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Everything posted by Foss

  1. Just had a thought. Is the shape issue and overall thing, or just the different shape around the audio controls? Wondering whether it would work by swapping out the Lexus audio controls for the stock Aurion ones? Or maybe I should stop being such a cheapskate and buy the wheel and the airbag?
  2. Why? Surely if you were going to go to the effort of stealing a car you'd make it worthwhile?
  3. I don't think he was suggesting that TRDs and Hiluxes have Toyotalink, so much as referring to what DJ said about Aurions not being easy to steal... Red, never heard that, but if theres any truth to it its a bit of a worry. I'd have thought your key encoding would have been linked to more than just your VIN though? Bit of a bad oversight on Toyota's part if its not!
  4. Quoted from Fuel Miser in the kit poll topic, the fragment I've bolded got me thinking, but I felt this thread more appropriate to raise such a discussion. What would be the insurance implications of having this fitted, whether it be DIY or in kit form? I can see insurance inspectors finding it installed and rejecting your claim on the basis that the driver aides "may have been" turned off at the time of the accident. If the system doesn't log an event each time you enable or disable, you would have no way of proving your aides were enabled.
  5. Yeah, point the Brooksy. At the end of the day, the safety issue is a bit of a null point, given its really not that hard to turn it off anyway. Plus being able to turn it off is good. You may or may not know how it goes round and round in circles in a car park in the wet with the TCS off.... not that I know anybody who would do that! Wink wink, nudge nudge.
  6. I looked up photos of the current American Avalon , uhhhhhh .... not a fan at all. It looks bland, boring and old and looks too much like a Nissan Maxima. Looks a bit Gen5 Camry-ish to me. Just bigger, American, and f*cken ugly (those last 2 kinda go hand in hand). The next Aurion is ages away yet, people can speculate all they like, and sales reps can feed us full of bullsh*t, but I highly doubt anything that anyone outside of TMCA's inner sanctum has been shown is credible. I reckon its pretty unlikely, too, that their marketing guys would drafting brocures this far out. Let alone sending them to dealers!
  7. Your point is valid, but I couldn't justify spending that much money on the system, if money wasn't an issue, or if it was much cheaper, then I'd definitely get one Much the same reason its a no from me. Its like buying bottled water - sure, it takes a bit longer to get water out the tap and chill it in the fridge, but I can't justify $3.50 for a bottle of the same stuff that comes out of my taps for free. $250 for the kit sounds reasonable considering the effort you guys would be putting into developing it, but for the amount of use I'd get from it, I'd sooner pay that for, say, a stapler. For those that would get the use, though, it seems like a good thing. It may be a FWD, but its still quicker than your GTFour. ;)
  8. And of course you can't go searching in the service area! You might get your hands dirty! :P
  9. You work in the parts office. Just look it up ya lazy so and so!
  10. I'm going to assume that cars aren't uncommon in Saudi Arabia, and therefore you probably know other people who have them. My suggestion is to talk to them, see what they do to protect theres. Maybe find your nearest auto accessories shop or bodyshop and have a talk to them.
  11. Try this. What I wanna know is why the hell do all these cheap chinese knockoff have the ability to have 2 or 3 SIMs, yet even the best high end business phones don't have this technology?!
  12. 1. Read the buy/sell rules. Coming here flogging your wares isn't welcome, especially if you're not contributing anything valuable to our community. 2. I call bulls**t. You claim your products are brand new. Yet most of your DJ products are discontinued - some of them have been so for several years. No way can you be selling a package of 2 CDJ1000MK3s and a DJM800 for 800euros. Thats roughly $1100 Australian dollars! For over $5000 worth of gear? Bollocks!
  13. It would also be illegal to remove the innards from your cat to make it a straight through pipe that just looks like a cat from the outside. ;) Just sayin'
  14. Foss

    JOKES !!!!

    Tim and Janice met on a singles cruise and Tim fell head over heels for her. When they discovered they lived in neighboring cities only a few miles apart Tim was ecstatic. He immediately started asking her out when they got home. Within a couple of weeks, Tim had taken Janice to dance clubs, restaurants, concerts, movies, and museums. Tim became convinced that Janice was indeed his soul mate and true love. Every date seemed better than the last. On the one-month anniversary of their first dinner on the cruise ship, Tim took Janice to a fine restaurant. While having cocktails and waiting for their salad, Tim said, "I guess you can tell I'm very much in love with you. I'd like a little serious talk before our relationship continues to the next stage. So, before I get a box out of my jacket and ask you a life changing question, it's only fair to warn you, I'm a total golf nut. I play golf, I read about golf, I watch golf on TV. In short, I eat, sleep, and breathe golf. If that's going to be a problem for us, you'd better say so now!" Janice took a deep breath and responded, "Tim, that certainly won't be a problem. I love you as you are and I love golf too; but, since we're being totally honest with each other, you need to know that for the last five years I've been a hooker." "Oh wow! I see," Tim replied. He looked down at the table, was quiet for a moment. Deep in serious thought he added, "You know, it's probably because you're not keeping your wrists straight when you hit the ball."
  15. $1.55/L! What a joke!

  16. Tuesday night. Nah, not midnight. Mid evening, moreso.
  17. Funny you should say that, coz..... Yeah. Take that. :P
  18. Meshed the front lower grille. Cracked out the CLR and buffed some rust spots off my stainless tips, then Purple Polished the sh!t outta them.
  19. Foss

    SPAM Thread

    Not that I've read. The last update to the Buy/Sell Rules was back in July when the 'supporters only' rule was brought in. http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=44&view=findpost&p=405657 I'm not sure much at all is happening in the DJKOR department at the moment. I think the man has finally snapped.
  20. Foss

    SPAM Thread

    Because you aren't a paid up supporter.
  21. Did you happen to try your paddles again after replacing the fuse? Wondering whether the fuse was blown when using the paddles?
  22. You get a sleeve which fits over the end of the shaft. You then fit your knob and screw it on tight. You can fit a new shifter knob like that, too.
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