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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. I went to book in my car for a B&A today. And the guy started rambling on about Nitrogen and if I would like that at an extra cost of $30 for all tyres. Then he pointed out a piece of paper on the wall the benifits etc and the whole sales pitch. I never heard of this before, so I said I'll book it in for a B&A but I'll come back tomorrow and tell you if I want the Nitrogen. So far I came up with two links about using this stuff on your car: http://www.racq.com.au/motoring_advice/abo...rogen_for_tyres http://www.toyo.com.au/tech_info11.htm Pretty much tells you everything you need to know. But just wondering if I should in my 2007 aurion that still has its stock tyres from the factory? The tyres are good for at least another 20,000KM. I'm usually driving the car by myself, and sometimes its max 4 passengers. Should I give it a pass or should I try it out? Because once its filled up with this stuff, I have to keep using it. And the guy said something like, if I do it once, I can get unlimited free refills or some crap like that, I didn't quite bother listening to his sales pitch.
  2. I'll do what DJKOR says, RTFM. It states in the manual to NOT to do this, especially in newer cars, what I do though on cold starts, is at least leave for 10 seconds, and 15 seconds max on cold nights and then drive off very easy and let the car warm up to full running temp then you can give it stick. On every cold start, I'll leave for at least 10 seconds then drive, I wont turn it on and chuck it in D straight away. But leaving it any longer is just wasting fuel and your time and apparently not good for the engine in new cars. edit: Your too fast!
  3. Thanks mate, its a huge relief to finally get those issues fixed as they were bugging me out for some time.
  4. Woohooo!! :yahoo: Gave them the car at 9.30am this morning, I had the oil line changed AND I also told them oil is leaking out of my oil cap, and I showed him, and he said they'll have a look, at 4.30pm, went to pick up the car, he said the oil cap WAS fauly, that the seal was busted, and they replaced the whole oil cap, and now when I checked back home no oil at all. They did not do a Balance and align, I got it booked in for tomorrow at 4pm at a tyre store. Awesome service, walked in, gave car, they fixed both problems, I went back got my keys and left. Did not have to pay 1 cent. First time ever I never had to give money to mechanics Here is the pic of the new hose. and here they stuck this on my drivers side door:
  5. Hmm, I'll wait then a bit guys until I have the money to spend. Of course its not needed now but they are pretty cool.
  6. Yeah mate, I've been a bit lazy to do a proper manual average. On my next refuel, I'll do it. I have a excell document that someone sent to me and I use that to do my manual consumptions.
  7. I haven't actually tested that, but it seems to pick up on it from as simple as a few minutes of city driving or after 10 or so minutes of highway driving. Those are just guesstimates based on feel. +1. I'm not sure if its a physiological thing or not but when I got the car it looks like who ever ever drove it last had a heavy foot and the car would gun it but my average fuel consumption was high. I've been taking it very easy for 2 weeks and it seems like my car likes to hesitate to gun it when I want to because of my easy driving. But I don't want my engine or ECU to be lazy so I like to give it a bit of a beating every now and then at least.
  8. About 10minutes after refuelling, when I refuel the average consumption started from 30L/100KM and started adjusting and and going all over the place until it settled. This is my second re-fill since I got the car from the dealer. First time I refilled was a full tank of shell98 and now $50 tank @ $1.42 with again shell98 again.
  9. If they are $130 I would definitely go for them. Looks like I'm much out of luck on this one. I really wanted those ones. And when I said ebay, I meant when sometimes people sell Original parts over ebay and sometimes cheaper. Not meaning that I'm look at fakes on ebay. Does the final price also include fitting?
  10. Bugger, I had a feeling this would have been the case. They are way out of my budget. Also, I'm surprised they would be hard to fit. They don't look relatively complicated, probably something I can pull off. I'll ask on Thursday what these guys best price is. I know it will still be out of my budget but see what they say. Are you willing to sell yours because they do look mean :P Do they come for both sides of the car or just one side?
  11. The sound only occurs at slow speeds of about 10km/h. I wouldn't doubt that the driving I have done has added to the wear an tear, but I wouldn't call it 'major wear and tear'. I exaggerated a little. To me it sounds really loud, but that's because I am intentionally listening to it. It's no different to the sound others are getting with the intermediate shaft etc as I have heard that one in person. Remember, my car is up to 90,000km as well and it has been driven on some pretty harsh roads just normally. Roads like the Newell Highway which Mick here would agree was a bit rough. Anyways, I accept any extra wear and tear by the way I choose to drive my car. I'd be willing to bet that it would last as long, if not longer than an Aurion driven sedately like yours. I inspect my car all over every month as part of my maintenance and tighten anything that may be loose or replace anything that my be worn. It's how the car is cared for that helps with giving it a good life. I can confess DJKOR drives an Aurion like it should be driven and is also a maintenace freak,i'm wondering if there is a bolt or clip on the Aurion he hasn't touched or at the least sussed out the workings of...so the two go hand in hand,i think by memory if you look up Aurion in a thesaurus there's a picture of Daryl's mug. Yeah. We are both the same age, off by a few months, and this guy knows heaps about this stuff. Someone was a Grade A student at school. How did you learn mate? Self taught or someone teach you? At the same age as me he is a confident guy, he knows much more then what many of us do.
