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Everything posted by Foss

  1. Well, bugger me, I've been looking for this thread (albeit without putting in much effort)! Anybody know whether there is a font for that 'Aurion' text, or whether Bok would made his own lettering/edited something off the web?
  2. Dude, nice work! You got out of that one pretty good in the end. Hope you kept your old hard drive.
  3. I agree with you somewhat, Unique. However no amount of technology is going to change the simple fact that anything that draws power will... well... draw power when you use it. So using the aircon would draw power, you wipers would draw power, the radio would draw power. So, unlike a regular car with an engine and an alternator to keep the battery charged, all these things would take power that could otherwise be used to power your motor. I certainly have nothing against them. They suit some peoples needs, and for those people they are an excellent idea. But I'm not about to trade in my V6 for a little electric car anytime soon. What's really caught my interest in all of that, though, is that braking charges your battery. How does that work?
  4. If you want good quality for good price, Pioneer, JVC and Kenwood aren't bad. I personally prefer Pioneer over the other 2, I find its better quality, but it mostly comes down to personal preference really. Just, for the love of all things sacred, don't buy Sony Xplod!
  5. In the words of His Holiness Jeremy Clarkson... "Can't put the fan on, coz that'll wear the battery down. Can't listen to the radio, coz that'll wear the battery down. You don't have electric windows, because that'll wear the battery down. You can't go very fast, coz that'll wear the battery down. You can't stop, coz that'll wear the battery down." Sorry, doesn't really sound like a particularly enjoyable driving experience to me. I think I'd rather catch a bus.
  6. Its doable. You can buy an adaptor which basically taps into your speaker wires and converts it to line level RCA outputs, which you then connect to your amp.
  7. Putting aside the fact that that is just a 2 door Commodore, I have to say I do quite like that. However, I have to agree when it comes to any other GTO I've seen, or worse still those pontiac versions of our VE sedan. Those Pontiac grilles kinda remind me of nostrils. Not regular nostrils, but whay you'd expect to see if somebody didn't actually have a nose, if you get what I mean.
  8. Can't be any worse than noisy kids in the back. ;) I wouldn't have a clue how good they are, to be honest. For $140 they could go either way, and I'm not about to speculate on the quality of something that cheap. Best I can say is that in the past I've used cheap no-brand products that have been great and worked flawlessly, and I've had ones that have just been plain crap. I don't have kids, and given I'm lacking half the equipment to make some (ie. the woman bits ;)), I have no practical need to invest in these. Otherwise, for that price, I would.
  9. Pretty sure OBD-II compliance wasnt compulsory in Aus until 2006. And even that is just what I heard, but it could well be that it still isn't compulsory. I haven't been able to find any particularly concrete evidence that it is. So, that considered, theres probably a very good chance your car isn't OBD-II compliant anyway, and probably just uses some sort of proprietry Toyota interface for collecting data, even on the off chance that the plug itself looks the same. My old car (2000 Lancer) had an OBD-II type plug like any other, but as it used a proprietry Mitsubishi interface, it could only work with Mitsubishi's own testers, and certain other really, really expensive universal testers that could somehow talk to the Lancer's ECU. Oh, as an added point, a mate of mine had a 95 or 96 (probably not much difference anyway) Celica, and the diagnostic port for that was under the hood somewhere. It wasn't, however, the same type of plug as an OBD-II port.
  10. Can't say I like those rims, sorry mate. I just don't think they suit. But then, I don't like cabbage or the Pussycat Dolls, though I'm sure plenty of people do, so each to their own ;). Wouldn't mind seeing some daylight pics of your boot though. From what you've posted it looks like you've done with your subs what did in my old car and plan on in the Aurion. Did you buy the enclosures or are they custom?
  11. Just heard about pairs of headrests with LCDs on ebay for $140 with free shipping. If anybody is interested, heres the link. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=310213117469 Please note, I'm in no way affiliated with ebay or the seller of these items, I've just been emailed about them so I thought I'd throw a link here for the sake of anybody here whos looking for some.
  12. I wish it wasn't so damned expensive. With features like this coming out, GIMP is starting to lag miles behind again.
  13. If they're anything like the Narva ones, they aren't even white-sih. I have the Narva Arctic Blue in mine, and you can't tell the difference.
  14. geez, look at the bi's and tri's on that photographer. That thing looks like its got a buttload of weight in it. Anyhoo... Check out this new Photoshop feature. Content aware technology. I so what PS CS5!
  15. Oh, I know, lol. Trust me, I had lots of fun on those coming back from there the other week, through Campania and Oatlands and whatnot. :D Yeah, I have mine done by a qualified bloke using genuine parts, but thats what I mean. Without a dealer stamp, without really making the effort to look into it, how do they know my mechanic is any more qualified than my dog? And I don't have service advantage :(. Damn ex gov't cars!
  16. Foss

    LED eyelids

    Am I safe in assuming we're only condemning those god-awful Audi-esque DRL lights and not the BMW style ones (yes, I know its a Lancer :o, but its the best example on the site I was looking at)...
  17. My logbook was up the muck when I bought it. It had always been dealer serviced, but they didn't seem to know which page they were meant to be filling out each time. It had the 50,000 done at high 40s or something, but then a 30something k one got done at 57000. All over the show. So I had one at 64 or so and will have the next one at 75, and that should bring me back into line for regular 7500 ones. I've not had any trouble with warranty claims, but if ever it gets questioned, they can take it up with the service dept at the dealership where I bought it. Scoota, doesn't it say 7,500 under extreme circumstances or something along those lines? I would have thought running around all day as a taxi would at least somewhat fit into that? Unique, I've often wondered that myself. Its not like the mechanic needs to fill in an ID number or anything to say he's certified, so really, I could get my nan to change my oil and how would Toyota be any the wiser?
  18. Does'nt matter what time I come online, day or night, Daryl seems to be here. I don't think he sleeps. I think he's just fueled by the sheer awesomeness of his car. :P Back on topic... Tristan, why are you replacing your bumper for the sake of some marks and chips? Surely it would be cheaper and easier to get a respray?
  19. Not bad, Steven, but based purely on the fact that CF mirrors don't do much for me means its a nay here. The black section of the front bumper isn't doable. Believe me, I've tried!
  20. Welcome Jenna, Good to see more Tasmanians popping up around these parts. Give those mainlanders a reminder that we're all still alive an kicking down here.
  21. I'd have suggested black. I had chrome ones on my old car and they looked good, but the chrome finish looked a bit cheap and tacky. It was a silver car though, too. I reckon on a black car it might be a bit of a contrast conflict.
  22. Damn, Outback, that suck to see mate. The other person will be that dude with the defective Aurion.
  23. Manufacturing defect? More like driving defect. Perhaps we should call up your mother and see if she offers any warranty on you due to your inability to use common sense? Seriously, if you crash into something at 110, you are going to break your car. See DJKOR's previous Aurion in Members Rides and you'll understand that its not just your car. Accidents happen, and when they do, cars break. If you want something that wont get a scratch when you run into something, buy a tank. [/rant] (its just one of those nights!)
  24. Like everyone has said, patience is key with rstyle. And you have to be blunt and specific with what you say, too. Their English isn't great.
  25. I came across those eyelids on Carmate the other week. Can't say they do much for me, personally. Batman kinda came to mind when I first saw them too, lol, so its not just you. Also, I just can't get into these aftermarket grills, except perhaps the original mesh sports one everybodys got, but with a bit of my own custom fabrication as I've mentioned here before.
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