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ChrisE2490 last won the day on June 11 2013

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About ChrisE2490

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  • Gender*
  • Toyota Model
    Aurion SX6
  • Toyota Year
  • Location
    New South Wales
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  • Interests
    Car Modification
    Road Trips
    Computers & Electronics

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  1. Looks awesome mate. That bar really makes the car
  2. eBay. But it's not a trd one it's just an aftermarket part. I have a white one I could sell you if you wanted
  3. Ill make an appearance. First month I haven't been busy this year :)
  4. Such a shame. Noodlez will be disappointed. No more twins :)
  5. Mate I am loving this. Sounds awesome. Post up some specs ASAP :)
  6. Alonso pm me regarding the trd bumper. We could be able to sort something out :)
  7. Ill be away unfortunately. I could make it if it was the next weekend???
  8. I ran 235/35/r19 with lowered suspension on my 2011. Only scrubbed on the rears when I put 20mm spacers on. Apart from that never a drama even with heavy loaf
  9. Insurance companies define a write off as "the repairs being worth more then half the value of the car". Your car could very much be fixable but insurance would rather write it off.
  10. Looking forward to seeing this mod come to completion. Might be on my list of things to do when I win the lottery :)
  11. The Parkers come on because the sensor is telling it that it's dark enough to have the Parkers on but not low beams. If you left it on auto it would eventually turn the low beams on.
  12. There is a guy on eBay at the moment selling trd brakes. He says he also has other parts like trd springs? Maybe he might be worth a try
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