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Everything posted by Foss

  1. 3Oh!3 - Starstruck I mean, sure, its catchy, and some of the fx and production in the music is good. But its just that fr!ggin whistling! Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  2. Most crash repairers or auto paint specialists should be able to mix you up a color from a sample, so if you take them in a dash peice they should be able to get something pretty close to perfect. This method is never going to be 100% accurate, but you can't expect perfection without a color code, and nobody seems to know the code for the Aurion interior (including Toyota dealerships). That stuff is an a*sehole to work with. In my Lancer I did the whole centre console from the DIN fascia down and back to between the seats (much like the coated part of the Aurion now I think of it) in brushed aluminium finish vinyl. Biggest pr!ck of a thing to make fit the contous of the dash without puckering or folding the sheet. I wasted at least $50 of vinyl trying to get it right.
  3. Foss

    The Ownage Game

    Saturday is a muuuuuuch cooler day than Wednesday!
  4. Foss

    The Ownage Game

    No appropriate caption exists. But the relation is pretty obvious.
  5. "Let's go to my place and do the things I'll tell everyone we did anyway."
  6. Don't know how many of you have seen this before. We used to play it on a DJ forum I used to frequent. Basically, you have to find an image that "owns" (or "pwns") the previous poster's image. The rules are as follows: 1. Each image has to be related somehow to the previous image, however loosely. Therefore you can't 'own' a picture of big bird with a nuclear missile. That would just be silly. 2. Your image doesn't have to be related to the subject of the previous image. It could be related to a different part of that previous image. For example, the subject of the image you are 'owning' may be a man on the beach. In the background, though, there may be a topless woman. You may use the topless woman woman as the subject of your 'ownage', even though the man was the original subject of the image. 3. You cannot 'own' anything with Chuck Norris. This would end the game, as Chuck Norris 'owns' all, can cannot be 'owned' by anything, so a Chuck Norris image will therefore be counted as cheating. If somebody posts a Chuck Norris image, you must ignore that and use the image prior to the cheater's post as the subject of your 'ownage'. These rules may sound a tad confusing, but you'll pick it up as we go along. So, given that this is a car club, I'll kick off the round with something appropriate... Edit: Also, remember to include a caption with your image. Even though it may be perfectly clear to you how your image 'owns' the previous one, it may not be so clear to everyone else. And lastly, please only post if you have an image to post. Chatter takes away from the smooth flow of the game and makes it hard to follow. It used to be a Civic. There probably still is a Civic under there somewhere.
  7. 14 speakers?!! Thats sounds way more impressive! I think Toyota's marketing department might be onto something! Counting mine..... 15 speakers. Soon to be 16.
  8. Why the hell would somebody only sell 1 rim?
  9. I don't do a helluva lot of remix work. Most of my stuff is original material. I've uploaded a bunch of stuff for your listening pleasure. None of it is finished yet, but I'm hoping to get a bunch of my stuff finished in time to launch my record label well before summer rolls round again. Heres my most complete UK hard trance stuff, for release under the name of Paradigm (the name I DJ under for hard dance, trance, hardcore, and other harder/faster/uplifting stuff). I'm working on a whole bunch of other stuff that isn't far enough along to be worth posting yet. These include a remix of Moloko - The Time Is Now and one of Stevie Nicks - Edge of Seventeen, and a bunch more completely original material. Paradigm - Sleeping (Prerelease 20100216) Probably my most complete track. Still needs some work, but in concept its near finished. Need to stick an end on it, and do some tweaks and changes (including entirely redoing the basslines), then tweak the final mix and shelf it until I have a another track to release on the B side. Vocal sampled from movie The Ring 2 Paradigm - 20091001 (Prerelease 20100216) This one doesn't currently have a title, and is very far from being complete. Paradigm - Pure Cocaine (Prerelease 20100216) One I started about 18 months ago. Haven't touched for a while, but still heaps to do. Vocal sampled from movie Blow. Paradigm - My Party People (Prerelease 20100216) Haven't worked on this one for over 2 years. May never finish it. Vocals from Missy Elliot - 4 My People. Will never be officially released due to copyright & licencing issues. Theres some silent spots in there between bits I've done, so don't panic if the music stops suddenly before the track finishes. And some of my other stuff, which will be released under the name of Chris Jaye (the name I DJ under for house, breaks, techno and commercial stuff). Chris Jaye - Movie Tune 01 (Prerelease 20100216) A track I started a while back for an amateur movie (no, not that sort of amateur movie ;) ) me and a few mates were writing. The movie never eventuated, but I've since made little tweaks and changes to the track and will probably eventually finish it and licence it for commercial media use (movies, TV, advertising, etc).
  10. And in a post about racism, too! Smooth. ;) i unless you grew up when the term was really a racial slur, younger people wouldnt consider it as such. Two examples... CHK CHK BOOM chick... or maybe you havent heard of the movie WOGBOY? if Nick Giannopoulos can make an Aussie comedy with WOG in the title then aint no way in hell id consider it to be a negative term. I'd hardly consider Wogboy as an example. Nick Giannopoulos is Greek. Theres nothing racist about poking fun at your own culture. It's when others are poking the fun that it becomes racist. I'd still consider 'n!gger' offensive in the right context, and people haven't kept black slave for many years. But blacks commonly use it to reference each other the same as Aussies call each other 'mate'. I see 'wog' as much the same. In general usage its not a racial slur anymore, but it was still originally a derogatory term, and personally I still see it as one. I wouldn't use n!gger or wog unless I was being derogatory. Everybody's different, I suppose. Chk Chk Boom chick? If she's any example of how Australians want to be viewed as a people, I'll renounce my citizenship, because I would no longer be proud to be Australian.
  11. Thats why they call themselves a 'current affairs' show. They can't be put up for claiming to be news, and they can bang on about any old toss thats important to 2 people in the country and beat it up to be a major problem. One of the bushes along my back fence fell over on the weekend and pulled down part of the fence with it. Who cares, you might ask? Well, TT's target audience care! Or, at least, they will when I ring TT and they beat it up to look like some sort of major social issue! Because China is such a developed country themselves. They're just jealous that they can't sprout body/facial hair as well as we can!
  12. Foss


