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Everything posted by Foss

  1. Seems the law is pretty much the same across the country now, then. Tassie is the same - only allowed for making calls, only if in a cradle designed for the phone, only with handsfree, and only if you never touch the phone itself while driving. I don't know that it has to be an actual handsfree docking cradle, the law here only states a cradle. My phone came with a windscreen-mountable cradle which is just a holder, and as far as I'm concerned, that should be sufficient (though as far as I'm concerned, it shouldn't matter a sh!t whether I have my phone in my pocket, a cradle, the cup holder, or cable-tied to my spoiler, providing I don't touch the damn thing. For some people, it should be.
  2. Foss

    SPAM Thread

    Do brand new, never driven tyres degrade that much over 2 years?
  3. Essentially, sleeping in would make you gain weight more than if you were awake. Lower metabolic rate = less calories burned = more stored as bodyfat, whereas if you were awake you'd be burning more therefore storing less. The whole thing about not eating before bed, though, is a bit of a myth. I mean, don't go having a steak dinner or a big mac, but a light snack of something healthy within an hour or 2 of going to bed actually does more good than bad. Make sure you always have a nutritious breakfast when you wake up, to fire up your metabolism, and you should be aiming to eat something every few hours to keep your metabolism doing its thing, despite what your parents always told you, you actually should be snacking between meals (just not on chocolate and cake). And theres no substitute for exercise. HIIT or SSIT workouts are the best for fat burning. Don't get sucked into jogging on a treadmill at 6kmph for half an hour, coz while that might burn a handful of calories while you're doing it, once you stop you go back to burning 5/8 of f all. Interval training sets you up to continue burning extra for hours afterward. The more muscle you have also means more fat you burn. You burn roughly 6 calories a day for every pound of muscle, so hit those weights, too.
  4. 4. Double-Wall 3" stainless tips. No other exhaust mods done, don't see the point in forking out $1k for the minimal gain to be had, plus I changed them more for cosmetics than anything, coz I was just over looking at those crappy $5-Supercheap-ish stock chrome things. 5. High-Gloss Metallic Black interior refinish. Can't see the metallic real well in these photos, but when its in direct sunlight or bright light it looks great. When theres no light on it, its just piano black, and looks like black glass. I've also done the door grip inserts and the silver door garnishes, pics to come. Eventually I'll do the climate control unit and head unit facia, and I'm gonna take out the remaining stock silver painted bits around the shifter and storage box and have them nickel plated for a mirror chrome finish. Next stop, rims!
  5. Figured I should post up some updates. Done a few bits and pieces over the last couple of months. 1. Eyelids 2. Shiny metallic blue calipers. Red ones are dime a dozen, and I think blue looks tops on the white car. Eventually the cool looking caliper paint job may be complimented by a set of DBA 4000 series slotted rotors, but theres more important things to do first. 3. Ultra Racing front strut brace. So she corners just that little bit better.
  6. Foss

    SPAM Thread

    Is that what you call you bedroom? :P O Ha Ha F*ckn HA. Go do what your mum said and date your sister ahahahaha, still cant believe that what a perfect day that was! Nah, I'm good. Leave that to Tux.
  7. iTunes? XBMC? Or you may need to download a codec.
  8. Foss

    SPAM Thread

    Is that what you call you bedroom? :P
  9. Foss

    SPAM Thread

    If you're only 2 years away from getting long service, you're probably entitled to have it paid out pro rata when you leave, just like with your annual leave. The only way to become redundant is if your employer decides they no longer want your job to be done by anybody, or if they go down the tubes.
  10. I paid mine early last week, shot Steve a message on about Wed or Thurs I think and mine went through Thrus or Fri. Not that thats much help to you, but just FYI.
  11. Foss

    SPAM Thread

    Min has done 80,000 on the original Michelin Energy poo that it came with. That said, the last owner was a some foreign Dr. high up in the DHHS, so it was probably nanna'd until I got hold of it. She's well about due now, just trying to hold off for a month or so til I get my new rims, don't wanna go blowing $1000 on rubber to last me a month!
  12. Just a note to all you Collingwood supporters.... You might wanna watch these to desensitize yourselves, so the disappointment wont feel so bad this evening. :P http://www.youtube.c...h?v=Skd9T3hbUII Sorry in advance. Better luck next year. ;)
  13. Foss

    JOKES !!!!

