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Everything posted by Dead

  1. http://us.toyotaownersclub.com//index.php?showtopic=1027 http://us.toyotaownersclub.com//index.php?showtopic=985 and a whole host of others in general: http://us.toyotaownersclub.com//index.php?showforum=1 UK is down atm, but I guess he has more on there lol. I thought I was a whore. My gawd. (Ps: I am half asleep and just realised where I posted this. Am I a dumbar5e? You bet your ar5e I am...Mishark PM'd for relocation)
  2. http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...t=0&start=0 First page in that thread, Xploshun talks about the TRD not fitting. I was sure that CES made a 1zz intake. Have a search.
  3. The Simonator returns...
  4. Sylvester Stallone **** wrote that. I **** you not.
  5. Dead

    NZ Holiday

    It no loadskies...
  6. "You are a pirate, THE PHOTO-TAKING PIRATE!" Good shot Daveism.
  7. twin GT8800's running on SLi in a pc. stupidly quick, stupidly reliable (but expensive, granted lol)
  8. nothing a stanley knife and electric tape cant fix .... hahahahahahaha .... actually who needs a maf anyway .... u'll b fine 2 run without 1 ...... hahahahahahaha lawl
  9. Agreed. I'm very cautious through corners ever since I went through 'that circle' on the outskirts of Canberra.
  10. yes this has been covred but i was asking opinions of people who actually have these on their car dont worry he is a moron and only pops their stupid head in trying to cause troubble. I still swear to *** he's Lucio lol Jaze they're the best set you can get for our cars from what I've seen. Like Northy stated, they seem to actually 'flow' a lot better than the TRD ones.
  11. I agree, Dylans is just stupidly good value for moolah atm. ...apart from the suspension :P I cloned miniature Chuck Norris's and installed them instead of coilovers. I win, you fail Jason. PHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... ...ail
  12. Seriously, if you search you'll find pics that guys have already put up. The TRD, AEM and INJEN intakes are all similar in terms of what goes where.
  13. It looks like a 30 year projection of Paris Hilton (plus a 10 year projection of ice addiction).
  14. Magnatec is fine (you're using 10w-30?). I'm just using Edge because it seems to handle higher temps better. Given that the 2zz revs out to 8,200 I wanted teh uber protection yO lol. 10w-30 reportedly makes the car harder to start on cold, but I think it's bull. 5w or 10w is fine IMO. (The only thing that makes my car kind of hard to start now is the CAI, even then it's just that it takes a bit longer to crank over).
  15. I also run Castrol Edge 5W-30 and find it a very good oil for the price. I also experience the problem when filling up, I now just use measurements to fill up 4.4 liters.... Same here dude lol. I have 3 of the bottles sitting on the bench with the same amount of oil left over lol (yesterday I didn't use as much this time, oil filter again soon methinks as well). Motul, Royal Purple (free plug to xoom) and Castrol are what I'd get. I have NO clue why Toyota were using a heavier graded oil, and magnetec at that when servicing my car. Edge is more suited in terms of the Castrol family.
  16. after 10,000k's with Castrol Edge (5w-30) it was fine. It wasn't even as black as other people told me. It's a very very very light coloured oil, so it was actually a pain in the **** to read it properly once it was in. Had no issues with it burning.
  17. Bingo And that = pain in the arsche.
  18. lol... that's hilarious did he retain bus tickets so he can claim the reimbursement while he was without transport ;) *Snaps fingers* Gold lol. Tats: I really...really...really worry about police officers at times lol.
  19. I know a few people from PGA here in Canberra (one of them my mate). One of the members had his car impounded because his wheels chirped slightly when going out of a servo in the wet. 90 day impound. He received the detail of the impounding when he picked it up the other day. Something to the tune of: "Car stepped out sideways going out of the Service station. Rear wheels clearly spinning." Yes...Pulsars have ALWAYS been RWD. Some Policemen are honest, some are just ******wits. Btw yes he IS contesting it and seems to have a good chance, given that N13 pulsars are FWD. Stupid copper.
  20. ^^^^^^^^^^^ Uber-true. We must think up different ways to do this, but in a much more safer way. Pete, I challenge you to a soap box race.
  21. go with either 35mm all round or 50mm all round. The car 'will' look like Amanda Vanstone is sitting in the back of your car if you have lows front and superlows back. It'll also handle like a boat in a tsunami.
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