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Everything posted by Foss

  1. Got some friends moving across to Perth and considering making the move myself, but getting a job in my field (and even just getting a response to applications) seems to be a losing battle. So, I'm interested to hear from anybody who's had experience/success finding work interstate, and how difficult the process was. Anybody?
  2. That's really not necessary to change your park lights. 1. Turn your wheel in on the side you're changing (ie. if you're changing the drivers side globe, turn your wheels left, and vice versa). 2. Undo the the clips/bolts that hold the inner guard to fender and bumper. 3. Reach in, find park light, twist until it comes out. 4. Swap old bulb for new one. 5. Replace park light housing and twist to lock in. 6. Replace clips/bolts that hold inner guard to fender and bumper. Rinse and repeat. Its that simple. No need for jacking up and removing the wheel and whole inner guard. However it can be fiddly because you can't see what you're doing, so if you have big ape hands like me, you might need to append steps 3 to 5 with "swear profusely".
  3. At the moment, the local top40 station, because I'm driving a borrowed car with crappy speakers and a cassette deck. Generally though, mostly trance and progressive house lately. And not the Ministry of Sound and Tiesto/PvD/Darude Euro Trance type, but the more underground tech trance and proggy stuff. Occasionally a bit of hard dance too, but with not much good coming out of the UK Hard Trance scene of late, not so much of that.
  4. Ya recon? you got a 100k+ to throw down on a car surley a 2-3k MAX imo is the way to go? rather then spend 3k on permanent painting? He drives the car he likes to see, then peels it off in the end to show a nice shiney paint job and gets max price back. surley thats win win. That'd be an ar.se of a job to take off, too. I remember when my old man decided to change that chunky decal everyone was putting up the sides of their dualcab 4x4 Hiluxes in the mid 90s. That took ages to do! You'd have to really love your car in satin black to be bothered going to that much effort. Rings a bell.
  5. Foss

    JOKES !!!!

    A 7 year old and a 4 year old are in their bedroom. "You know what," says the 7yo, "I think its time we started swearing. When we go down stairs for breakfast, I'll swear first, then you." "OK" says the 4yo, and they head downstairs. Mum asks the 7yo what he wants for breakfast. "I'll have Coco Pops, b!tch." Whack! He flys out of his chair crying his eyes out. Mum looks at the 4yo and sternly says "and what will you have?" "Dunno" he says, "but it won't be f*****g Coco Pops!"
  6. I don't know if IPB software has this ability, but over at ITM they have it set to disable certain features to new members. Until you've been a member for (I think) 14 days you can't post thing like links or URLs, and your ability to post in certain sections is limited or disabled depending on your post count or length of membership. Surely people don't need to ask why they can't sell poo on the forums? More to the point, if selling poo is a common thing, I think post moderation is probably not the primary issue here.
  7. Surely you'd respray before you'd wrap a whole car? I'd have thought wrapping would be a considerably more expensive exercise. Either way, dislike. Satin/Matte finishes look... well... unfinished IMO. Much prefer a nice clearcoat buffed to look like glass.
  8. 1984 Ford Telstar Ghia 2000 Mitsubishi Lancer VR-X coupe 2007 Toyota Aurion ZR6 Half considering defecting to a Holden VE Ute, but I just can't bring myself to give up the Aurion willingly.
  9. I've seen 2 different white TRDs in Ulverstone (anybody who knows NW Tas will understand the significance of this) within the last 24 hours.
  10. As in the stuff for your washers? Whats wrong with the additive you can buy from Supercheap?
  11. Definately different, but I can't say I'm a fan. Did lol though at the effort he's put into "improving" his car, but kept the tacky stock zorst tips.
  12. Now with RDA slotted front rotors. No noticeable increase in braking performance over good condition stock rotors (but then, I didn't expect there to be), though an obvious performance increase over my old scored warped ones. But they look pretty. And slotted rotors = +10kw, brah! (Yes, I know my wheels are covered in filth and sh!t. No they haven't been cleaned in 2 months.)
  13. Midnight mechanics were back in business tonight fitting some shiny new RDA slotted front rotors. Bye-bye warped rotor vibration, hello barely noticable increase in braking performance!
  14. +1 Be careful on the road peeps, you never know what might happen... Last week some stooge in a VW Golf almost rear ended me on the motorway. I high beamed heam continuously as he overtook me, he just sped off almost taking out 3 other vehicles.. I had a d!ck who didn't like being high beamed a few months back. On the highway, after dark in a storm. W*nker in a Bravo or Rodeo or something speeds past the handful of cars behind me and then cuts in front of me so close I couldn't see his towbar (so obviously only in front by a few feet) when there was a good half a km or straight clear highway in front of me. Gave him a couple quick flicks of the highbeams just to say "hey d!ckhead, I'm right here!". He had a HID strobe (y'know, the kind of high speed flashing spotlight that hunters use to disorient deer at night) strapped to his cab guard pointed backwards, and he felt that switching this on in my eyes for about 10 seconds - at night, in pitch darkness, in a storm, at 110km/h, with at least half a dozen other cars behind me - was an appropriate response to my flick of the high beam. Then he took off. Was tempted to chase after him and show him how it feels to not be able to see for a bit. Lucky for him I was on my way to a gig, and didn't want to get blood on my suit.
  15. New goodies arrived! Midnight mechanics back in business tonight!

    1. Adamsy


      We smashed it lol

    2. Adamsy


      actually are the pics up yet? had a quick look couldnt see them lol

  16. It uses so little power when you car is off that it shouldn't effect your battery noticeably. I left mine plugged in for days once with no problems. Never used DashCommand for Android, but on my Windows computer it detects protocol and connects fine.
  17. As far as I know the $30 eBay ones are just covers that just stick on over your existing handles, and look a bit tacky. You want the ones that replace your existing handles. I think they can also be found on eBay sometimes for around $100. You could buy the genuine Presara ones, but they'll have holes for the Smart Entry buttons on the front handles.
  18. Bollocks What sort of noise? I'd be more inclined to assume its the intermediate shaft issue. Unless you've had that fixed already?
  19. Clearly this happened from drivng the wheels of the machine trying to keep up with a certain blue one through st marys pass :P there was no chanced of keeping up with you with your setup ! Keep up? Least you didn't get ditched by your mates and stuck behind some old so-and-so in an SV6!
  20. Foss

    JOKES !!!!

    True mate, theres nothing worse then the melbourne weather, Spent two ours to wash my car once only to have it ***** down rain on my way to work the next day -.-.... You think Melbourne weather's bad? Try living in Tassie! At the risk of starting a p!ssing contest, last year I spent 6 hours detailing my car one sunny Saturday only to have a storm start that night for the next several days. Oh and for the sake of staying on topic with the thread... Why did the scarecrow win the Nobel Prize? He was outstanding in his field. (Don't pretend you didn't laugh.)
  21. Example - Changed The Way You Kissed Me
  22. Dammit! New goodies arrive and they're 20mm too small! Bastards!

    1. Adamsy


      Suck it up princess lol

    2. Foss
  23. Aurion: Now with Lift! (OK, so we think we're funny )
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