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Everything posted by Foss

  1. Bah! Just paint your calipers. Or buy some of these. http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...showtopic=25856 :P
  2. Oh, as an afterthought, I think I understand why the lug wrench is clipped under the spare wheel cover, under the carpet, in the boot. It's a safety precaution, designed to increase the amount of effort it takes to get the wrench in your hand and beat w@nkers to death with it.
  3. Just remembered an event from last weekend. Sitting in a carpark, minding my own business, a beatup old p-plate Laser hatch full of d!ckheads dressed like homies pulls up a few spaces down. They wind down their windows, looks over at my car, and starts on a tangent of (imagine the most bogan Aussie accent you can) "yo, n!gga,..." (I'm not one) "we pimpin, yo...." and so on and so forth like that, with statements scattered through there about how uncool we are "rollin' in a momma's car". I soon fixed 'em though. They watched me back out of my parking space, and cruise towards the gate to the carpark, and as I passed their car, I just cranked up my sound system (which probably cost more than their car) and drove off. Mamma's car? Pfft! Christ I hate bogans.
  4. This is my opinion as well. To me, having a scoop on the Aurion would just seem out of place. Personal opinion though I guess. I agree. Mostly. Unless it was done Subaru Liberty style... That bonnet would look awesome on a Sportivo or TRD.
  5. But they are such a cheap brake improvement! They increase your stopping power heaps... ...when the plastic melts and bonds your calipers to your rotors! ;)
  6. Valentia St Wharf sign - missing "V" Black line (power line?) near top of picture. Disabled sign. Poor bugger is missing his wheelchair. Red and white signs to the right - top red sign is gone. Chrome strips on car gone. Little white box half way up power pose gone. Red thing on top of left pole on 'notice board' gone.
  7. I'd love to sell the whole setup, but I won't bother til I have the cash to shell out for a pair of Technics 1200/1210s, a pair of CDJ1000MK3s and a DJM800. And that won't be for a while yet. I don't scratch with the CDJs. Hell I don't even like CDJs particularly. They are more a convenience than anything. I'd much rather vinyl. Especially for scratching. My Behringer DDM4000 does well for scratching, too. I've had it since Oct '08, and since I started scratching early last year, I scratch with it every few days (and I play hard trance and hardhouse at between 145 and 160BPM, so I scratch pretty hardcore). It stands up to the sh!tload of abuse it gets. The VMX I'm selling is the 4th one I've used. My cousin has been through 2. First one he had for years until he shattered the crossfader. The abuse he gives his mixers, I'm surprised it lasted that long! He couldn't be stuffed waiting for a new fader from Behringer, so he bought a new mixer. Had that for a couple years, abused like hell. He upgraded to a DDM, but the VMX still goes strong. The other 2 I've used were both mine. The first one had a dry solder since new, so eventually I had it replaced under warranty. Used the second one on and off for about 6 months, then upgraded to a DDM. The Stanton's are direct drive. Not real torquey, but they do the job. With 520SK needles/carts on them, they still do alright for a scratch deck. I would never touch a belt drive for DJing. Oh, and for the sake of staying on topic with the sale SOMEBODY BUY MY MIXER! :D
  8. Can't say it does much for me mate. Mostly the bonnet/bumper bit. Rest doesn't look too bad. I do like the idea around the bottom of the headlight, but not sure bright red is the appropriate color.
  9. G'day, David. Good to see another Tasmanian joining up. Welcome.
  10. Heres more pics as just taken tonight. Apologies for poor quality (1.3mp phone camera). Ignore little remote that I just noticed snuck into the photo, its for my X10 system, nothing to do with the mixer. Comes in original packaging, with all manuals, power cable, plus custom made cotton dust cover.
  11. Foss


