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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. On the very first day I bought my Aurion and drove it out of the dealership I reset Trip B and never touched it because I wanted to see how many KMs I've done since I bought the car. Checking today the KMs on Trip B have reset because I'm just above 2000KM on it now. So I'm wondering when does Trip B reset?
  2. Check that tyre pressure isn't too low. I've found 38 front and 37 rear good.
  3. Oh okay. If a new Aurion does this it must be normal operation I guess. It could be the belts though? Once in my old camry my belt was loose and I had the mechanic tighten it and the noise was gone...
  4. No not really that type of noise man more of that really high pitched noise I explained in my OP. If it's normal operation I won't worry. But if it's not I'd get it checked out I guess.
  5. LMAO! That gave me a good laugh mate I'm sure it's got sufficient transmission fluid as I had it flushed and replaced not that long ago. And it's not like I can check myself. I first need to jump through rings of fire and a room filled with lions to check the fluid on these units. <_<
  6. When I put my car into reverse I can hear a very high pitched whining noise. It sounds like your old CRT TVs where it would make that high pitched whining noise when you first turn it on. It makes this noise no matter if the engine is cold or hot and it won't go away until I'm in another gear. What's going on here?
  7. Hehehe, getting $100 worth of itunes credit for $40 is definitely FTW :D

    1. RedSportivo


      how'd you do that :P haha

    2. Silver-Aurion


      I'm surprised you're the only one to ask! LOL. Well I got that $100 all legit so don't think there is some amazing way to get free credit haha. The first $50 my cousin gave to me as she won it from a work raffle. And DSE is selling $50 cards for $40 dollars and bought one. So essentially I got $100 credit for $40 :D

  8. Today I had my 75,000KM service completed at my mechanic to keep my three year factory warranty happy. I was amazed at how black the oil was even though I did an oil change my self about 6000KM ago! AND to really put the icing on the cake. I finally gave it a wash . It had been a month since it's last wash and it was depressing to look at her. After the wash I gave it a coat of wax applied with my mothers brand buffer and meguiars wax. Then two layers of tyre shine and then a deep vacuum inside everywhere. Everything is perfect now. Got it's service done and also finally got cleaned :D :D though one thing that sucks is that I do need new tyres by now. The mechanic rotated them for me though they are very close having to be changed all four. edit: anyone know where I should put this sticker(best spot):
  9. but I do have to admit it does kinda take the shine off my new car when this happens... . :( Cheers, BB Oh I know how you feel mate. It must suck. Someone like me who is OCD about things being perfect (especially when something still new) it really annoys the crap out of you! I hope you can find the cause and keep us posted on any updates & good luck. p.s, are you sure it's not wheel bearings like others have said here? Maybe direct those guys at Toyota to this thread
  10. I can't believe it's been one year already! My yearly log book serivce is due which I booked in for wednesday. Wow, I've been on these forums for a while now and had my Aurion for a while too. How does that time fly by!! :)

  11. Defjay.com and Defjay.de are the best online radio stations ever!

  12. You guys all saying red? To me it actually looks like inferno. My favourite colour on an Aurion. Especially on a sportivo!! B)
  13. received my TOC sticker in the mail today :)

    1. Steve
    2. VF-X


      How come I haven't receive mine?? =(((

    3. Silver-Aurion


      thanks steve! surprised to see it's totally different from the ones i've been seeing here on peoples cars. is this a new updated one?

      it's completely metallic silver which is pretty damn sexy since my car is also the same colour :D

  14. my car is filthy as. with the recent freezing temperature and rain and mud everywhere and birds crapping on my car. uuughh.

    1. Buff Hamster

      Buff Hamster

      Same apart from the bird crapping. No point washing the car as it keeps raining all the time.

    2. diamond white

      diamond white

      bee ******* is my problem...should go out now n thumb scratch it all off (45min job)....can't be bothered at the mo being Sunday n all lol ;0)

  15. LOL, so does that mean most of us are running on fakes. I have no clue why I find that funny but I just do
  16. Cheers. But if ultra racing hate these eBay sellers so much. Why would they sell them huge bulks of these bars and then bad mouth them?
  17. Well considering Luis IS Ultra Racing and this was said: Put two and two together. hmm, well I'll stick with what benji4138 said. lol
  18. Just because it is mentioned on UR's website that the mentioned seller is known for selling fake bars, it doesn't mean that what he purchased is necessarily going to be fake. What has been said could simply stem from Ultra Racing trying to prevent you from buying from a cheaper source. For example, you mentioned a seller "dffoo1972". Well, Luis (the Australian UR contact) mentioned that this person is selling fakes. I'm fairly sure those that purchased from that seller would say otherwise. Reason I said that was because UR mention that particular ebay member and few others but not dffoo. So I'm guessing it's either the website's not up to date or he is a genuine seller or he is fake, it's gotta be one of them! lol. It's almost impossible to tell.
  19. I have a blue Aurion Sportivo wih Black rims.... But, not lowered, and wasn't at Highpoint on Saturday... Some kind of imposter me thinks... haha, man it looked exactly like your car too. It had a really sexy stance though with the lowering and black rims against the blue sportivo.
  20. Ah ***** man. You got scammed by the looks of it. There's actually an eBay seller that I think sells the real deal. Username dffoo1972. This is stuff is coming from Malaysia so I am hoping it is the real deal. Close to the source = cheaper price. Will let you all know how I fare. If it is a fake it's a lesson learnt. lol well did you read what Dauphin3 posted just above?
  21. Hey guys, on Saturday at about 11pm there was a blue Aurion sportivo, lowered and with black rims parked right in front of the pancake parlour at highpoint. Was it anyone here? I was just leaving Hoyts cinemas with the gf and I kept looking at it. My misses got annoyed because she was like why do you keep staring at it. Haha.
  22. Quick question to TOC supporters. I thought that once we are paid members that no longer are our swear words are 'stared' out? (****) ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Silver-Aurion


      Well I have no clue what djkor and vfx are talking about :|

    3. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      u gotta learn from the master to know how to do it :P

    4. Silver-Aurion
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