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Everything posted by Foss

  1. Do you just mean the bulbs in the corners of the doors like I did? (They don't look particularly blue there, but they are fairly blue at night in reality). Its hardly worth parting with your money to pay Colin to do it. I'm was about to order some LEDs from Ebay, so I can get you a set of door ones while I'm at it if you want. It'll set you back $13 for the 4 if I order them with mine. Removing them is easy as pie. Stick a flat screwdriver between the top of the casing and the door trim, and pry it out. You can sorta see a couple of spaces towards either end of the casing where cou can pry it. Hard to see in the photos, but you'll (hopefully) know what I mean when you look at it. Once it pops out, unplug it and pull off the back casing.' Once thats apart you can just pull out the globe and stick the new one in, then put it all back together and just pop the whole assemble back into place. Apologies for the woeful photos. My camera phone is useless and I don't own an actual camera. Whats this logo and backlight you are getting done?
  2. OK, this is gonna come off pretty blunt. Its quite simple really. If you don't like the car, don't buy it. If you want a car that looks like a Mazda, then buy a Mazda. If you want an exciting car, don't buy a Camry. Or an Aurion. Or a Corolla. They were never meant to be exciting cars. But then, go buy something thats meant to be exciting like a WRX STi, or a Lancer Evo, and see how long it is before you miss the interior of your trusty ol' Camry. Also, leather is expensive. Leather gear is expensive. It would cost a lot of money to offer a whole bunch of different colored leather options. And a decent leather lounge will cost you upwards of a 4 or 5 grand. You really wanna pay that for a car seat? I know I don't! [/rant]
  3. Resurrecting this thread coz I don't think its worth creating a new one. Anybody whos put LEDs in their map lights (white ones especially), are they still functional as reading lights, or more just end up looking good but ultimately useless? I wanna put some white ones in but don't wanna lose the functionality.
  4. Theres definately a diecast model Aurion available online somewhere. I remember somebody posted it here a while back. Buggered if i can find it in a search though, and Google turns up nothing either. I think it was actually a Thai Camry, but that is just a rebadged Aurion anyway. Pretty sure it wasn't a Sportivo though.
  5. Glad I could be of some assistance. Unfortunately, although consoles are mostly PCs at heart these days, its not quite so easy as upgrading your PC. For starters, your DVD drive needs specific firmware (the internal software of the drive itself) to be able to play the games, so you can't just put any old DVD drive in. Then theres the issue of Live. If you don't have a DVD drive with the official Microsoft firmware, Live will probably detect that and probably ban you. The closest thing you may be able to get is one of those 360 HD-DVD external drives and get that installed internally, but I don't know for sure if it would work, and even if it did, it would be a waste of time and money for obvious reasons. Not quite sure why the repairer you heard from would replace teh motherboard and DVD drive. RROD generally is nothing to do with the DVD drive. Its caused by excessive heat (due to inadequate cooling, plus poor design resulting in poor airflow) causing the motherboard to flex, cracking or breaking the solder between the motherboard and processor. Microsoft fix this by resoldering the processor to the motherboard and upgrading the cooling device on your processor.
  6. Depends on how friendly you are with the guy in the spare parts department. I have saved hundreds of dollars getting stuff at wholesale pricing. Quite useful considering the amount of things I had to get directly from Toyota. But with the battery available at Jaycar for $3.95, there's no way I'd be getting it at Toyota. Definately helps. As Matt said, its who you know. We don't have a Jaycar here. But then Devonport's a bit of a sh!thole.
  7. Haha, yeah, point, mine was $17 (cheers), but these guys probably wouldn't get it for that. ;)
  8. I've noticed that if you take your foot off the accelerator when shifting it seems to respond a lot quicker.
  9. Much the same, I usually use S in the twisties. As much as I still think its a woeful excuse for a 'Sports' or 'Manual' mode, after giving her that good run down Hobart way, I've at least been convinced that its not completely useless. I drive it between 2nd and 4th and I use my gears for slowing a bit too. Nah, Matt, 90 wasn't so much around town. I live out Spreyton near the golf course, so its just suburban streets, and since its happened a couple times I keep a bit more of and eye on it now. Never taken the Aurion to Barrington or Nowhereelse. Furthest I've been up that way is Acacia Hills up Nook Rd a bit. Through Forth isn't too bad. If you come off the highway at the Braddons Lookout turnoff and follow that road and hang left at the pub, that road back to Don Rd is pretty good for it, and the turn off to the right halfway along that road takes you towards Spreyton and Barrington, thats got some good bends as well. I'm thinking once Summer comes I might take her for a run down Coles Bay or St Helens. Lake Leake/Coles Bay road were good fun in the Lancer, and it'd also be interesting to see how the Aurion handles St Mary's Pass.
  10. Dunno about elsewhere in the country, but in Tassie you have up 30 days after the rego period begins to put your sticker on. That said, the fact that he pulled you over and you paid your rego while he was writing the fine, I reckon that means the fine is still valid. Would it be believeable that you were on your way to pay your rego when you got done? Thats the only way I see of you being able to get out of it.
  11. Yep. Every time I drive out my driveway. I can be driving out around my street and look down and "sh!t, I'm going 90"! Its incredible. When I picked her up from Hobart the other week I came back through the back roads through Campania and Richmond and that, and I certainly wasn't pottering (cough...160kmphs straights... cough) and some of the corners through there are tight as a ducks ****, and she just pulls around and grips. Its awesome!