    Those are random chicks on strangers... This is an expression of 'True Love' to the boyfriend... I'm suspecting Lingeries and sexy dresses... I weep for a world in which true love is determined by whether your misses wears panties on Valentines day. If she really wants to show her love, she can just stay home all day and wear nothing! :D
  12. Well, its Toyota for god sake. Something had to be faulty at some point! And if the biggest fault they can find in Toyota cars is that the mats sometimes slip, its not putting a much doubt in my mind that I've made the right choice buying a Toyota, nor does it do much to taint their reputation as one of the worlds most reliable car manufactures. And if it is the accelerator, as much as its not fair to blame Toyota because a part they sourced from a 3rd party is fault, and it annoys me, too, that its Toyota's reputation at stake, think of it this way... if you buy a computer and the hard drive fails, do you complain to Acer (the computer builder) or Western Digital (the 3rd party who made the hard drive Acer used)? If you go to your local pub and buy a Crownie and the beer is bad, do you complain to the pub or do you complain to CUB? Its unfortunate, but whoever's logo is on the finished product is who is going to cop the flak, whether its their fault or not. And if its one of the best, its gonna get more of a media beatup than a regularly problematic manufacturer.
  13. Just a thought, for the price of buying genuine Facelift taillights from Toyota Australia for probably $1000+, why not order the genuine S.E. Asia spec Camry Hybrid tail lights from RStyle? I think when I did the currency conversion the price was around AU$400 + shipping for the set. And (personally) they are a nicer looking light than the AU spec facelift Sportivo lights.
  14. Well, my first was an '84 Ford Telstar Ghia. Great car (for a Ford :P). Got it in '05. Bought it off an elderly couple who had had it since new. Blue velour interior, manual, sedan, no power steering so it was like steering a tank. It was in almost brand new condition. It even had these little stickers on the back of the sunvisors that had been there since new! I sold it in almost as good a condition I bought it, including those stickers, excepting for the 2 holes in the parcel shelf where I'd had my aftermarket speakers, and which I covered in with the factory speakers anyway. Bought it for (I think) $2400 , sold it 12 months later for $2100k. Then came the '00 Lancer VR-X coupe. Before I bought it, I wanted a 2door car and nobody could convince me otherwise. About 12 months in I couldn't stand not having back doors. No legroom in the back, pain in the backside to get anything (people or cargo) in or out of the back seat, and the 1.5L engine had no bollocks whatsoever. It was a good car, looked sporty enough for what it was (coulda used some bigger rims, those stock 14" alloys were awful). Stuck to the road like sh!t to a blanket, even at a hundred and *cough*sixty*cough* on the back roads to an east-coast tourist town in Tasmania which shall not be named to protect the guilty, and you really felt how fast you were moving and how well you were cornering coz even at stock height it felt like you were sitting right on the ashphalt and the car was small too. Bought this one for $11250, sold 3 and a half years later for $6000. So, the moral of this story is 2 fold. 1- Don't buy a Lancer Coupe. The resale market is limited, and you lose a lot of value because of it. And 2- 2door small engine capacity cars are awful. Especially if you have 6ft+ mates, or you're a DJ and eventually find yourself needing either cargo space or towing capacity to cart lighting/trussing/sound gear/etc. to gigs. So I sold the Lancer in September, bought the '07 ZR6 Aurion, and now I'm stuck with that for 7 years whether I like it or not. Though I highly doubt I'll get sick of it by then. Edit: Bloody typos!
  15. On that topic of things, then you've got that VVT-i oil line issue? There were all these cases in the US with regards to it, and this led to them replacing them here. But the question exists of how many cases have you heard if this problem occurring outside of the US. I guess the US supplies of parts must be of a lower quality somehow. Either way, I personally think the accelerator isn't the problem, but I'm not going to say any more. I just like to think a bit differently. Wholeheartedly agree. It seems more like a good excuse to avoid your insurance excess. Known problem which is obviously very likely to cause crashes, its a perfect opportunity to exploit a possible issue. I read about the original mat problem months ago (and posted about it here somewhere when I first heard) and this is most likely related. If theres noting to secure your mats, it doesn't take much for them to slip up onto your accelerator. I used to have this problem regularly in my Lancer.
  16. Foss


    I daresay we already have something like this here in Australia, on any given Saturday night, at any nightclub in the country.
  17. I had some **** do this to me the last weekend, while I was doing 60 towing a trailer with my brand new BBQ in it.
  18. Just wandered outiside, saw how dirty she was, and decided to give her a full detail. Then I wandered back in here to my office, saw that its 5:20 already (damn this going to bed at 5am business!) and I don't have the 6 or more hours I normally like to spend giving her a good going-over. I'll just take her to the car wash in town and give her a quick one to tide her over til next weekend.
  19. Personally, I'd stick with the stock Sportivo grill. I'm not a real fan of the aftermarket ones. If you color-coded them they may look alright though. But I'd still say the stock one.
  20. Bloody cyclists, and the w@nkers that don't know how to safely overtake them. Why the bloody hell should cyclists be allowed to ride 2 abreast? That means that 1 of them is riding up the middle of the lane, and on single-lane roads, drivers either can't overtake, or have to travel at 10km/h until the oncoming lane is clear of traffic! Then you get the 1 cyclist who is on his own, but he rides up the middle of the lane instead of as far to the left as possible. And then theres the drivers. I actually had to pull over to the kerb this arvo to make way for an oncoming car who, while overtaking a cyclist riding up the middle of the lane, crossed over by all but his passenger side mirror into my lane!
  21. These are about 18 months old now, before I upgraded. I'll take some pics of it tonight. It looks the same, mint condition. Infact, it looks better. Less dusty. :D
  22. I'm selling my as new Behringer VMX200 DJ mixer. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. Got it in March 07 and was only used maybe a dozen times tops until it was taken out of active duty in about October 07 when I decided to upgrade to a more expensive, feature packet unit. Never used for gigs. In fact, the only time it has left my bedroom at my old house was 3 months ago when I moved house, and since then its been in the cupboard in my office at my new place. Still in original packaging, with all manuals, cables, etc. $90 + shipping.
  23. Foss

    Boot Moulds

    Well, tried the expanding foam idea. It failed miserably. Worked OK to start with, and looked like it was setting nicely. Took it out after several hours once it was hard, only to find that it was only set on top, and that everything underneath was just a runny liquid mess. Thank god I lined the boot with bin bags! Looks like its paper mache!
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