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Everything posted by jeffy

  1. jeffy


    and thats what im aiming for next year ! (but with a kit: Havent found a favoured one yet :P)
  2. soo whats the updates? :P
  3. ahahas ! This ones funny, ~! I actually like it ! (because i dont know what shes actually saying, although i know its chopped bits and peices still funny :P)
  5. Soo, what do you say guys ? I reckon we get some numbers so we can say if this goes ahead or not, true ? :] ! or unless we bring back the cancelled one (Bowling) ? *raise of hands people !* also, can get duy/tash to edit 1st post or something ? :) 1.) Jeffy
  6. thanks to you too ! you hooked me up with with that $25 guy ;) i ordered two more ! :P !
  7. about... lets say roughly, or approximately 2-3 hours, 1 Hr to geelong, 1 Hr to lorne, 1 Hr to apollo bay, edit: http://maps.google.com.au/maps?q=Melbourne,+Victoria+to+Apollo+Bay,+Victoria&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&sa=N&tab=wl and that's if you're coming from the city,
  8. sweet duy ! we get free ice cream ! :D ! edit: wait you're shouting us right john ?
  9. "Good from far, but far from good" xD although it looks way better than when you bought it first
  10. not sure if people have dynoed a before injen cai and after. (i think dwee has?:P) i think hes got his stock dyno without the cai, he parted out before he got to do the dyno (last month) i think ..
  11. Not worth a group buy for the K&N if you're even going to ponder on it : K&N Typhoon Short Ram Intake This isn't worth the group buy as to get a good price you need to by from the US and shipping would be amalgamated for all items weight and size. Buying and paying for shipping for a single item is cheaper in the case of these large items from the US.
  12. did you end up finding that bolt ? hehehe hate it when that happens :P
  13. Holy crap ! hahahs ! Small world :P !
  14. Alright mr im so cool red lining my hyundai elentra....i wish i was a cool as you <_<

  15. Hahaha!! he's one of my best mates man, that kids trouble lol wait which one, maslo or the "NOOB" civic .?
  16. Just found this thread, and my reaction: [mind blown] can i steal this btw ? it almost looks like mine too :P !
  17. heyyy ! i see my school mates civic there ! black one, his names maslo :P edit: was the "NOOB" black civic there ?
  18. jeffy


    Waaaait a minute ! you've already made it !
  19. jeffy


    are those drifteks ? edit: uhmm you've made the front/rear lip and side skirts black ? o.o edit 2: ! i found the original photo of that in the previous pages ;) can i tell everyone? orrrr....
  20. take a day off ! :D say you have really bad diarrhea ;)
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