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Everything posted by jeffy

  1. ill take that trayfull btw the english is not balut - its the native word, the english call it "Fertilzed Duck Egg"
  2. i use prepsol, to let it absorb then i take it off gently with a razor blade.
  3. Did a recon run 2 weeks ago, (though at night) does anyone wanna go through geelong/torquay, if not we'll endup at anglesea then straight through GOR Stop over at Lorne would be ideal, you know snacks, toilet breaks, food, petrol (There's a BP there) There is a whole strip of restaurants/cafes/souvenier shops if you ever want to buy something, parking may/may not be a problem, just not sure whether we'll be parking together unknown tourists/visitors may take up spots as well. After the break head on out through Apollo Bay im not too sure about apollo bay, never spent much time there, we could do a barbie for lunch if we leave/meet up early (like 7am ?) we get to lorne at like 10am-ish then arrive at apollo bay 1pm ish, who ever does the recon run kindly check apollo bay, whether there is like a barbeque spot or something, also photoshoot spots to fit all of our cars. THanks!
  4. o.0 you had the 1st "" in caps lol
  5. Hehehehe i looooooveeee that thing !! (though lots of my mates hate it, they hated the hairs on the duck bit ;) ) -its a filipino thing :P- anywhoo, went to yumcha for lunch one time, and they brought out this wierd thing, didnt know what it was, so we took it, it was "duck tounge" gross enough as it sounds, no one tried it - grew some balls and it - ohhh mannn the WORST ! never eating them again D: !
  6. make an account sharing website, eg, tinypic, imageshack, photobucket upload photo, after photo being uploaded open the photo, right click the photo and click view image copy url paste url | V [ img ]*insert image url here*[ /img ] (without spaces in the square bracket)
  7. welcome back, thats smell of sulphur, maybe from the petrol ?
  8. Thanks for that, I guess I will have to give it a try, and when done i'll throw some pictures up :) Can you remove my left door trim as well ? I cant open in from the inside,
  9. Tires = American English, SOo since we use UK English, wouldn't tires be an adjective? E.g. This training tires me out. I think, or I might be wrong.. was brought up using american English, where I use words like center color.., meter... etc.. :ph34r
  10. Uhmm I have one, its very stupid.... and I think the answer would be rhetorical.. but here goes: Does using the normal fan on full blast heater (without a/c) increase fuel consumption?
  11. lookin very nice and clean mann :] !
  12. Hi dude! we're kind of fluctuating/deciding between days atm, pretty much. Like the majority or whatever fits the event or what ever activity we do; example = july meet was made on saturday although [ i think ] more people were free on sunday, was because one of the meeting events takes place at the "garage cafe" (if you're familliar with that) Does not open on sunday, thus making it saturday. Soo its pretty much like at vote or majority who is free :] we also understand that some others have commitments/responsibilities or cant make it and we do understand, we're only human ;)
  13. Nice the very first shot ! very nice colour composition
  14. Welcome to the club dude :] !
  15. If you read the zre faq its in there.., And yes they're 5 x 114.3
  16. soo how much would the cash your way be if i were to have a stock zre head unit ?
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