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Everything posted by Foss

  1. Item: Korg Kaoss Pad 3 Location: Tas Condition: As new. Reason for sale: Don't use anymore. Price: $500 neg. (plus postage at buyer's expense) Description: A most excellent piece of kit. FX unit, sampler, and midi/USB controller all in one. I bought it late last year for use in my DJ setup, but never really found the time to learn how to use it to its full potential, and found myself rarely using it when DJing. I've only used it a handful of times at home, never at gigs. Its in mint condition, and comes with all original packaging, manuals, and paperwork, and is still under manufacturer's warranty.
  2. Anybody had much in the way of dealings with Allianz? Did a bit of a forum search and pulled up a few posts a from years back but nothing that really tells me what I want to know. Story is I'm moving interstate, so RACT won't cover me past the end of my policy, as they only insure vehicles garaged in Tas. Called up my broker that I use for some of my other insurances, they got me a quote with Allianz for the suburb I'll be in in Perth is within $100 of my current policy, so I'm no complaints there. Few things I'm wondering though... 1. Has anybody had claims through these guys? Good to deal with? No hassles with claiming? 2. I noticed some of you guys were paying premiums of around the $500 to $600 /yr mark with them for Aurion ZR6s and even TRDs, which is significantly less than the quote I just got of $1030 /yr for my ZR6 at R1 with clean record. Those posts were a few years old now, but I didn't think insurance premiums had gone up that much. I know mine haven't!
  3. By spacers I'm picturing a plate inserted between your caliper and your pad? I can't see how they'd be dangerous, as it'd just be like having a bigger backing on the pad. Legality could be iffy - some things are just illegal for the sake of being illegal, whether they're a safety hazard or not.
  4. If they're big on wineries, the East Coast Wine Route is also a goer. I went around a bunch of them a couple of years ago with my ex (she wasn't my ex at the time, lol) who is a massive wine-o. It took us great restraint to not blow heaps of dollars on wine. Theres several wine routes around the state, info can be found here.
  5. ****, where to start! Personally I'd recommend making a round trip, off the boat in Devonport, spend a couple days heading down the East Coast, few days down south around Hobart, Port Arthur, Huon Vally, etc, and then a couple of days back up the West Coast. Coles Bay/Freycinet: I use Freycinet Rentals whenever I'm down there. You get a holiday house for around the same as you'd expect to pay for a motel. Granite Views or Amos Cottage are my pick of the houses they have on offer. Mostly its a fairly relaxed place where you can just chill on the beach or have a fish, there's some boat tours of the bay, and I think even canoe hire and stuff. Also (probably the main highlight) there's the many walking paths in the Freycinet National Park, best of which is the walk to the Wineglass Bay lookout, and if they're really game they can continue on the path down to the bay itself. Port Arthur: Pretty much sells itself. Lived in Tassie all my life yet I've never been myself. One of those things I've intended to see but never got there. Apparently its highly recommended to go (except for 1 day in 1996, I'd avoid going then), so I'd put that on the list. Tahune Air Walk: A pathway built amongst the treetops of the Tahune Forest Reserve. About an hour and a half from Hobart, definitely worth checking out while down south. Derwent Bridge Pub: If taking the Lyell Hwy from Hobart to the West Coast, definitely stop at the Derwent Bridge pub for a feed. And have the burger with the lot. Best burger I've ever had. Ever. Its been nearly a year and I still haven't had a burger that comes close. Strahan: Coastal village on the West Coast. Was the destination on one of our recent cruises. Nice peaceful spot set on the Macquarie Harbour. We only spent a couple hours there for some lunch, so I can't recommend much in the way of activities, but its a beautiful spot and worth at least a stop in. Sheffield: Country town only half hour from Devonport renowned for the murals that adorn many of its buildings. I can't recommend it from my own enjoyment (doesn't interest me in the slightest) but its popular amongst tourists. Oh and of course the Spirit of the Sea sculpture in Devonport at the mouth of the Mersey River is absolutely a must see, and was in no way a waste of $200,000 ratepayers dollars for a brass statue of Zeus (or whoever the f**k it is) with a trident and his wang hanging out. <_<
  6. Now that would be awesome. Logistically it would be a nightmare. And probably pretty unfeasible given there's probably all of about 5 active Tassie members. But there are some amazing driving roads down here. That's one thing I'm gonna miss after the move - having some of the country's best roads on my doorstep.
  7. As keen as I'd be to get about it, 'fraid I'ma have to sit this one out. Planning a big cross country relocation in probably July, so really can't spare the cash, even without my car. :( Hopefully be able to get to the 2012 annual. Perth 2012 baby! ..... no?.... well I tried....
  8. $120 well spent. Smooth as silk!

