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Everything posted by Northy

  1. welcome to the forums, you will have to excuse some of the guys on there, forum+female members= chaos.....
  2. i would not be going to oldmac at springwood, as they are the guys that ****** my gearbox.....
  3. as some of you may know my car is down at toyota getting some things fixed in the gearbox, mainly the 3rd gear syncro. Just got a call from the Service center where my car is and they are saying its a 3 week wait for the part cause it has to come from japan, so im trying to hunt down a 3rd gear syncro for a C64 Gearbox. So if anyone can help it would be greatly apreciated. Corey
  4. this topic is already started http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...?showtopic=4620
  5. YAY another QLDER, mate have a look in the events section for next weekend, just read russ post :D
  6. its a real shame that all the ignorant people on the forums are not in QLD, as it looks like they could all use a simple demo.......
  7. i see you guys must get a bit frisky in the UK.......... http://www.cafepress.com/toc_darkblue.5669435 hahah
  8. it's only a mazda, wat are YOU expecting. are u saying your SP23 "powerhouse" should kick the RX8 as well, coz of all the torque u have? u need to wake up to reality, too. there are different types of drivers, different cars for different purposes. ← two diff types come to mind, 1) Corolla Sportivo, main plus is that its faster then the SP23 2) SP23, main plus is that its slower then the Sportivo. also i have seen SP23's get beaten by 1zz-fe's so dont get too excited...
  9. $100 is bit steep for a shirt? mabey have a look into places like this http://www.cafepress.com/cp/info/ to give you an idea of what they offer, http://www.cafepress.com/ausfx/ you just supply the logo etc and its all done or into just getting some plain shirts printed/embroided
  10. you must have a brain the size of a goldfish, cause your memory last just about as long, you may have droped it in the post, but 2sec later you are posting crap in another thread, same **** diff place. this is what you dont seem to relise, pwople dont log into the forum to see endless amounts of spam and usless info by you. wake up to yourself...
  11. i was reading a post over the clubrsx fourms and the fuel shortage was only in sydney and BP expected that this would be rectified around mid december, there is a page on there site that you can register for SMS updates on when it becomes avalible at your local servo
  12. good choice :) contine you this topice here as its already been coverd http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...opic=4447&st=50
  13. i would prolly not make it any bigger.
  14. it was fun while it lasted, had the same thing with the 15.1 sec in the 1zz-fe, we got the slip and all stood around for bout 30sec wondering if it could be right lol
  15. the reason that we get so ****** off, trust me im not the only one, is because you ask and post the same things over and over and over again.
  16. you are correct, its only cosmetic changes but as the front bumper/grille area is different the aera around these parts is also bit different, see if you can get a pre and post face lift cars side by side and have a look the diff is only small but its big enough for it to mean it wont fit.
  17. i was not calling anyone a liar, just showing that there was clearly an error in the timing but seems that a few members are a bit blinded by the light....
  18. just knocked this up in excel the 13.7 against Dave's 14.8, as you can see the last section looks rather strange....
  19. so a Sportivo with 118.2kw atw (dyno day result + 10kw atw for the CES system, this would be the best gain so far), is able to run a 13.7sec 1/4 mile, sombody has been smoking bit too much pot i think
  20. So block the one at throttle body and on the intake, that should be easy. ← yep
  21. ill be surprised if we ever see the slip as we all know its BS....
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