs, except that when it comes out past the front door scuff plate, you run it under the carpet up the firewall. There is a big rubber bung (at least 2 inches in diameter) in the firewall, up behine the glove box. It has a bunch of wiring running through the middle into the engine bay. If you pop your bonnet and look in the engine bay, you can see the this bung and wiring coming through. Its on the passenger side, below what I assume is the ECU. I stuck an extra hole in that bung and poked my wire through there. I run 4 guage wire, so poking it through was no easy feat. Though it would probably be easier with 8 guage wire, and/or if you can be ****d dropping the glove box out. There are a couple of threaded holes in the wheel well in the engine bay, which don't appear to serve any real purpose. I just happened to have a bolt that fitted one of those holes, so I used that to screw down the fuse holder. The actual connecting up of stuff is fairly simple. Just follow your instruction books to the letter.
  10. By the same consideration, do we really need smart entry (or hell, even keyless entry!), Sportivo bodykits, shiny rims, superchargers, and so on and so forth? Probably not. But do we want them? Yes. Most of these things are of little benefit to most ordinary drivers. But we want/pay for them nevertheless. Why? Because they are freakin cool. (And because its cool to stick it to one-eyed Commodore meatheads who can't accept that the only feature they have up on us is power to the rear wheels).
  11. Cheers guys. Skimmed the FAQ the other week. Must have overlooked it. Just got onto eBay and bought some blue ones for my doors and a festoon for the roof light. First thing I tried to do my door lights was spraying the stock globes translucent blue. Anybody who's thinking of trying that approach - don't. It works for orange, yellow, even green, but blue just ends up looking like a blueish/greenish/aquaish color.
  12. I'm looking to change the colour of the lights in the bottom corners of my door panels. Anybody know what sort of globe they are and whether a high brightness LED equivalent exists? Cheers.
  13. 01) Ingres (Duck Tail Boot Spoiler & Roof Spoiler) 02)51der (Duck Tail Boot Spoiler & Roof Spoiler) 03)-DAvo (Duck Tail Boot Spoiler) 04) Hidden Taco (Duck Tail Boot Spoiler & Roof Spoiler) 05) stedyedy (Duck Tail spoiler) 06) Paradigm (Eyelids) 07) 08) 09) 10)
  14. Looking for some Thai eyelids for my pre-facelift Aurion. Anybody got a pair in good nick they want to let go of? Color isn't important, as I'm gonna colour code them to the car anyway. Cheers.
  15. lol, hardly. The background in your avatar (or, well, the previous one) looks a lot like the up the bluff or around Coles Beach road area. And judging by your ride, I assume you'd be the fella I was talking to in at Gowans a few weeks ago. On topic, there was similar debate regarding the legality of fog lamps a couple of years ago. Supposedly they were illegal to use (foggy or not) unless they were the ones with those yellow covers that stop glare or whatever they are designed to do, like the ones fitted on those police SUV's that are getting around town. Those arguing they were illegal maintained that although they were illegal, if they were a factory standard accessory that came on the car, the cops could hardly expect you to take them off. But I wonder whether these Audi style light strips would fall into a similar category as underglows, led valve caps, light up window washers, etc.
  16. Each to their own, I couldn't agree more. Not knocking the idea by any means, just asking the question. My Aurion is white, and all my past cars have been silver, so I understand the merits of needing to stay visibile (especially on a dull day) as well as anyone. Adamsy, those ebay light strips could look good. I see them looking pretty tidy shaped along the bottom of the fog lamp up around the outer side edge or something, and around the bottom of the headlights. Not sure how the Dev. cops would take it tho.
  17. What purpose is served having your foggies at half power during a clear day? I can see the merit in it on a dull and overcast day, when visibility is poor (especially on a silver or white car), but apart from that... why? Even in low visibility I just throw my parkers on, my foggies are on automatically then too. And just while im on the line of thought, I find the auto light setting is a bit sh!t. At times when I (and judging by 8 out of 10 other drivers in my area, they too) feel it is necessary to have at least parkers on when visibility is getting low, apparently Toyota didn't share our thoughts when programming the system. It they do, however, turn on automatically when I drive under a 4 lane overpass on a clear blue sunny day.
  18. Might as well add myself to the list. AGE: 22 SEX: Not in a while ;) (oh... i mean... male...) STATUS: Single REASONS FOR BUYING: Basically had everything I was looking for in my next car. Large sedan, plenty of go and power to tow, good balance of fuel economy and power, bodykit, leather, and they are just a downright hot looking car!
  19. Just came across this news article. Apparently some Toyotas in the US are coming with 'dangerous floormats' which are prone to move with your foot and could possibly slide up over the accelorator pedal and hold it down. Sounds like a bit of bollocks to me. Every car I've ever had has had floormats which can move a bit under your feet (well, except my Aurion with its hook in driver mats and the fact that all the mats somehow grip to the carpet when you try and slide them). Bloody Americans. Wonder if Toyota Aus will follow suit? (edit: typos fixt )
  20. In the interest of feeding my habit for resurrecting old threads, I'm gonna do it again. Has anybody bought and fitted this fascia kit from fascias.com.au or this Camry one from Aerpro? Wondering how well they match up with the rest of the dash silver. I bought the $30 genuine fascia from my local Toyota dealership, which of course color matches perfectly, but as has been well established here, theres a good half inch of gap either side of my head unit, and I'd much rather get a proper DIN width fascia if the color looks right, instead of getting black spacers to fill the gap.
  21. I was strolling threads the other day and somebody posted a PDF about removing seats, from a service manual I think. It might have been in the 'ZR6 Speaker Upgrade' thread, a few pages in, but I'm not positive. That might have some part numbers in it?
  22. Sorry to resurrect an age-old thread. I have just recently bought my Aurion and I'm noticing a similar issue to this. It doesn't flare, but the change from 1st to 2nd feels a bit rough, and the gear change is very noticable. Has anybody had any success getting this issue rectified?
  23. Just a question regarding airbags (and yes, this is on-topic!). What risk/effect is there in ripping off the c-pilar trims to get the parcel shelf out? The trims bear the 'SRS Airbag' mark. Does removing these trims include any risk of setting off/stuffing up airbags? My assumption is no, because surely having the airbags inflate and blast off these trims towards someone's head would make the airbag kinda redundant. But I think it better to be safe than sorry, and I'd rather ask a silly question here than have the expense of having an airbag reset. Forgive my ignorance, but I've not had experience with airbags before (my last car was a CE Lancer Coupe, and it doesn't have one of the lowest safety ratings in the country for nothing!).
  24. Just bought my ZR6, and it already has a Toyota Genuine towbar fitted. Has anybody had a Sportivo with a genuine towbar and swapped it for a Hayman Reese style removable hitch towbar? I was reading another thread here where a couple of users have had the removable style towbar fitted, but from their photos it appears that the tongue comes through the bumper at a higher point than the Toyota tongue, which comes out below bumper level and penetrates only the rear skirt and not the bumper itself. I really don't want to have to cut a second hole higher up or replace my rear skirt. Any suggestions?
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