    Bugger Photoshop. A bootfull of Chickenfeed spray cans, a newspaper, a roll of masking tape, and an hour or twos work should give you a good idea. :P But seriously, why flat black?
  13. Foss

    Little Rants

    I gave up trying to read that after the first sentence. Whoops, I forgot the inappropriate punctuation and random capitalisation in my sample sentence.
  14. Don't forget karaoke Thought that was the Japanese? You must have never been to a filo house party. Nope. In fact, I only know 1 filo! North West Tassie is still predominantly white. Though the Asian population is growing. Don't know what we'll do if we get a Sydney or Melbourne type Asian:Non-Asian ratio. We've got no room for a Chinatown!
  15. Don't forget karaoke Thought that was the Japanese?
  16. And that's a load of toss too (the facts, not your comment). On what are India basing their accusations exactly? I mean, really, some students got bashed. They were Indian. So what. I bet all of us here could give plenty more examples of whites attacking people who aren't Indian. All in all, the amount of Indians who have been attacked, in the scheme of things, would be a fraction of a percent of all people who have been in similar situations. Me and a couple of mates (who all happen to work in finance) got jumped by a group of w@nkers while walking through the city to the pub about a year ago. Had we not managed to get the situation 'under control' the 3 of us could very well have ended up in hospital. Perhaps I should have contacted TT about Australia's violent attitudes towards finance workers? Exacly. If we moved to a foreign country, we would move there accepting the rules dictated by their culture. Whereas when other cultures move here, many expect that we will fit in with them, instead of them fitting in with us, and like I said before, sometimes thats just not practical. The most popular example that pops up is that of muslim womens head gear (can't think for the life of me what they call it just now). In Australia it is law that in certain places or situations you must not obscure your face, for security reasons. But we make exceptions for women of those religions who wear such items. Just because their religion requires them to wear it does not make them less of a risk. In fact, given that the particular religion who most commonly wears them happens to be the same religion whose extremists fly planes into buildings and preach that anybody who doesn't follow their religion is an infidel and has to die, then the muslim woman who walks into your bank with her face covered may well be there for nefarious reasons. Of course, most Muslims aren't that way inclined, so its extremely unlikely. But then, we all would have thought it extremely unlikely that 4 planes would be hijacked and flown into key American buildings. It only takes a small handful of d!ckheads to cause ruin it for the masses.
  17. ...and an understanding of WTF all of that means. ;)
  18. Foss

