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Everything posted by Northy

  1. give you filter and Air flow sensor a good clean, when the get dirty it can do all sotrs of strange things to the car
  2. are you after the slimline ones? there are two types, Black/Silver and just Black these are the black/silver type http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...rage_mod&id=278 these are the black ones http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde..._gallery&id=494 can get either one for around the $100 mark
  3. mate im in woodridge and you think you have problems :P
  4. well all the good ones do anyways :P there are a few "special" members that live on the north side :P
  5. i shall be there, would be nice to see some of the NEW GUYS out and about too
  6. mate you guys have some very very nice cars, i really like the silver one in the 2nd pic
  7. its good for all occations, Wet and Dry
  8. i would be taking the stock 16's over the 18's
  9. they tried to on a barina SRI but had no luck, note sure if it was the right thing they pulled out or they were just guessing.
  10. tracktion controll issues? we had the same problems at a twincam day, was a shame they were not able to get it sorted out.
  11. i knew i should have registerd with a diff name :P, im sorry but some of those mazda guys need a good wake up
  12. you also have to think bout tyres, you can get some very very good 16's for not alot of $$$ to get the same tyres in 18's you are gonna pay mega bucks, so bang for buck the 16's are you best bet
  13. 1zz-ge? is it a 1zz-fe or a 2zz-ge? SAFC only give you air fuel ratio changes, you are prolly looking at 5kw at the best as the stock fuel maps that come with the #zz-#e's are pretty good, pippy has one but dont think he ever got round to having it tuned
  14. i picked up a Song DCR DVD 703 while overseas and im loving it.
  15. can we have one topic please http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...?showtopic=3974
  16. the lower profile tyres will be "harder" then a large profile tyres this will mean they wont grip to the road as well, and without going into the physics larger rims are harder to spin then smaller ones, its just the way it is
  17. so does that mean i qualify for the mod'd section? im gonna predict that next year these guys wont know whats hit them :P
  18. bigger rims = lower profile tyres = less grip
  19. i did think about using public transport once, it lasted abut as long as it took me to find my keys, anyone that has been to singapore/hong kong will know how public trantsport should be run. PS azza pick me to take you to the airport lol i could handle the drive with all the given "benifits" :P
  20. haha, try $500 and 4-6kw atw, mate the guys on the southside normally meet at sunnybank maccas before we head into the city, so you can meet us up there if you dont want to make the trek into the city
  21. craig does that include the redrill for the 4 x 100 stud? cause i think the RDA ones are redrilled celica ones to fit the corolla.
  22. i was starting to wonder where it had gone..good to see sombody has given it a home, hope to see you out on Thurs night :)
  23. the ones listed on that site with the corolla on them are not the same as the ones some of the members have on there cars, not sure if they will fit, shao?
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