  12. I really need slimline weather shields for the car, they make a huge difference in rain. Its been raining in Melbourne for the past two days and when I opened my window it would start raining inside the car. Also they look nice. as seen here: http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...st&id=10956 I checked Toyota and they want $200+ for these which is a rip off. I looked on ebay and can't find any. Does anyone know where I can grab them for both sides of the car. (they must be genuine) http://www.nunawadingtoyota.com.au/img/pdf...ory-pricing.pdf (search for part no: 0861133830)
  13. I wouldn't doubt that the driving I have done has added to the wear an tear, but I wouldn't call it 'major wear and tear'. I exaggerated a little. To me it sounds really loud, but that's because I am intentionally listening to it. It's no different to the sound others are getting with the intermediate shaft etc as I have heard that one in person. Remember, my car is up to 90,000km as well and it has been driven on some pretty harsh roads just normally. Roads like the Newell Highway which Mick here would agree was a bit rough. Fair enough, I guess I need to do a lot more driving to get that many KM's added. In fact, I don't drive much, it will take me at least 4 years just to reach 100,000KM on my car (as its already done 60,000KM) So it seems as though I won't hear any noise for a while if any, ever. This car was used for a lot of freeway/highway driving in the past as it was an ex fleet. What annoys me is that the past owner would smoke in the car. The dealer said no but I can tell he was telling porky pies when I looked at the ciggie lighter and seen its been used. But anyway I'm getting off track here.
  14. Trust me, my issue is not normal. I get mine while turning at slower speeds, and when accelerating or decelerating. It can be heard in the car even with the fan on full and sounds like a wheel is going to fall off. I have just gotten used to it. That's my solution in the meantime. And as I stated, Fulcrum even inspected it and told me I had worn steering rack mounts. Does that sound like normal? I just came back from a 10KM drive(Had to pick up something) and all the way home, even with the car dead silent, no music or anything, I tried to make the noise and I could not hear anything at all. Your one of the wheel sounds like its going to fall off could be because of the way you drive your car around tracks and stuff. You must of added major wear and tear.
  15. It is similar, but I think thats normal seriously... I just went to my dads old 92 Hiace that has no power steering and I did the same thing and I can make the same noise with that car as well. As much as I would love to change it, I don't think I will worry about it because I bet we can go thousands of KM's without anything happening, and buy then I would have sold the car long time ago and opted for a new car. My old camry had done 350,000KM and it was a 1997. The whole steering wheel rack and pinion was replaced on that twice. The first time the mechanic changed it, it was faulty and the second one was good. He said my old one had worn out and was leaking and everything known to man was falling apart. And that was after that rack and pinion had driven 350,000KM!
  16. Okay, well I went back to the car, and this time recorded a video with my iphone to capture the sound. This is me with one hand under the car holding the iphone near the rack and the other hand moving the steering wheel. (With a flashlight pointing up) (Turn up your volume a lot to hear it) To produce the sound I need to vigorously turn the wheel left to right if I do it somewhat normal there is no sound and also its hard to tell which side the noise is coming from. Thats why I kept moving the phone to find it but I can't see anything. I just don't see how this could be such a bad thing that will affect the car in someway. My steering is flawless and I hear no noise while driving fast, slow, turning, parking. Only problem I have is steer left and Toyota will be looking at this on Thursday. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IKIcXzAx-4
  17. The clunking should definitely not be there. If you get it, it will either be the intermediate shaft, the steering rack end, or the steering rack mounts. So far these seem to line up with what Toyota is doing to fix it in that they replace either the intermediate shaft, the steering rack end, or the entire steering rack. Well, I'll mention this at Toyota when I take it in one Thursday. I don't see a point though mate, they love to give the run around all the time and twist there words around a bit. I was first going in for a VVT-i oil hose change and a B&A. Now its also the oil lid and also this clunking problem. Far out. I kid you not I bet you every company puts faults in something on purpose so you spend money.
  18. Interesting stuff. The electronics in these cars are amazing.
  19. Good question, I would love to know this as well. During my 'honeymooning' period when I got my car, I would thrash her around a bit. But now I'm taking it easy and I've dropped my fuel consumption from 15L/100 to 11.4L/100. As was wondering the same thing as OP stated.
  20. Okay, well I get that same clunking noise that DJKOR took a video of on youtube. I turned the steering wheel left to right and without even getting under that car I can hear it. I just wonder though if this really is an issue or its meant to be like that. And the noise when driving slow or over bumps, I didn't notice anything like that.
  21. Weird, I never came across a noise like this in my 07 Prodigy. Guess its only a few cars with this problem. None the less, I'll look into it come morning and see if any noise comes. So from what I understand, when the car is off, just turn the steering wheel left to right swiftly and there might be that noise as seen in the video?
  22. Its amazing how these ex Gov or demo cars rack up such high KM's in such a short time. They must use these cars a lot!
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