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Everything posted by Northy

  1. where did it break? im a bit concerned now as mine will have more stress put on it..
  2. like rollamods said, when the CV's are rooted they normally make a clicking sound when on full lock or close to it, mabey get a 2nd opinion from another mechanic?
  3. we will be at sunnybank @ 8:30-9 then we go into milton
  4. here is a audio track i found on the net **it does contain bit of bad language** http://users.adelphia.net/~neolink1/images/PhoneCall.wma
  5. is there any reason why this is NOT in the events and meets section??
  6. lift dont work unless you are moving or have a replacement ECU.
  7. mate i know how you feel, the same thing happend on me Accent Sports first day i had it, screw them hard for free stuff, i scored a load car, floor mats (the propper ones) dash mat and head light protectors. good luck
  8. gearbox stays in the car, you only have to replace the stock cradle with the short shifter one
  9. this has been covered before and from memory it didn't make any diff as to what one you got?
  10. still too high i reckon northy :) gotta drop that a lil more B) "drop it like its hoot" :P ← any lower and i have scrubing issues, dun worry we tried lol
  11. they come on the car from the factory, so you should be able to get them from toyota as a spare part?
  12. congrats to everyone, E-gene ill be waiting for my latte in the mail k :P
  13. the people who were ment to get the router would have got a surprise :P
  14. Big thanks for felix for taking the pics, he was using a Canon 350D (i think) next time i come down to sydney i will make sure i have more idle time on my hands
  15. hmmm yes i definitely agree, the costs associated with such a conversion would be wasted, so hmmm, lets look at this from a different perspective... Rather than trying to get the horses out of a 1zz to that of a 2zz, what can be done to get the low and mid torque out of a 2zz to be equal (preferably greater) than a 1zz...? Someone in Australia should have surely by now done some cam work to a stivo - it would really pay off in that motor. Anyone seen that clip a while back of that Celica in the US that got some 150kw atw with a Power FC and cam work (as well as the other standard mods) - it revved to some 9k and did a quater in 13.8 or something. Come on Northy, i know you are keen, only 2-3k worth of work and you can break the 14 sec barrier - do it, come on, do it, you are already getting the Apexera NOW WORK THOSE CAMS! ← you have sparked my interest here mate, any more info on the celica in question?
  16. ok whats next? steve as you are able to smell the rats so to speak, can you just pick who you want from the list?
  17. come on guys/girls just over 12hrs left of voteing left....
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