    Little Rants

    Ok, theres a few things p!ssing me off. Firstly, what is it with people tlking lyk dis al the fkn tyme? Not here (thank God) but Facebook and Myspace and News.com.au comments are plastered with it. For christ sake, its not quicker, its not easier. Get a freaking education, or go live in a cave in the mountains where you don't have to communicate with normal humans. Second. People on Facebook who constantly post statuses whinging and moaning and threatening to kill themselves. We know you're only looking for attention, you self indulgent tossers. Either do it or shut up and stop your whinging. Also, the people who comment on these statuses deserve honourable mention. Stop giving them the attention! The reason they keep doing it is because whenever they fancy an ego boost, you comment saying "don't do it" or "we care about you" or whatever.
  19. That could be a good one in a metal bar. Vary it slightly, offer a bird a 'nine inch nailing'. Given the stories I've heard about the on-stage antics of Trent Reznor and others on stage, I think eroticism is the order of the day already.
  20. Nice. Thats gotta be a setup. Also, who uses an electric mower anyway? I see huge potential for mowing the power lead. I get annoyed by the hassle of the lead for my whipper-snipper, let alone a mower!
  21. Please don't tease me with S5. My favorite too. I wish i get a 100% pay rise and able to afford S5 lol You don't want an Audi. For no other reason than that maintenance costs are ludicrous! When I found my Aurion, I looked at an '05 Audi A4 (nearest Audi dealership is Audi and Toyota). I enquired about maintenance costs (my mechanic won't touch anything European) and dealership service was over $1500 for the 75,000km service. So I bought the Aurion instead. And apart from some QA things that are really noticable in comparison (nothing major, just finishing and refinements that one would expect from a prestige brand), the Aurion is a better vehicle.
  22. Matt, I put them on my Lancer a few years ago when I used to make regular trips between Spreyton and Squeaking Point (for the uninitiated, that trip is mostly back roads - bush and ag land most of the way), after hitting a roo. After I put them on, I never hit another one, but I can't say for sure whether its coz of the whistlers or if the roos just didn't feel like hopping out in front of my car. And for $7, I highly doubt any hardcore scientific research and testing went into the design of the product. If I recall rightly, the ones I had said on the packet that they only worked from something like 80kmph to somewhere above the top limit. Yeah, had to avoid a wombat on a trip a couple of months ago. I was really thanking my good tires and brakes after that. I hear hitting them can be worse than a roo. You bet your a*se their worse than a roo! I hit a wombat once in my Lancer. Got a quote for repairs. Plastic weld bumper, new front spoiler, respray, color blend, > $1000, thanks for coming.
  23. Not a fan of the whole Serato (or any other PC controller) thing. I mean, I get the concept, its the next convenience step along from carrying a box of CDs around. But how far do you go from convenience. The next step is scrapping the whole source setup and just hook a laptop up to a sound system and use Abelton or something, and being a laptop DJ is punishable by death. I can forgive it for these people who just play the latest Top40 and couldn't mix to save their life, but I'm a bit of a traditionalist in that I beleive that a real DJ uses turntables and a mixer (and CD players are just the natural extension from decks). I don't have any worry about fitting gear in my car. For most gigs where I supply the gear, I have to cart a 4m flat truss and winch-up stands, a few crates of lighting, speakers, amps, my custom bench (see photos), crates of cabling, toolbox, plus all my gear. So I go round to my olds' place and knock off the old man's Hilux or I borrow a mates trailer.
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