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Everything posted by JJCRU23R

  1. i watch COPS 2 much. never heard that term b4??
  2. when i see a commodore rollin down the street with sportivo skirtz, youll be the first to know pete :P westmead hospital?! far out man.. odds are (if you arent working there) that youre there for a sick friend or relative and already feeling like crap because of it! fcuking with other peoples cars in the car park of a hospital is on par with stealing from a ladyz purse while shes on her knees, preying during mass @ church. its wrong i tellz ya! but yea a lot of bad sortz tend to stroll into emergancy.. but yea, hold up - doesnt westmead have separate parking for employees? my dad is CNS at blacktown hosp. and theres separate parking area here you swipe your id card to get into...
  3. Illegal gambling cops come in and big Crap! if not somewhere private liek someones house, why not organise to meet at a place that does regularly hold texas holdem competitions?! hopefully TOCAU people would stick round long enough to cheer on the last remaining TOCAU member :))
  4. hmmm.. if it hasnt landed in your letterbox/pobox already by today (thursday) then i would DEFINATELY be taking my butt to the post office and ask why the package has not been sent through already?! ask if there was in fact a delay due to the "dangerous parcel" incident... coz other people have recieved theirs and they are further away from SB than we are!?
  5. What would the terms be for the sedan&wagon corollas be?
  7. got a few terms im still trying to wrap my head round. 1ZZ? 2ZZ? 121? 122? 123? these are particularly confusing... i kinda understand that 2zz referz to sportivos VVT-LI engine yea? no? and the 1ZZ referz to VVT-I yea?no? and the 121,122,123 termz have been used in a similar way although apparently the 121 is the sedan? 122 is hatch? 123 is sportivo? im pretty sure im getting it wrong somewhere along the way here... N/A? is that referring to the engine being stock, not supercharged/ turbo?
  8. yes what the hell is going on ? the others have recieved theirs so what about the sydney ones ay?? just where did that australia post incident occur??? was that somewhere in sydney? i only saw the quicky news reports that didnt tell much bout the detailz
  9. Just wondering if there was a possability of putting up a thread or a section relating to the technical jargon / terms being used thrown about in here??? For the n00bz and those who arent as informed (including myself) about specific engine parts, modificationz, etc to end some of the confusion. also would serve as a good educating tool for those who want to DIY or just be more knowledgeable about our own cars??! im sure others may be afraid to ask what is the difference between a swaybar and a strut? what does the term N/A mean in relation to corollas? i have a vague idea but no concrete knowledge about a lot of stuff being talked about in here. its one thing to have to search keywords in the threads, but in my humble opinion it would be a better thing to be able to go directly to a certain section, find the word i was curious about and actually learn the functions/meanings behind the names/terms/abbreviations for specific parts of our cars! what does aem stand for? jdm? i didnt know what jdm was until i came across the meaning somewhere by chance on the forums and its a bit frustrating to know but not completely understand what people are talkign about in here. basically a TOCAU dictionary/thesaurus? wikipedia type of thing where everyone could add/edit information on stuff?! alphabetical order as well would help! im guessing this idea wouldnt fly with several of you out there... but for me personally and for others who just dont have a clue, it would be a big help! since joining TOCAU ive found the people in here are heaps welcoming and the language in here is basically SFW and i wouldnt have 2 minimise the explorer window when someone walks in the room! its good stuff! just thought something like this idea could help other ppl like me. jase
  10. I often see this car in burwood!! saw INK888 again a couple days ago, this time at rooty hill north?! parked outside a house on my way to work, which is basically a backstreet.. far off place from the main road. how odd is that? Burwood, then parra, then rooty hill. guy gets around ey? but yea besides the numberplate i cant remember anything else worth mentioning about it.. looked stockish
  11. i wouldnt go as far as to say that EVERYONE you deal with at lander toyota is a knob... from personal experience of enquiring about getting a (then) brand new camry, the guy i was dealing with was straight forward, concise and didnt bullsh!t me with regards to any of my enquiries about optional extras such as the sunroof, sportivo kit etc. several months later i went back to lander enquiring about a used camry. different guy approached me and fed me a lot of bullsh!t bout how getting the sportivo camry will cost so much more on insurance compared to another camry coz its then considered a "sports car"... then he more or less was trying 2 get me me into coming inside to discuss the finance (hard sell, bullying tactics). I was only interested in enquiring at that point - since i had already put throught an application for personal loan as well as i already had a camry V6 that a relo was going to give me for a pretty damn good price... wanted to find out what i could get at lander for the same money. if it wasnt for my dad being there at the time, the guy would have taken me in. instead we turned round and left... with the guy calling my dad "scared" and "chicken" for not wanting to deal with the guy. arrogant *****, wouldnt want to buy used a car with them. another bad experience was when my brother bought his 2nd hand celica off them round about 1999?. after sorting out all the finance and agreeing on the price already, then tried to suck us into buying some "extras", which would have added around another grand on top of the already agreed purchase price... this was AFTER the price was aggreed upon.. last chance money grab tactic which my dad also didnt appreciate and proceeded in giving them an earfull. wouldnt recommend buying parts off lander either. shop round castle hill,penrith, parra dealerships for the best price. but other than that... lander is good for new cars at least :P congrats on the purchase jase! wanna get my wife a yaris once she gets her Ps...
