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Everything posted by httttt

  1. Good points from DJKOR and SDave above. It isn't Toyota who is the problem it is the market.
  2. Thanks. I didn't notice any other Aurions at the time... but then again, I'm a fairly ignorant driver.
  3. For best results purchase every variant available and plug them all in. MEGA HP GAINZORZ!!!! /end of sarcasm...... In all honesty, I don't recommend the purchase and install of and of these dodgy products.
  4. Reversed over a piece of concrete about half the height of a normal curb and shat my pants. It made the worst donk and massive plastic scratching noise. Lucky nothing happened except i scratched the **** out of the mud guard....... again.
  5. The Corolla in the article looks hot.... but i think it will "age" quickly.
  6. I just realised it would be around $70AUD... FAAAARKKK DAAAAT.
  7. Cheers for the reply. That makes sense about the colour.. I didnt know that. I wasn't clear in my original post tho. I don't want the foggies to be on at the same time.... It would be either or. They would kinda be like discreet DRLs.
  8. Here is a dumb one... If I get a LED or two and put them inside my fog surrounds but touching or shinning on my fog lights do you think that would be illegal? The LEDs would not be visible from the out side at all. My desired result is slight (crispy white) illumination of the fog lights. I understand I could put resistors to get a similar effect, but I don't like the yellow ting the fogs have and this is the stupid thread after all.
  9. OMG! That is awesome. I want one. I would probably only wire the red to the brakes and pending if I could be bothered I would have a switch for the white in the dash.
  10. Love it long time! Good Work.
  11. Real car modding is dying and close to dead to the mainstream public. And when I say "real modding" I am talking about massive performance gains (not the visual and cosmetic mods). Most people wont understand my distinction between the two but some might....... Although Car Manufacturing is a slower moving and more predictable market than Computer Gaming I can see a clear distinction between the two because in Computer Gaming there was massive respect and community support around modding games and getting the most out of a game. That died some as the market sped up and game development became a Hollywood style market. Instead of a game that had a 2 year life and a 3 year release cycle we now have 6month to yearly game delivery and no loyalty to a particular dev or brand. The thing that puzzles me is how the likes of the v6 and v8s keep getting faster but the 4s keep getting slower.
  12. looks the goods. Well done.
  13. Someone else might be ableto explain this further.... Or tell me I am wrong.... but. Your vote counts towards seats in parliament to vote on future decisions. If you vote for some random **** party then your vote is "wasted" because you have given a **** party some power (in vain). If the majority of the seats are heavily swayed one way then their bad decisions will go largely unopposed. You cant choose the best party, you can only choose the party that is the least crap.
  14. Abbot - Same. SS Gillard - Old Mazda Miata Greens - Prius All I know is I am not voting for Gillard because how can you vote for someone who's rise to power was mutiny.
  15. Nope. I'm content. But I think a colour coded bottom grill on a stivo might be nice. Depends on rest of the front.
  16. Welcome to TOCAU. Nice choice of car. No offense but the wheels arnt my cupa tea.
  17. I think the grill and the eyelids suit quite well. Here is what I would do tho: Get Fog lights Paint Fog surrounds, grill, bottom grill, lids and mud guards gloss black Get slim weather shields
  18. Need more pics. I think it could do with painting them glossy black. Are those DRLs?
  19. I have taken them both off and the car looks like it came off a trash heap without them. It would be legal but there would be no airflow or cooling benefits at all so why bother? I Agree.
  20. Just reinforcing what everyone else has said... E10 is "suitable" for the car but you will take a noticeable performance hit and you will get less Ks per fill. In my experience while using E10, the ECU retards something and makes the engine less responsive and creates a slight dull pinging noise while idling or after a squirt.
  21. My preference is the old non-sportivo over all others.. except the TRD. I have to say I really do not like the new non sportivo look. The front looks two sharp and without the strip the doors it look weird to me. They look more like a Honda than a Toyota to me. The new sportivo is Ok but the old has better lines on the front. The old lean towards Euro styling then new lean toward Korean styling.
  22. Be wary of am email sent out to previous Dig_Options unit purchasers prompting to check out a "supplier" that has a GPS software update for the units. The software is pirated. If you aren't going to support the makers of the software then at the very least don't pay people for something available for pirate download
  23. Ladies and Gents, Be wary of am email sent out to previous Dig_Options unit purchasers prompting to check out a "supplier" that has a GPS software update for the units. The software is pirated. If you aren't going to support the makers of the software then at the very least don't pay people for something available for pirate download.
  24. Very good point Davo... but in my case I have both the main cover and the fuse cover off because I blew a non essential fuse (My fault) but havnt replaced it yet. Dave, is this what you are referring to?
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