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Everything posted by Andrew357

  1. The MG 42 (shortened from German: Maschinengewehr 42) is a 7.92mm universal machine gun that was developed in Nazi Germany and entered service with the Wehrmacht in 1942. It supplemented and in some instances, replaced the MG 34 general purpose machine gun in all branches of the German Armed Forces, though both weapons were manufactured and used until the end of the war.

    1. Andrew357


      Yay, I can update from the homepage now!

  2. Is surprised that all the stuff for Lexus CAI was shipped on the same day, in mulitple packages by 2 sellers but I've only recieved half of the packages from either. Damn it to hell!

  3. Bah! My first chance to get a real sleep in since June 15 and I'm up at 0350...

    1. 1stKill


      body clock mate...i have the same probs on the weekends,damn early starts suck.

    2. Branno


      *Tourettes guy* AH TITS!

    3. Andrew357


      Oh well. Up to date with TopGear among other reruns.

  4. Really needs to find another huge drying towel. I'm down to 1 -__-

  5. Mine aren't blinding.. They are something. Fixed up all the wiring and put in the new battery thanks to Dee and Stu for getting a good price on a HD battery. So tired I didn't get an extinguisher, but I'll get it tomorrow. Knowing my luck, I'll get another bay fire before I get it.
  6. Really does not enjoy it when you get a fire in your engine bay.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      oh lucky dude! everything else is OK?

    3. Branno


      far out dude. That's lucky. glad to hear that's all that needs replacing.

    4. Andrew357


      Everything else is ok, I got lucky. I was so tired I forgot to buy an extinguisher; I'll grab on tomorrow. Damn double shifts.

  7. Depends if I can get my car up to speed. If not... Lexus or HSV instead.
  8. Jesus, I haven't even seen Transformers 2 yet!!! At this stage I'm not sure as to whether I can come or not, it will be a last minute thing for me unfortunately.
  9. High school ≠ study! edit: See you next week then Loki. I'll save a stick or two of Mentos for you.
  10. I hope so. I've got knock sensors and a timing belt that need replacing and wTer pump seals could b done at the same time. We've never done a strut swap at the Loop yet...
  11. Don't go to another large ***** company that has such a long probation period. Your local cafe if they need staff will throw hours at you and if you work hard and learn quickly, will put you off the probation wage quickly. Besides small business loves you under 21's because your pay, even if you are being paid your full wage.
  12. Sigh. Sometimes easier said than done. This is so true! believe me Don't take this the wrong way, but given his age and his current job; there are plenty of other jobs out there for him. It might be the same ***** but the conditions might be better. Ask your local cafe for a job
  13. Coilovers and stick with 18"s if you ask me. 19" will kill your ride quality + pricing isn't very delicious. Just grab a set of rims from TireRack. It won't even get to 4 digits AU posted with the dollar above parity!
  14. Carol and Olivia are the same peoples?
  15. Don't buy any Mentos, I have 24 rolls of Vietnamese Mint and 24 rolls of Vietnamese Fruit Mentos. I'll bring them along. Along with those outdated Penguins I talked about.
  16. On that topic of things for future reference, you log into your Cinebuzz account and go to "edit profile" (https://www.eventcinemas.com.au/Cinebuzz/MyProfile) and then scroll down to "Promotional Code". You then add the following: MSIND1226 Hopefully that still works and allows you to add it. I added it like a couple of years back and thought it was only going to last a month. Still works for $10 tickets so WIN. It's a hearty saving indeed. Just signed up
  17. Your premiums will be higher with other companies due to your accident (I'm assuming you are at fault given you are paying the excess). You will still need to declare mods to your new insurer regardless.
  18. Then I vote no to Garden City x2 :P That aside, if we go to Indro, you can add a code to your Cinebuzz account that will give you $10 tickets and it works for an additional 3 people per card. $10 tickets sounds good to me!
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