    1. Adamsy


      really theres no need to advertise that you bought some new silk sheets ahahaha

    2. VF-X


      Oh He does.. =D

  9. I really have to credit Adamsy for the research and making-of-enquiries, I just jumped on the "grab me one while you're at it" bandwagon. Therefore I'm not 100% on this, so don't quote me, but I believe its a DOT 5.1 or something very similar to it. Apparently there's only this and another high performance fluid that are ok for Aurion. With a bit of luck Adamsy will spot this and confirm all this for me.
  10. i do the heavy, then frozen, then the rest and bread and eggs last. i don't feel the need to pack it all in perfectly like you though. that makes it harder for the check out person to pick up the items when they are all crammed in So you guys enjoy your biscuits, pasta, etc. crushed? Coz to take out the heavy stuff first, it has to go in last on top of everything else. Otherwise you're just fishing through everythign else to get to the heave stuff at the bottom. And thats just irish. Unpack top down IMO.
  11. Got a Davies Craig transmission cooler over the weekend and mounted it yesterday. Just used the 2 studs that are there for the genuine one and created some custom aluminium brackets to mount it. Getting it plumbed in tomorrow when I take her in for a service. Speaking of service, its 90,000km service time now. Not bothering with plugs etc, don't really feel they need doing just yet, so its just oil, filters and brake fluid. Adamsy hooked me up with some TRD fluid thats apparently safe for use in Aurion and good for 280o so I'm going to throw that in her and see how she goes. Was hoping to have some braided lines to go get installed while getting the fluid changed, but we haven't been in touch with our local who's making them, so they'll have to wait. Heres whats going into her tomorrow... Gonna take her for a test drive through some twisties tomorrow after the service, put the new brake fluid and trans cooler through their paces. Here's hoping for some improvements.
  12. Hahahaha, yet you didn't think to include TMCA Parts Skills National Championship or a free trip to Japan? (And lets not forget you 'won' a wife and 3 kids that day too! :P )
  13. Took the front apart for the billionth time yesterday and mounted a Davies Craig 677 transmission cooler. Getting it plumbed in tomorrow when I get my service done.
  14. Re your welding point, how do you come to that conclusion? At work we kinda rely on it to hold entire buildings up. That said, however, you might run into problems welding cast iron. Cast anything can be a bitch to weld because its made up of so many different materials and theres usually so much sh!t thrown in to aid in the casting process that often the weld won't take at all.
  15. FapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFap :o:blush:
  16. GSL have RDA slotted for $250 a pair (I think), so I don't think its unreasonable to think those eBay ones are the real deal. I'd sooner pay the extra $20 and buy them from GSL, though, because I daresay it'd be a bitch to make a warranty claim through that ebay seller.
  17. The few people I've spoken to with them have bought them through Ebay. Not the most desirable place to buy suspension parts, though, IMO.
  18. Windows roaming profiles, and more specifically migrating data from workstation local profiles to AD server roaming profiles. SysAdmins, amirite! Also Windows Fax and Scan is giving me much grief right now, and I'm this close to throwing our new server at a wall. Hmmm. I've been thinking that since I got here. I could understand "Avalon / Aurion / Aurion TRD", but never really understood why "Sportivo" warranted its own mention. But seeing as it wasn't causing my head to explode with frustration I just kind of got used to it....... until now!
  19. Maybe she needs to get back to where she belongs
  20. You'll find that even if you can find a dealership that's happy to sell you the TRD parts, they'll be expensive as hell. Probably in the thousands. They're priced this way to discourage people from making their regular Aurion look like a TRD. You can buy aftermarket TRD replicas from Thailand or carmate.com.au. The Carmate ones are fiberglass, not sure about the Thai ones. Fiberglass bodykits are sh!t. They break too easily, and when they do, its usually big chunks that smash out, and its messy and looks really bad. Sportivo parts you can buy from the dealer also. Its between 3 and 4 hundred all up for the front bumper and lip, I think. You'll have to pay to get it painted. All up (parts + painting) should cost you well under $1k.
  21. Until the ******ers get wet and shrink and don't line up in the arches anymore.
  22. But they're still good for those occasions when you've got to take your eyes off the TV for a sec to look where you're going.
  23. Swirl marks in paint. Any paint. Seriously, last night I cut and polished my freezer!
  24. I'm not surprised. Sounds reasonable. I paid nearly $600 for my prescription glasses (normal ones, not sunglasses).
  25. If you think you've got bad housemates, think again! (fair bit of profanity, so possibly a bit NSFW).
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