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Everything posted by SILVABULLIT

  1. Possibly they will and it also depends on your offset of your rims.
  2. Standard cat on the Stivo is larger than what is on most cars with an engine of almost double the capacity and the shape of it as you would see is not a hinderence of the flow like what you would see under a commodore etc with an almost square shaped cat. Hence why the CES system bolts on after the cat as they have looked at it and said for the extra cost of a new cat and the minimal gains that may/may not be made is certainly not worth the cost.
  3. Steady on Danthuyer you randy rooster that girl in the picture is my cousin :P I'll try to get some other pics when i can. The day went well and the bride and the groom were very happy with the cars and extremely appreciative of the effort we went to to make the cars look great for their special day. A big thanks to Northy and to Daniel for using their cars and of course for their time. I only wish I could have gone home earlier to get just a tad more sleep than I did....But that's another story ;)
  4. My car does it when you push the clutch in or out. Haven't got round to fixing it yet.
  5. Yet another Spielberg production eh buddha??Look out here comes the 2zz wagon ;) (that'll be the next mod eh??) :P
  6. Would you provide a link as to where we can purchase these parts? Thanks in advance ;) ← I also forgot about the extended master cylinder push rod you guys use over there. Did that really help? And the brass bushing looks good Northy, will be interested if we can get them here. What abt the motor mounts? ← One step ahead of you Zee. Already organising the possibility of getting some made here in Brisbane ;) If I get enough interest there could be the possibility of doing a larger quantity for a good price. :D
  7. Spotted a silver Pre face lift Stivo on the esplanade at Sandgate at about 8pm while i was out for a leisurely stroll with my wife. Had the number plates *** HHE
  8. Fulda Excelero 215/40/17. AA traction rating,280 degree temp rating, A wear rating, 87W load rating and a nice big rim protector. Great in the wet and the dry.
  9. All good boys got the car i needed. :D Stand by for some pics of the day ;)
  10. Spotted Svalerko on the gateway bridge this arvo at about 4.50pm heading south.Also spotted a silver stivo on kingston rd heading towards Underwood at about 2pm.
  11. Nice work Trevor. That's one hell of a accomplishment as I kow of this race and just how hard it is. Did think of getting into mountain bikes onces... bought the bike but the motivation wasn't there. So the bike is still sitting under my stairs in the cupboard.
  12. Might need the pepper and tweezers to find it first
  13. and again? So am i not a GENUINE corolla enthusiast? merely as i cant afford a CES system? ← save.... im a full time student that works 2 days a week for a meazily 150 cash.. so pffffffft.. ← If you want it then you'll save for it just as Sportiv did. And now he does the dance of joy..... :P I by no way meant that because you can't afford a CES system that you aren't an enthusiast. I prolly should of worded it a little better in saying that those here who are serious about performance gains(ie doing intake, exhaust,ecu upgrade etc etc) and spending money to make their rides a quick bit of gear are all using CES systems due to the performance increase and the "synergy" they provide between the exhaust system, intake and ECU. Those who have made great gains have used a CES system combined with say TRD CAI etc etc. Some have made gains with other exhausts but the people i regard as the stivo hypo modders are using this system(aka Northy,Danthuyer, Xoom,Screaminrolla and the like) :D By the way Danz I'm beginning to find a likening to using your phrase "synergy" ;) ;)
  14. Again Rigoli are specialists in REX's,Evo's and the like. But all are turbo cars or AWD except for the Datto 1200 ute of Dominic's. If they've played with Stivo then it could be serious but i have heard of instances from Rigoli in Qld where a REX owner spent up big time with them only to have his car go missing about 3 weeks later. The nice guys at Rigoli offered to replace all the stolen goodies for a cheap price after they found the car stripped of turbo,intercooler, exhaust etc etc(all the things the guy has just got done etc). But the owner had put marks on all his stuff in a conspicuous place and when they replaced all the stuff stolen he just checked out of curiosity and found all the items stolen had his special marks on them. Seems very sus that they do the work for you,charge an arm and a leg, then flog it and strip it and sell your stuff back to you at a cheaper price. I suppose that's one good way to make a large profit. Again is it true,well I found this out through Circuit racers in Qld who run in the improved production class, the guy's a scrutineer and is/was a member of the WRX club Qld. The grape vine grows long and wide and everyone will eventually find out. If it was my Stivo then i'd have it locked up good and proper LOL. Guard dogs, barbed wire, land mines....
  15. Yes it's easy if you know somebody who does that sort of thing like you do rollamods but not everyone on this forum does. Yes it could be done cheaper but where do you shortcut to get it cheaper? Quality of materials etc etc. As for the cat it's more than enough for the Stivo. The extra cost for a hi flow cat that's not necessary and for an extremely minimal gain if any? If somebody wants to do it then i'm more than happy for them to open up their wallet and do some R&D. I think I've done my fair share. Anybody else want a go at doing some R&D to benefit all as I have done? Let's not slay those like myself who have been nice enough to pass on the benefit of my homework to other enthusiasts ;)
  16. At $6k it would want to be double as good as the PFC as it costs double the price.
  17. http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...wtopic=3654&hl= You sound a little confused Lucio! so is it 2.25" or 2.5"??? your obviously the exhaust expert round here who's forked out the dough to get a system made and developed.... As for the kick back from CES... no there isn't cause you don't do that sort of thing to mates <_< they let me use their dyno and workshop when i need to and I've helped them sell a few exhaust systems to genuine Corolla enthusiasts. :) friendship is a 2 way street; you should try it some time ;)
  18. By the time you get a Magnaflow system fitted to your car(if it fits) you prolly wont have much change out of $1k so I guess it's out of your price range too. ;)
  19. Quick drive to get most of the water off the car and out of the rims then chamois dry with a man made leather chamois. Don't like the real leather ones as they tear too easily. Remember to wash the car in the shade;then chamois in the shade as this will dramaticallly reduce the chance of water spots.
  20. Or your gear oil isn't doing it's job ;) Some of the additives that I've seen you guys put in your gearboxes/engines etc are rubbish and I wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole. :( Most of the ones I've heard on here are full of moly's, graphites and other solids that block oil galleries and picks which then cause oil starvation and ther is where the problems start. I'm not saying that this is the case here nut research your product first or talk to someone who knows their stuff. I could tell many a story about supposed "miracle additives" that have destroyed many a race engine/gearbox/diff. ;)
  21. yep i got em and they do serve a purpose. Protecting your paintwork. ;)
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