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Everything posted by alarum

  1. Thanks perthcamry for the reply, bought the car from a dealer... We've just rang Toyota and a new button is ~$45, and Toyota near me will recode it for free... woohoo!
  2. My alarm button is broken! :( Tam got it working tonight, but as soon as I got the keys back in my hand I shook it and it doesn't work again... Definitely sounds like something rattling about in there! Where do I go from here? Unlocking by key is sooooooooo 1990... Cheers in advance!
  3. Sounds interesting -- any venues in mind??
  4. Last month's meet was a good night, count me in!
  5. hey! good to see some more people from western sydney! at this rate we could make our own little club and have our own exclusive cruises :P hehe welcome again...
  6. Too bad noone got some better shots of that damn sexy Vienta next to d_ice's!
  7. 1) I'm not a girl 2) I'm from Western Sydney, NSW 3) I drive a 1998 Toyota Vienta Grande, leather trim, electric seats, moonroof, 6-disc stacker, climate control, leccy windows + mirrors... Lovin' it *has a quick peek for McDonalds lawyers*
  8. Yah, piccies are here :] I was one of the non-rolla participants of last night :D VIENTA REPREZENT ;-)
  9. Was fun! Some very nice rollas around the place -- I feel special, I was one of about 3 with Camry / Avalon's / NOT Rolla ;-)
  10. I'd come to WSID one time but I've gotta do a whole heap to my car before I even think about it! :)
  11. a good wash and polish you say eh I think your interior needs a going over <_< well... yes, I suppose it does... B)
  12. Top 5 Movies Mission: Impossible III FnF 3 - Tokyo Drift Requiem For A Dream (I hadn't seen it before) ??? ??? Top 5 TV Shows 24 Prison Break Family Guy The Simpsons Grey's Anatomy Top 5 Albums Dream Theater - Metropolis Part 2: Scenes From A Memory Queensrÿche - Empire Queensrÿche - Operation Mindcrime 2 Requiem For A Dream (Official Soundtrack) Nickelback - All The Right Reasons (Love Animals, great song) Top 5 Songs Chaos Trigger - Void (tocata) - Saiyan Waltari - Yeah! Yeah! Die! Die! Led Zeppelin - What Is And What Should Never Be TBA Top 5 Video Games Guitar Hero 1 & 2 (PS2) Quake 3 WoW Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Top 5 Websites http://www.ajaxian.com/ http://forums.whirlpool.net.au http://www.myspace.com/ http://www.livejournal.com/ http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/
  13. In regards to the Police swearing at you, you can always take official measures and submit a complaint about them. There's always another way.
  14. If you check the base of the laptop, if there's a sticker with a code on it, the laptop has a legit version of Windows on it. Otherwise, it's an illegal copy :D
  15. I'm really looking forward to this! Gonna give teh Vienta a nice wash, might even give her a polish
  16. Very nice ride, man... I'm with lukiez, those mirrors are far too small... it's the equivalent of having a big head with little ears... :D
  17. Of the devices I've used that incorporate the SRS technology, it actually modifies the sound signal so that a sense of spacial depth can be heard, essentially making it a "virtual-Surround"... I find it can over accentuate some dynamics of the music at times, however on the other side of the coin because of the introduction of the space, you are able to hear other things that you can't normally hear (without turning it up _REaLLY_ loud) without SRS. Of course I could go on with the way the audio form is modified so to suit your "headspace", but I won't bore people with such gobbledy-gook. :D For more information on SRS, check out the SRS Labs website.
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