    This ones an oldie, but I feel its appropriate for the day. A bloke walks into a bar with a crocodile and asks the barman "do you serve Collingwood supporters?" "Yes, of course. We serve anybody!" replies the barman. "Well," says the fella "I'll have a VB, and a Collingwood supporter for the croc."
  14. I reckon that would be considered a form of 'impersonating a police officer', which as far as I'm aware is an offence. The app itself probably wouldn't be illegal, and you could probably play with it to your hearts content, unless you use it in a way that gives people the impression of a police car (eg. following somebody and turning it on causing them to think they are being pulled over by police). And on another thought.... why the hell would you want to do this anyway?
  15. We've pretty much got the routes planned, but still undecided on Saturday's route. We've narrowed down 2 options for that day, so your input on which route to take is most welcome. Way may end up just saying 'sod it' and decide on the day. As we're based on the North West Coast, we've planned our routes from Devonport. If you're from Launceston we'll meet you somewhere there on the way, and if you're from down south, feel free to throw up your own route, or come meet us up north Friday morning and head through with us. Rough Itinerary Friday: Head from Devonport mid morning, through Frankford Hwy to Beaconsfield, then down the East Tamar to Launceston. Probably stop somewhere around Launie for some lunch, then cruise along the Tasman Hwy to St Helens. Saturday: We haven't decided on Saturday yet, so we're putting it up for vote (or we'll just say stuffit and decide on the day). Heres the options: Option 1 - Head from St Helens down the Tasman Hwy to Coles Bay. For a bit more fun, reckon head up St Marys Pass and then back down Elephant Pass. or Option 2 - Head from St Helens, up through St Marys, along the Esk Hwy to Conara Jcn and down to Campbell Town. From there head along Lake Leake Rd to Coles Bay. Sunday: Head from Coles Bay back along Lake Leake Rd to Campbelltown, then up to Cressy, through Bracknell, to Deloraine. If we leave Coles Bay mid afternoon we should be in Deloraine early evening to stop at the Del pub for tea.
  16. I know Tassie events haven't had much uptake here in the past, but theres always a chance somebody may be interested in coming along so here's the info... This won't be a TOCAU only event, there will be members from ToyoTAS forums and also a handful of our mates. So not just Toyota drivers, but a bunch of people, bunch of cars, and a bunch of Tassie's excellent driving roads and scenic coastal towns. Its gonna be a big weekender, enjoing the sun, the sand, and the scenery of our northern, east coast, and midland roads. Leaving from Devonport, we'll be heading to St Helens for the Friday night, enjoying the Saturday morning in St Helens, and then continuing on to Coles Bay in the afternoon for the Saturday night. Routes between destinations will allow for a good balance between enjoyable roads for drivers and reasonable travel time for those not so inclined. Accommodation costs will vary depending on the number of people, and whether decide to sleep under canvas or Colorbond, but should cost no more than about $150 (and quite likely under $100) per person for the 2 nights, assuming we have at least half a dozen people. Last Cruise along the Lyell hwy we managed 5 cars & 8 fellas so it would really be great this time to see some more people and a bigger variety of rides. So come along and enjoy our beautiful state, it's unique roads, beaches and have a laugh along the way with some mates!
  17. Just wrote this up in a PM for a member who wanted to know how I went about refinishing my centre console plastics from the standard flat metallic silver to high gloss metallic black, and figured I'd throw it up here as well for the benefit of anybody else wanting to attack theirs. Supplies: Paint High gloss acrylic clearcoat (I use the 3M brand pressure packs) Plastic flexi primer 2000 grit wet&dry sandpaper Scotchbrite Prepwash 02B polish (I use the Autoglym 'Bodyshop' brand) Your favourite car wax Bucket Washing up detergent Rags & polishing pads/cloths Steps: 1. Put some washing up detergent in your bucket then fill with cold water. This will be your sanding/rubbing solution. The detergent helps to lubricate the surface as your rub, reduces the chance of your pad cutting in or gripping. 2. Wet your scotchbrite and squeeze out excess water. You want it wet, but not so much that its dripping all over the floor. Rub your parts with the scotchbrite to scratch up the surface to allow the paint to adhere better. Be firm, but be careful not to tear. You want it lightly scratched, not deeply gouged - deep gouges and imperfections will show through your finish, which means more work in the final steps. 3. Get some prepwash on a rag and wipe down all your parts. This cleans any grease and contaminants off your parts so theres nothing to counter the paint. Be sure to try this on the back of one of your parts first, because prepwash is a solvent and can melt some plastics. Mine survived unharmed, but your particular brand of prepwash might not be so kind, so better to be safe than sorry because those silver panels are expensive as hell! Once you wipe down each part, wipe them dry with a clean rag. Allow a good 10 minutes for any excess to evaporate/dry. 4. Spray on your plastic primer. Apply in 2 to 3 light coats. Ensure full coverage, as your next layers won't stick as well to unprimed spots. Different brands recommend different times to let dry before applying your color coat, but I find its best to leave it at least half hour, even if the can recommends less. 5. Apply color coat. Start by applying 2 or 3 coats around all your edges. Once those flash off, you can paint the rest. Again, several light coats, and ensure full coverage. 