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Everything posted by Northy

  1. on a side note as azza mentioned, SBS is going to be showing BBC's Topgear soon too, looks like thats the end of that **** ***** show drive on ch 10
  2. but of course he did. he just wore it back down with his friction pads :P ← you want to know the really funny thing there is some truth to that :P
  3. Man theres too many trees and poles around the hwys they might crash into it ← haha russ thats gold
  4. nope and its driving me insane lol, hope to get few more things sorted this week else it looks like a trip back to the tuners
  5. just thought id pop up alittle list of members so that we can track them down silva azza greg kyle craig mark jason kungfucamel myself wei wei andrew richard superdave 04rolla kelvin russ michael Ravenous andrew peter lance dan 04ZZA coloudra KaptnKolgate?? coladuna Vedo now im sure i have left few out and im sorry, but lets show those guys down south he we do things up here in QLD.
  6. there really is nothing for them to do, its steel and steel rusts, its somthing that they would see all the time and like i said there really is nothing to worry about
  7. OMFG, thats it the gauntlet is down, wait and see QLD will reign supreme
  8. i would not be worried about that amount of rust, its only just bit of light surface rust, if you were really worried clean it off with a wire brush and spay some zinc coat in there to stop the rust from starting in the future.
  9. yep put me down, this would also be a good time for us to get together with some of the rollas down the coast
  10. the avalon, blue yaris and the 4WD looks very nice as for that oranage thing OMG
  11. im pretty sure that the TTR/Accent Sport are the same car, only with different badges
  12. the engine cover comes off with about 4 bolts, takes bout 2mins
  13. hey mate, not sure where the other wires go, reason for the celica pinout is becuase the PFC is made for the celica
  14. looks like they have rooted it bigtime :(
  15. very nice mate, if i got rid of the P1's these are the replacement :)
  16. how the **** are we **** meant to **** speak when you **** ***** ***** cant use **** swear words, hey *******? btw i dont have a problem with the filter, means that you dont have to worry about who is looking over your shoulder
  17. i think its just the angle that the pics were taken
  18. me and brendo can fix that, ill bring my tools next thurs night. sorry to hear mate :( atlk to wei wei as he has done some looking of late...
  19. sure thats a 2zz-ge? cause its got an auto box?
  20. yup ← is there somthing you are not telling me mate :P
  21. to a certain extent, too much pressure is not good for other parts of the clutch like the selector fork, too much stress on this and it can bend it and thats NOT good
  22. *mod raises hand and says* im here now guys, just reading the topic, i think its a great idea, here is what im thinking all feedback is welcome. 2 sections for the events/cruises. first one is for the topics about events/cruises all the info you need and will stay open untill the event passes, when this happen the thread will be closed and left there, there will be a new thread started in the 2nd section (dunno what we will call it) that is basically a round up of the event with the pics/vids included in that thread.....tell me what you think
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