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Everything posted by MR22ZZ

  1. alright, now I'm worried... I cleaned the MAF sensor again and allowed to dry for ages. Installed. Re-set the ECU again (for about the 4th time in 2 days) and the light is still on and now it seams to be idling very rough at ~1,500 RPM. I'm definately taking it in to Toyota 1st thing in the morning now and see what they can do. another option is it was a bad batch of fuel... but I always use Vortex98, I checked my receipt and it was definately Vortex98. If you hear of anyone filling up at Caltex Merrylands, on Woodville Road with Vortex98 with any issues let me know... :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
  2. the blue line plugs into the lower VSV which is not incorporated into our cars. In the other CAIs this pipe is just close off.
  3. OK, so I have cleaned the MAF, changed back the the stock box and it's still having issues. When the car starts without the engine light off it immediately stalls and then the light comes on next time and it idles fine but has no power. I'm trying cleaning the MAF sensor 1 more time and then seeing what happens. Looks like I'll be paying Toyota another visit tomorrow. :(
  4. I assume that guy with the Exige is the dude from Albian Park that has the workshop with a couple of 2ZZs on engine stands to go... :D
  5. contact cleaner for electrical points... I know the stuff he means ;)
  6. the filter is fine, there is no hole, it's just squished in one spot but the integrity of the gause is 100% I changed back to the stock airbox to see what would happen (and also for Mr Service Manager at Toyota so they cannot say, it's your CAI causing those signals... and leave it at that) but the engine light is still on and it's still idling rough and still gasping with anything more then light acceleration. I have to try cleaning the MAF sensor now, and while I'm at it I'll clean the intake pipe and the filter too, so they'll go back on good as new :) anyone have any tips on cleaning the MAF sensor... solvents and solutions to use etc... I tryed searching but just found a thread about Craig breaking his while cleaning it... I hope this will fix it as it is all that is left to check...
  7. You'd need to upgrade the brakes to get it engineered anyway. No REPUTABLE engineer would let a 2ZZ conversion go on standard brakes.
  8. nah, man... It was all sweet after meeting you. I think it may be caused by a tiny little hole I have in the filter... not getting a proper vacuum as a result. the question is, why didn't it happen before, a hole doesn't form by a car sitting in a garage overnight...
  9. should be no trouble at all... if they are genuine patrs they will come with instructions, double sided tape and all mounting brackets and bolts.
  10. sounds like an awesome drive (and long) Question though, the map shows you going up Mac Pass... Kangaroo Valley road goes from Berry to Kangaroo Valley, and it's Nowra road not Moss Vale Road ;) (at least that's what my speeding fine says)
  11. dude... I don't have an airbox I have a CAI, but I get what you are getting at
  12. I had the same problem with mine after about 6 months of owning it. Took it to Toyota they tryed resetting the ECU to fix it, but had to replace the sensors in the front... all under Warranty
  13. MAF - Mass Air Flow - sensor... plugs into the air intake (stock it is next to the airbox) measures air movement into the throttle body VSV is another valve that measures air stuff (I'm not entirely sure how that one works)
  14. June 23rd hey... I'll mark that in the calender :) I'll be there... TOCAU track day... Wakefield Park, Goulburn, June 23 2006... got it ;)
  15. Cheers Bren I'll check them out when I have a chance too :)
  16. in Sydney there is a skidpan and Eastern Creek and Oran Park
  17. as far as this arguement goes, the mods have access to the IP addresses of where each post was made from. If AntiCES was another member in discise they could find that out pretty quickly ;)
  18. don't worry about toyota dealers they are all used to driving around in Camrys and Land Cruisers
  19. that's what I thought Danz... cheers, just looking for clarification... I just thought it wierd that it was running fine last night but this morning I have the problem.
  20. I'll describe the problem for you I turn the car on and it feels like it is going to stall, and has done so on 1 occasion. I rev the engine a bit so it doesn't stall and the car feels like it's cutting out (losing air?) at 3000 RPM I call the Dealer to take it down there (5 minutes down the road) and on the way there the car contantly fools like it is going to cut out and I have to drive it betwenn 2000 and 3000 RPM I get to the dealer and find that while I was being switched from person to person they transferred me to the sister dealership and Albian Park (25 minutes away) and the service department had just closed up (12:30pm on Sat) and no one was there to do the diagnostic. What I want to know, is this just an Air/Fuel problem that a simple ECU reset will solve or should I wait until Monday? Any clues guys? The car ran fine last night with no indications of any problems. Just today I have this issue.
  21. careful Ben you don't want to start another war...
  22. I launch at 6000 RPM Justin :) we were also planning some time in June to go next time... when things cool down nicely ;)
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