  12. Started working on a new track the other night. Like all my other stuff, its not so much a remix as an original track with some samples pulled from other sources. Very early stages, no structure or anythign as yet, purely just knocked up to test how the loops I've actually finished work together, and to test it on my car system. Paradigm - Edge of 17 (Prerelease 20100403)
  13. You don't need new remotes. As Scoota said, just crack open the remote using the slot at the bottom. You may find you have trouble finding one though. I searched all over the city I live in, as well as in town where I work, and around a few other town around the state when I have stopped while passing through. I tried Chickenfeed, chemists, jewellers, Repco & Autobarn, Coles, Woolies... the list goes on. None of them sold that battery. I ended up having to bit the bullet and buying one from my local Toyota dealer. Cost me $20.
  14. I got given a RROD 360 a while back. I can guarantee that none of the home remedies work, coz I tried 'em all. Your best bet is to send it to Microsoft. RROD extends past the ordinary warranty period. I believe you got an extra 3 years on top of your standard warranty for RROD errors. Check out this page to register your console with Microsoft, and then you should be able to check your warranty status and request repairs, etc. Alternatively, call up Microsoft tech support and take it up with them Also, even if it is out of warranty, Microsoft will still repair it, though they charge $120 (last I checked) to repair it.
  15. Theres white in there too, you know, so its actually the mighty Saints colors!
  16. I've been hosting my images that I've been posting here on my business website, but I've just discovered that with the heavy traffic TOCAU gets, its hitting my 2gb bandwidth of my web hosting plan pretty quick. Been using 4shared for a few months to host my music production and DJ promo mixes and stuff, and with 10gb storage and no bandwidth limit, I figured I would start hosting my images there. Problem is, I have no idea how to post the image itself in forum posts. I can get a link to the file from 4shared, but its only a link to a HTML file, not to an actual image file, which makes it kinda hard to post here as an image. Does anybody here host images on 4shared and know how to do this?
  17. Replace one of the batteries the other day (Holy cash grab Batman! They're $20 each!). It seems ok now. Odd though that after only 6 months the battery in the spare went, and that key never gets used. Also odd is that the spare wasn't giving me any warning on screen about it being low.
  18. For the most part, I like it. I like the color scheme, and don't think they need to be changed, just some a little less bold. The really bold colors kinda take away from the softer stuff and makes reading not so easy on the eyes (although my eyesight is up the proverbial, so maybe its just me). Also not a fan of the way that stickies display still at the top of the list, but as part of the whole list. Having them seperated from the rest was easier to differentiate the stickies from the regular threads. All in all, though, I'd say its an improvement.
  19. For all the bad **** I hear about Tempe, why does everybody recommend them?! I've had a few people down here in Tas who have suggested I buy my rims from them, and a lot of people on TOCAU seem to use them. Are they just unbelievably cheap in comparison to other places or something? I personally can't say much for their customer service, I sent them an email last Thursday arvo and still no response!
  20. I doubt i would be interference when I have parked in the same spot at home for the past 5 months, and roughly the same spot near work since I've had the car, and not had any trouble in the past. I wouldn't think it'd be a battery either, coz the spare only has a new battery put in a few weeks back. But then, stranger things have happened. And don't worry, I would never throw my key fob. I'm sure we all know that feeling of such frustration at something that you just wanna throw the bloody thing, but at pushing $300 (or whatever it is) replacement cost, thats money that I could spend better on other things. Like mods for my car. :D
  21. I think theres something wrong with my locking system. Its been giving me issues for about a week or so, but I put it down to the fact the key battery is going flat. What's been happening is that when I walk up to the door and grab the handle, sometimes the car won't unlock. If I take a few steps back, walk up again and grab it, or if I pull the key fob out of my pocket and press the button it works fine. Once unlocked, I have had no trouble pressing the button on the door to lock it again... Until this morning. Went out to my car to go to work and grabbed the handle. Nothing. Took a few steps back, walked back up, and grabbed the handle. Nothing. Took the fob outta pocket and pressed the button. Nothing. Nothing from the boot release either. Wasn't gonna test the alarm button at half 7. Resisting the urge to peg the key fob up the street, went inside and got the other one. Grabbed the handle, unlocked no worries. Got in, started fine, drove to work. When I got to work, I got out and pressed the button on the door. Nothing. Took out the 'flat' key fob and tried again. Nothing. Put the flat one on the kerb a few feet up from the car, to make sure it was well out of range and tried again. Nothing. Pressed the lock button on good fob. Nothing. Same with 'flat' one. Ended up locking the car manually. Anybody had similar issues?
  22. To turn your car into a LHD Volkswagen? :P Thats a nice finish. Never seen it before. Kinda looks like CF, but in negative. As a side note, whats up with that speedo?!
  23. There's no point importing an IS350 because Lexus Australia are putting them on sale here later in the year... But if you had the money to blow, how cool would it be to have one FIRST!
  24. Just been thinking. Whats cooler than fake carbon fibre..... Answer: REAL carbon fibre! Would anybody else be interested in getting these parts we've been covering fabricated out of real CF? If I can get enough people interested, I might be able to source a decent price to make the bits. I'm more than happy to forfeit my bits and pieces for a few weeks to be used as templates. What do you guys reckon?
  25. Meaning ? Meaning Supra engines are build with better internals than necessary. Hence you can boost the sh!t out of them without them going bang.
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