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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. hi mate. I'm loving the rims on the car on your first post of this thread. where did you get them from and how much if I may ask? I'm planning on getting these too since both our cars are identical I get a good idea how mine would look as well with those rims and it's **** sexy :D
  2. Like I said earlier in this thread and djkor pointed out, this hose is a revised part which means the original hose was obviously defective. I'm sure what ever manufacturing fault the original hose had it was fixed in the revised part. So you have nothing to worry about. We are all running the revised plastic hose and no ones had any problems.
  3. Yes you can tell if the hose has been replaced. If you read the link I gave you, you will get your answer. To put it simple, if your hose is either full metal or has a yellow dash of paint on the plastic hose it's the new revised part. Check the thread for more info and pics.
  4. I know it's old but I just heard it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf1dwvLncoU&feature=player_embedded
  5. Great to see everything turned out in the end. Good luck and happy Aurion motoring :)
  6. excuse me, but WHAT?! Please show us a scanned quote showing that pricing +1 million.
  7. Just gave her a once over with with my megs wash n wax and gave the inside a good vacuum and some tyre shine. She is looking sparkling clean again :D
  8. Great news mate, it's good to see the dealer is taking responsibility for it. Pleasure to help out, anytime :D
  9. It will be 100% free mate. I'm sure of that if your car has an outstanding CSE. Goodluck and let us all know how it goes.
  10. Shouldn't matter I'm guessing. It was serviced at Toyota all before so they should have checked if the vehicle had any outstanding CSE. You should take it back to Toyota as changing the hose was their problem. (The hose gets replaced for free under the recall/CSE even if you don't have warranty)
  11. If the dealer was too lazy to check if the VVTI oil line has been replaced or not they should get an ***** kicking because it looks like you have been the second person on this forum to become victimised of this hose burst. More reading here:
  12. Interesting being told to wait longer. Only reason I asked was because it came to my mind that night that I have never touched the coolant. When I googled most people said to do it about 80K and to never leave the drains as long as the bottles state because doing it earlier will help stop corrosion and doing it earlier will save you from doing a flush.
  13. If you are selling your 18" Kappa wheels, hit me up.

  14. My car is now on 73K and I'm thinking of changing the coolant fluid. Has anyone done it before, is it an easy process? Does anyone have a proper write up on how to change the Aurions coolant. I'll be buying the super long life coolant from Toyota. how many litres does the aurion take btw?
  15. Of course! I took my car back three times to Toyota to get the dash fixed because first couple of times it was still rattling.
  16. 1c cable tie that I have already vs. $1 hose clamp that I need to go out and buy. I'm pretty sure the cable tie is working. I will replace the hose eventually though because I probably should. May be experimenting with the operation of that valve anyways. I have plenty lying around the garage. I'll give you a couple
  17. Don't want to be too obvious but have you tried: http://www.google.com.au/search?q=remove+snapped+lug+nut&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a#q=remove+snapped+lug+nut&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=7Rq&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&prmd=ivns&ei=jrnWTYehLYbEvQObvOCUAQ&start=10&sa=N&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=a199d4d35b2816c8 ?
  18. Nice one man :D. I love reading your posts about your car. They're always interesting B). Instead of buying a tighter house and getting rid of an original hose, why just buy the things that as you screw get tighter around the hose? No clue what their name is.
  19. shiiiiiiiiiiiit, I've got a full tank of BP Ultimate in the Aurion. It's been over a year since the fuel gauge was over the FULL line. :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Synthetic05


      Me too unless i dont want anyone driving my car while im away :P

    3. 1stKill


      i think it's time you came to a meet...don't you?

    4. Silver-Aurion
  20. drove an 07astra today. I literally flat sticked several times and it no go. lol. such a difference from a v6 aurion in power :|

    1. Adamsy


      lol you think there gutless the new cruze cant move its **** to save it self! what a dog and talk about harsh and unrefined very poor powertrain and the seats god what aheaps of crap. was so happy to put my bum back in the HSD Camry drive car lol

    2. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X


  21. She never nags, she never causes me any trouble, she's always there when I need her the most, she gets me through the day. Yes, my car is the best :D

  22. Congratulations mate. Hope you enjoy the Aurion as much as we all enjoy ours! :)
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