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Everything posted by Ronnyboy

  1. How about Chopping a Gen 5 Camry aswell :lol: :lol:
  2. Yes, this will be an interesting case. Keep us posted :)
  3. Hope the person who did this to your car will Rot............ Hopefully the smaah repair do a good job aswell :)
  4. Welcome to the club mate, dont forget the pics
  5. That sucks man, was it badly damaged? Post some pics of the damage if you can....
  6. Nice pics, car still looks great :)
  7. Hope you were alright man after the accident ....... What had happen? Also post some pics aswell
  8. I heard these are pretty good... Its got a Life Time warranty (while the seller exists on ebay) which can come in handy
  9. Just noticed that DJKOR is now a Super Moderator... Congratzzzzzzz and well deserved :)
  10. Thats brilliant work there. well done mate. Like others have said, you have alot of talent.... Once again, keep it up :)
  11. No, from memory, i didnt notice the song name pop up
  12. One of my mates have one,,, The Ipod works fine but the bluetooth is crap....
  13. What a night..................
  14. Wonder if they have one of these for the Gen 5 Camry's somewhere....
  15. The Kenwood DVD unit i have allows me to choose between red and green. What colours are availabe on the E-On-On Unit?
  16. For some reason im picturing you destroying the unit....... Do you think it may be worth getting it done by a professional? What are your thoughts....
  17. Rukus aint going anywhere. Its here for the next 4 yrs atleast.....
  18. Quick Question, are these 17 X 6.5 or 17 X 7?
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