  12. saw an old bomb (P plater) FULL of young males, swerving and changing lanes where they werent supposed to, in pretty thick traffic no less, on the way out of the meet last night heading towards parramatta. there should be a system in place that lets ordinary citizens have the power to dob in wreckless drivers on our roads. im sick of it
  13. 21600 yea? this is what it says on RTA website "Stamp duty is levied by the Office of State Revenue when a vehicle is registered in a new name. The RTA collects stamp duty on behalf of the Office of State Revenue. You pay stamp duty on the market value of the vehicle or the price you paid, whichever is greater. Stamp duty is calculated at 3% of the market value up to $45,000 and 5% on the value over $45,000. For example, the stamp duty for a vehicle with a market value of $50,000 is calculated as: Stamp Duty on $45,000 at 3% = $1,350 Stamp Duty on $5,000 at 5% = $250 Total Stamp Duty $1,600 " END QUOTE. stamp duty is $648 based on that amount youve given. i used the registration duty calculator to figure that out.. not the figures in the rta quote i added above. check this website 2 calculate your stampduty Motor vehicle registration duty calculator http://www.osr.nsw.gov.au/erevenue/calcula...motorsimple.php
  14. umm.. where do i insert my nuts? have you got pictures of these?
  15. yea i think my car is the same silver as 1zz's... you hardly notice it in his pics but then again we are only looking at it in pics.. pics dont always look as good as the real thing after viewing the pics i was thinking of spraying it some other colour (ive got a few different colours in the garage). yea i read somewhere that you will notice the temp go down 5degreez.. if it dont then at least the thing should make ur engine bay look good! but yea ill wait until i see this installed, in the flesh, and if my temp does actually go down b4 i decide what i wanna do with it.
  16. yes pics of installation would be much appreciated. also wonderring if anyone here has attached their amp somewhere in the boot area? as in screwed in place, not just velcro
  17. what do you guys think if this panel was painted matt black? if not then what colour? just an idea
  18. obviously i dont know what id be doing underneith the passenger seat - thats why im asking whats up?! :P ok so the amp wouldnt be fixed to the floor of the car right? just velcro... but does anyone with a corolla get the problems with the amp getting bumped by rear passengers? basically im after the safest out of the way place for the amp to be placed.
  19. JJCRU23R


    couldnt tell by the video, but was a rag or something tied up half way along the snatch strap 4 safety?? pretty dangerous if there wasnt...
  20. just unsure as to whether its safe to just take a drill and make holes into the floor of my car to screw the amp into place. what if i hit something important on the other side?? also, my brothers amp is under his passenger seat (98 celica) and 99% of the time, if your sitting in the back seat and ur not careful, youll end up knocking the amp with your foot and fking up the cables or the settings. does this happen in your corolla? if others have experienced that sort of problem, then i would like to see if anyone can help me with screwing the amp into place somewhere in the boot. have others in here done this? advice is much appreciated! jase
  21. i just photoshopped the front bar.. if u see on the original e12 on the link... i dont think it was a bad thing
  22. umm.. is this difficult to install? does it require removing the hood from the car to get it in there?
  23. spotted lennoxbridge(?) carpark, parramatta 26/10 round 1.30pm
  24. herez the quicky photoshop i just did... not saying its a perfect job but im guessing that some of you were dreaming like me about what this kit would look like on our rollaz sure u guys have seen this kit on some other thread in here.. i really love the front bar, but by the looks of it, it doesnt seem possable to modify the original bar to fit the aussie front end... does anyone know/trust a bodyshop thats able to make custom front bars (not made of fibreglass)? in syd/melb or wherever in australia. http://acn.waw.pl/iacoski/EN/ntctoyka.html - the original bodykit
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