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Everything posted by Hiro

  1. Agreed, the internet is a wonderful medium for completely missing the point/emphasis/sarcasm Standard practice on Toymods these days is that everything sarcastic or not to be taken seriously is in italics.
  2. I opened the door, closed the door, clutch-started it in reverse down the driveway, drove my g/f to work, came home, parked it, and hoped that it would start in the afternoon when I need it again Distinct lack of money prevents me from getting the increasing number of problems on it fixed (exhaust, headlining, battery, CVs/bushes/suspension, badly needs a wash too), unfortunately, hoping group certificates will come through soon so I can finally give it the attention it needs.
  3. Last time I checked he had an Aurion (which are all autos), that third pedal is the handbrake (well, obviously not a "hand" brake anymore)
  4. And you clutch-start an auto...how? As an aside, you can clutch-start a manual in reverse too, I've had to do it to my 102 on numerous occasions
  5. The Camry Prominent was a Japanese model on the V30 chassis (which Australia never got, we had the widebody XV10 Scepter which was rebadged as a Camry), and being a Japanese import it is probably loaded to the gills with electric features like TVs, fridge, 4 wheel steering, and most likely a much better stereo than we got in Aus.
  6. I missed where it said "custom" And yes, the sedan tail-lights are 100% different to the Seca tail-lights.
  7. Gee, who would have thought a 2-tonne commercial van with a 4-cylinder petrol engine driven around town would use a lot of petrol.....
  8. Of course it's marketing. For a long time targa/convertible versions of cars have been seen as inferior to the hardtop version (911 is a perfect example). More recently, car manufacturers have been building convertible models on dedicated platforms/chassis or not offering coupe/hard-top equivalents (Eos for example), using metal-roof convertibles (basically anything Merc, and others) or simply designing the convertible first and then basing the hard-top off that (Boxster/Cayman, BMW Z3/Z4) to try and make convertibles no longer the poor cousin. With the Veyron, maybe it wasn't designed as a convertible/targa and then made into a hard-top, more likely it was designed with the intent down the road to release a targa version which did not compromise on performance etc. You could say that since they are the same weight, maybe the hard-top is actually heavier than it needs to be, but because it has a quad-turbo W16 it wouldn't matter.
  9. I do the same thing with a sliced-open Mt Franklin bottle and a crapload of duct-tape...
  10. Iron Butterfly - In A Gadda Da Vida (next person to call it In The Garden Of Eden gets a punch in the face)
  11. Funnily enough, the Grand Sport is lighter than the normal Veyron. The curb weight of the normal Veyron comes in at 2034.8kg, while the Grand Sport comes in at 1968kg. It's probably like the Ferrari F50 and a bunch of other cars (or the Boxster/Cayman), in that it was designed from the start to be a targa and thus hard-top versions are no lighter or stronger.
  12. Being a carby car, it wouldn't have had a rev-limiter....just valve bounce.
  13. Not quite. :) No synchro just means it needs a bit of coercing to go into gear if the gears aren't spinning at the right speed Reverse is straight-cut too (unlike the helical-cut forward gears), which makes it even harder to line up if the revs aren't exactly matched (and why sometimes even when stationary reverse won't engage, you have to put it in first or second to rotate the shaft slightly (as helical gears automatically align themselves) and then try reverse again.
  14. Big open-air wreckers up at Doyalson usually has a few AE10x models, mostly Seca models too.
  15. Well you managed to bring back a topic from over 12 months ago....
  16. And remember that a lot of these cars are targa-topped.....so what does the driver's head look like now?
  17. Crap game, not because QLD won but because NSW played terribly - I don't mind too much if QLD win but if NSW don't put up a proper decent challenge then it's just a waste of 3 club rounds (because of players getting pulled out of the previous week's games). I lost count of the number of times I kept yelling at the pitiful excuse for a defensive line to just tackle Inglis and Folau - sure they're big and fast, but if you sit back and sook like little girls and wait for them to come to you then they'll just run rings around you (or in the case of Inglis on Gidley, just steam-train right over the top of you). FFS, get out there and get in their faces, even if you don't tackle them you force them to make mistakes or do things differently. NSW didn't deserve to win, same as how they didn't deserve to win game 1, even though the score-line dictated otherwise. Here's hoping Peter Wallace gets dumped for game 3, someone who can actually kick the ball so that it doesn't land straight down Billy Slater's throat comes in at halfback, and we put up a decent challenge (and hold on to the bloody ball). EDIT - anyone else see the irony in the title? In Tic-Tac-Toe (ie naughts and crosses) you need to get 3 in a row, not 4 :P
  18. Nope, there's several Aussie stig's cos the size of the driver changes dramatically. 1 of them is Molly Taylor ;) Judging by the height and build of one of them, I have an inkling it's Bargs (Jason Bargwanna
  19. Hiro

    84 celica

    3sgte _Fun_ project for a RWD Celica (84 would make it a SA63 or RA65). 1GGTE is reasonably common, or a fresh 22RE (can whack a turbo on that too), depends on what kind of car you want to turn it into
  20. That could be another possible, but i would almost be certain the AUDM 184 (idk about the 185) did not include the feature at all as there was never a bulb in the cluster for mine.. Highly doubt it, cars have had low-fuel lights since at least the early 80s. The development of EFI and unleaded fuel meant that they were needed to stop people running the tanks dry, which can seriously screw with the high-pressure EFI fuel pumps (which are in-tank and lubricated by the fuel) and the catalytic converters.
  21. I think it's more likely there's a fault in the sender, if the globe doesn't work
  22. The FQ Evos are UK-spec only, so not even Japan get them... That, and there's been an FQ400 version ever since the EvoVIII.
  23. Flat-shifting is when you change gears without lifting off the accelerator (sometimes without even disengaging the clutch)
  24. Whilst I believe the black Stig was indeed only ever one guy (Perry McCarthy), the white Stig is known to be several people, at least one "normal" one and then the specialty ones (like Kovalainen when they did the Renault F1 lap, the stunt dude for the snowmobile ski-jump etc)
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