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Everything posted by JJCRU23R

  1. true it takes time.. but i think its safe to say its not rocket science. DIY and save your money (larh).
  2. JJCRU23R

    Weight Loss

    true! its not the amount weight that you can pull.. if your not doing it properly then its a waste of time! i can pull 20kg dumbells if all i wanted to do was swing the weights round... frustrated me when i saw people doing that in the gym! do it properly! FEEL THE BURN!
  3. seriously.. id go to any car accessory store that stocks them and take a closer look before deciding buyin off ebay. it is TRD, but you might not be happy with it! when it comes to TRD accessories like the knobs, fuel covers, etc., it seems like people would only buy it cos it has TRD on it and has nothing to do with performance.. just for looks and bragging rights for saying "i got TRD parts in my car". as x_tarcy said the stock knob is smoother.. so yea its personal taste i guess. i have a white leather isotta knob..but was a birthday gift! its pretty good stuff! though i wish it was black now coz it looks strange cos everything else inside the car is dark/black. the stock knob was comfortable, but i dont like the hard plastic. but yea i guess just go 4 the knob that makes you happy. btw the comment i made earlier wasnt intended to be interpreted that way! get your head out the gutter! muahahahaha edit- just in case you wanted to see.. heres a pic of my knob
  4. do you already have subs for your lexcen? ive got 2 x 10inch ported subs sitting at home that could use a new home... if you plan on changing over to the corolla within a few years i wouldnt bother doing up the lexcen.. good car though, my parents bought 1 brand new back when they were new... hehe
  5. JJCRU23R

    Weight Loss

    that fitness blog is a really really good idea. i should have thought of that! good stuff jaderd keep doing your thing :P
  6. people talking bad of ces? i dont recall seeing anything negative bout em in these forums... if i had the dosh theyd be the place id go to coz of the things people say in here bout them? i remmber someone saying their CAI is better than most other more pricey brands
  7. for the back, i would try opening up the hatch and removing the panels from inside.. just to see if there are in fact plastic clips holding it in place. if the emblem isnt bolted/screwed/clipped in, then its just a case of using fishing wire and some heat to warm up the glue/tape in order for easier removal.
  8. true.. i had problems with my ground wires coz they weren't properly grounded... but i DIY'd it.. paid nothing to get it done.. DIY'd again to fix it and no problems in relation to the equipment or anything else since then:P my $$$ still managing to go a long long way :P
  9. just make sure you bought the right gauge for cables, all the fuses are properly connected, all your ground wires have the best contact to bare metal as possible (SCRATCH THE PAINT OFF) and that the battery is disconnected whenever you do this kind of work. i choose to wrap the positive and negative connectors to the battery up in plastic bags.. more of a visual reminder that i have/have not connected the amp wires to the battery. if you stood there and watched the professionals install it, you would hit yourself in the head thinking GEEZ... i shoulda and coulda done that myself! http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...?showtopic=9520 thats the thread where i was still trying to figure out my install.
  10. yea ive read heaps on this topic.. (and still confused up to this point) i have a "sportivo" exhaust for that deepthroat sound but im curious bout my girth.. so my 1zz is only 2"? i can change this to 2.25"? and another thing im curious about is the catback.. 1zz's have this as stock or not? i dont think i see one on mine
  11. ive done this b4. heres the diagram i made up while i was planning my install i forgot to include a couple things in this diagram that i ended up putting in the install. *2 more inline fuses on the (+) cables between the distribution block and both amps. (just in case) *i forgot to include the adaptor thingy between the stock head unit and the first amp.. (the adaptor for the rca cables). its connected to the (+) and (-) of both front left and right speakers. costs roughly $14 from autobarn
  12. found this in yahoo answers Sealed Enclosures Straightforward in design, the sealed box is nothing more than an airtight enclosure whose purpose is to enhance speaker performance. When a woofer is installed in one, the sound waves that emanate from the front of the speaker cone are separated from the rear-firing waves. This improves bass response, since opposing waves can cancel each other out when they aren't isolated. Superb damping, good power-handling capability, and simplicity of construction make the sealed-box enclosure an ideal candidate for a variety of installations. A sealed enclosure will be the smallest (for a given response shape) and will have good low frequency extension but may not have the best low frequency extension. If space is limited, this may be your best choice. Vented Enclosures Vented enclosures – also known as ported or bass-reflex systems – are more complex than sealed boxes, but the extra construction work required to install a vent has its rewards. Vented boxes are more efficient than their sealed counterparts, since they channel sound waves from the front and rear of the cone into the listening environment. Other virtues of the vented design include better reproduction of low bass, a reasonably flat response curve, and low distortion – provided the box is properly constructed. A vented enclosure will generally have a better low frequency extension for a given response shape (alignment) but would require a larger enclosure. If you made the enclosure as small as the sealed enclosure but ported it to gain the low frequency response, the output would deviate from the desired flat response. so in short... sealed box = simpler to make, good space saver ported box = harder to construct, might sound better, but requires larger space to get the sound you want.
  13. could swore i saw what i thought i saw last night.... sometime after 7-7.30pm going north on rooty hill rd north at the traffic lights at woodstock ave. rooty hill. grey corolla with rimz, bodykit (dont think it had a rear skirt), black altezza taillights, black hoodscoop??
  14. if you want red moon pics i took some in the pictures thread.
  15. i can help.. just send me your email and password and ill fix it up for you lol
  16. might have to ask toyota that question... i always thought it was a spare key that just lacked the remote buttons. when i bought my corolla the guy thought the grey key was for unlocking the glove box... but there isnt a lock on it? found this on yahoo answers: Question What is the difference between a valet key and master key? Best Answer - Chosen by Asker Master key can open doors, trunk (inside or outside of car) start your car open the glove compartment etc! The valet key is mainly used for Valet to park your car, it can start your car up & lock it thats it! It cannot open glove compartments maynot open the trunk. Never give your master key even to the mechanics.
  17. id love to see how the meets turn out down in adelaide! SA GREAT! would be nice to make a drive down there.. .used to live there long ago "coz they dont make fritz in sydney...."
  18. no it was a silver corolla.. whats going on? and a sedan to boot?! i know your old car mish geez i woudlnt mistake that car for the 1 i left the card on
  19. parklea centrestage do good work 2 of these for $10 (or was it 15?)
  20. i found this business in my local smartsaver newspaper today.. (www.smartsaver.com.au) hopefully itll come in handy and it wont cost an arm and a leg "AUTOMOTIVE LOCK EXPERTS nissan, TOYOTA, holden, ford, mitsubishi, honda, suzuki etc. A lost computer key can cost up to 1000 to reprogram. keys kut locks repaired safe locks car locks and keys master key systems car locks recoded dead locks window locks "THE CLEVER ONE HAD A SPARE KEY CUT FOR VERY LITTLE" lock out service after hours - we come to you the original blacktown locksmith ESt. 1972 J.LOCKSMITH P/L UNIT 8, 8 FORGE ST. BLACKTOWN 9621 4318"
  21. i guess it all depends.. i guess close your eyes and think which knob feels better in your hand?
  22. gday jay. check the members rides section and the registry to see what other members have in their cars.
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