3 or 4 coats should be enough, sometime you might need and extra one if you have any bare bits. Allow to dry for at least an hour before applying clearcoat. 6. Apply clearcoat. I do about 5 or 6 coats, gives me plenty of thickness for sanding. Apply each coat thicker than with your color coats, but not so thick it runs. Best to let dry for at least 48 hours now before sanding. 7. Make up a fresh bucket of soapy water. Cut off small pieces from your sheet of 2000 wet&dry, wet this in your bucket, and carefully sand your clearcoat smooth. It will go dull and scratchy, don't stress, polishing will shine it up nicely again. Avoid sanding edges, because it doesn't take much to sand right through the paint on the edges. 8. Grab a polishing cloth and your 02B polish and buff the buggery out of them by hand until they come up nice and shiney and you can hardly see any scratches anymore. 9. Apply your favourite car polish and wax, and maintain it just as you would your exterior paint. Thats about all there is to it. Just be careful and take your time. The key to a good finish is mostly in the preparation, so having a surface well prepped for painting can save you a lot of work in the end. Once finished, if done well, it will look like this: Good luck, and happy painting.
  18. Haven't seen any instructions online, but if you go to your local dealership their parts guys should be able so hook you up with an exploded diagram of how the who assembly goes together.
  19. And heres the dash and door strips and handles. (Excuse the sun flare) Not sure whether to do that section around door lever/window switch, of whether that would be overkill.
  20. Cheers gents. DJ, I couldn't apply it that smoothly either. Trust me, there was plenty of wetsanding of clearcoat involved to get that smooth glassy finish. Its not too bad for fingerprints, but its definately attracts dust quick. I'm so anal about it at the moment that I've actually started keeping a microfibre buffing cloth in the glove box and clean it regularly. VFX, haven't done around the head unit area yet. Waiting until I get my touchscreen and modify my DIN facia, otherwise I'll have to sand back the paint and redo it. When I do the facia I'm gonna try taking apart the aircon unit and doing that too.
  21. Yep, toothpick, or a very fine artists paintbrush. Be sure not to fill the chip flush with the rest of the paintwork. Once that dries (completely dry, not just flashed off) get a clean, very fine artists brush and apply a bit of high gloss clear nailpolish. If you get any 'overflow' of the clear, give it a couple of days to be sure its completely hard, then very (and I mean extremely!) carefully wetsand with some 2000 grit wet & dry, then polish out your sanding marks with an appropriate cut & polish. If you aren't comfortable with the sanding bit, probably best not to attempt it, or don't blame me if you bugger the surrounding paintwork. ;)
  22. wow someone likes there ford torous enough to do that wow indeed Or didn't like it very much at all, and thought "I know how I can improve this....!" ...and failed miserably.
  23. Bit of a thread resurrection here. Ripped all the interior apart again and threw out all the carbon fibre look vinyl I'd covered it with. Now it looks like this.....
  24. Wouldn't this just add to the confusion of giving directions by numbers? Tourists will start getting all levels of lost if you send them off exit 8, without realising that a new exit now exists between 7 and 8, so exit 8 is now exit 9, and the new exit 8 leads somewhere else entirely. At least by saying "take the Airport exit" you'll send them to the airport, regardless of whether its exit number 8, 9, 12 or 67. This Vic Roads idea is the same as our M3 here where the exit number refers to the kilometres away from the CBD. This is why there was the joke about adding an exit between two of them. So in the case of the above, exit 8 will always be exit 8. Refers to the amount of KM's away from the CBD Are you 100% sure about this? I'm sure it's actually just a count down rather then how many KM's left. Wouldn't this just add to the confusion of giving directions by numbers? Tourists will start getting all levels of lost if you send them off exit 8, without realising that a new exit now exists between 7 and 8, so exit 8 is now exit 9, and the new exit 8 leads somewhere else entirely. At least by saying "take the Airport exit" you'll send them to the airport, regardless of whether its exit number 8, 9, 12 or 67. lol, well it's not like building a new exit is a daily occurrence so being confused is highly unlikely. lol, you've obviously never been to Tasmania! They're always f****n changing something!
  25. That would be exit 7.5 or 7 1/2.... now that would get confusing at freeway speeds. Does this mean exit 9 3/4 leads to Hogwarts? Wouldn't this just add to the confusion of giving directions by numbers? Tourists will start getting all levels of lost if you send them off exit 8, without realising that a new exit now exists between 7 and 8, so exit 8 is now exit 9, and the new exit 8 leads somewhere else entirely. At least by saying "take the Airport exit" you'll send them to the airport, regardless of whether its exit number 8, 9, 12 or 67.
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