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Status Updates posted by Kenpo

  1. Okay... the Aurion doesn't reverse anymore? :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kenpo


      It's parked at my house, I reset the ECU hoping that'd work but no. I'm stuck.

    3. Buff Hamster

      Buff Hamster

      Didn't you bring this problem to Toyota before?

    4. DJKOR


      That's what happens when you keep resetting the ECU thinking you can simply fix your problem that way. Don't want to sound mean, but you got what you deserved now.

  2. VSC and Traction Control are off.. and have been since Saturday? Did I do something wrong? >.

    1. DJKOR


      Intentionally or not?

    2. Kenpo


      Well... intentionally on Saturday night, but I thought it resets when the car turns off.

    3. DJKOR


      If in doubt, you can try an ECU reset. Otherwise just see if it goes away after a couple of hundred K's.

  3. It is true... the Aurion is speed limited to 238km/h.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. .gorgz


      try it :)

    3. Seby123


      red, did you do 240 on the m4? thats how i interpret your post lol

    4. Kenpo


      Well, it could have been 240km/h. Was paying more attention to the road ahead...

  4. Somebody kill that spammer... Side note, saw two yaris' racing today on somerton rd. EPIC.

    1. Synthetic05


      That would have been great to see

  5. Bad News: Victoria Police did not accept me... Good News: It now means I can come to the Yearly meet. xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dutchie101


      Ah bugger.. better luck next time.

    3. Kenpo


      Not really... Almost put holes in walls and the tv. Yea, will be trying again as soon as I hit 21.

    4. johnnieboi


      sad news man. hope you do get it though

  6. Panel Interview in a few hours... wish me luck

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      u'll smash it :D

    3. Silver-Aurion


      Hah, my cousin handed in his application today at the police station. how did your panel go? :)

    4. Kenpo



      1) Panel interview was okay.

      2) My car is damaged, just the front bumper, no metal damage.

      *starting to make my own thread*

  7. Ultra-Racing front strut bar.. installed

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Silver-Aurion


      are you sure it's not placebo effect? :P

    3. Silver-Aurion


      also, where the bolts easy to come off? if they aren't I really don't want to push it and manage to strip them :|

    4. Kenpo


      Nah, I've had enough experience with hard turns to realise there is a difference. Bolts came off with an air gun xD

  8. Does it make it ok if the chromies were free?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. VF-X


      How far along are the kits????

    3. 1stKill


      post a pic for us to decide in your members ride thred

    4. Kenpo


      Waiting on the money for the kit... lol green is epic on your ride. I need to make a thread for my car, just really cbf

  9. Thinking about canceling all future plans for the Aurion and save up for an FT-86...

    1. 1stKill
    2. Kenpo


      Why am I not surprised at that answer?

  10. HID kit tells me I need use a 20A fuse. It doesn't state where, would anyone know where it goes?

    1. Kenpo


      ...yes I have researched this, and no I haven't found an answer yet. Kinda tempted to just try it without the fuse

    2. DJKOR


      The HID kit probably assumes you will plug it into your normal headlight socket for power. In that case, the fuse for that is in your engine bay fuse box. I wouldn't bother though, the stock 15A (or even 10A) fuse will work.

    3. Kenpo


      Aha! Thanks for that DJ, I went along and tried it without the fuse. Thought i'd check if it was bright by staring directly into the light.. not a good idea. Can only imagine how bright the 8000k in your car would be :o

  11. Alright seriously. Rain, GTFO summer.

  12. Installed my K&N today. I now want to live at 5k rpm.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Kenpo


      SRI* No CAI for Aurions :(

    3. private number

      private number

      yeah there is?

      INJEN, weapon R

      gen 6 camry v6 in the states

    4. Kenpo


      I just checked those sites and didn't find a 3.5L Camry >.>

  13. Unicycles are so hard to ride :(

    1. Steve


      harder when you dont have a saddle LOL

    2. Kenpo



  14. Cleaned all the bird poop from my car. Gave it a little wax. I go back to the rear of the car to find a freshly laid piece of bird poo. fml

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Buff Hamster

      Buff Hamster

      ROFL. I have lots of magpies around our area and they know not to fly near my car >:)

    3. Kenpo


      So true man, these birds are evil and have a lethal weapon o.O

    4. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      i got attacked by a robin when i was doing delivery, i smacked it with the foam lid and it tweeted far far away after that >=]

  15. What's everyones thoughts on these in 19's? http://www.tyreking.co.nz/MANTIS.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Kenpo


      Darn it, I don't want to be a commodore.

    3. private number
    4. Pah


      try speedy cheetah :)

  16. Passed the fitness test! ...time for some junk food

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dutchie101
    3. johnnieboi


      Good work Mike. SOG here we come!

    4. Kenpo


      Thanks guys.

      SOG; Dangerous work, but free donuts. haha

  17. Train for the Vic Police physical test tomorrow?.. nah, I'm gonna wing it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kenpo
    3. johnnieboi


      How donuts you eating? Lol. Goodluck Mike!

    4. Kenpo


      lmao. Man I was probably doing my pushups as you typed that. Will be having my donuts soon enough :P

  18. Getting my roof vinyl'd today!! :D :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dutchie101


      Ohhh nooooooo!

    3. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      oh bs, tell them they owe you a big mac for it ;)

    4. Kenpo


      I don't eat maccas. Been a strong 3 years now!! I'm in no rush for hte vinyl, it'll happen soon enough. Just want this air intake to arrive already :(

  19. Skipping rope and managed 76 skips from just my right foot. Beat that!

    1. 1stKill


      i went out to the shed and gave it a go...i did 7,and fell over.

      i climbed a 200ft Mountain Ash last week,got to the top in about 15mins...beat that.

    2. Kenpo


      I don't even think I will ever have the chance to do that. You win -_-

    3. johnnieboi


      Worked on a double story roof carrying a evap cooler on my shoulders in the windy weather. Still, Lee wins

  20. Would it be worth going on airbags or should I just aim for coilovers?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. VF-X


      Both adjust the car height, but not as easy as pressing a button from inside the car. Go Airbags! Where u plannin to get em from anw?

    3. Kenpo


      I was going to figure out how to get them after I decide which to go for. There was a link somewhere on the forum leading to an overseas site.. can't find it anyway :/

    4. Kenpo
  21. Oh hey speed limit, I didn't see you 100km/h ago.

    1. Armstrong


      *thumbs up* LIKE THIS!!

  22. www.wwwdotcom.com

  23. Re-adjusting my low beams... again

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