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Everything posted by SILVABULLIT

  1. Spotted a red facelift stivo on kingston rd today 3.50pm heading towards underwood
  2. anybody got an idea on where to meet? Looks like data 3 has come to an end... :(
  3. I've got 3;- one tocau on my back window and 2 RBT enhanced decals under the VVTL-i deacls on the front guards. Too many stickers and it starts to look like a friggen taxi with billboards
  4. Kings only make lows and super lows. No such animal as ultra lows. :(
  5. My Stivo is 2 in December and gets washed every week(sometimes twice!!) and I know it has a few swirls in it but being silver it's damm hard to pick em up. My car has won Best Overall/car of the day at the CES dyno day/show and shine 04/05.It is hard to keep a car looking good but a little detail regularly avoids the need for a major detail and you can also keep track on damage as well. I use a pressure cleaner to blast all the road grime and grit off my car before I lay a sponge on it thus drastically reducing the chance of swirl marks.When I'm finished washing I then go for a quick drive around the block to run all the water out of those hard to reach places. If you've got swirls don't use a cutter but either scratch x or a swirl remover. Scratch x with a cutting pad on a buff at low speed can also remove minor swirls and scratches as well. Remember patience is the key!! Got any other questions? PM me for info. :D
  6. My car goes in absolutely spotless and that way I can see if there has been any damage done at all. I never let my car be washed no matter who it is <_< for that particular reason.
  7. Hub dyno's give totally different readings to say a dyno dynamics dyno. Figures are higher etc and is a little hard to compare what is classed as "the norm". :D
  8. Don't tighten it and flog the keyway!!!!! Some people can butcher anything!!!
  9. Good to see you followed my instructions and there were no tears ;)
  10. Bodykit Wheels Lowered Put the bodykit on, then get the wheels to suit and fit the kit etc then you'll see just how much you'll need to lower it :D
  11. Beware of the infamous "kamikaze lorikeet". He's out there I tell you; ready to strike on the unsuspecting <_<
  12. So long as we all stay downstairs and reasonably quiet we won't succombe to the wrath of Mrs SB ;)
  13. It's a black thing we just wouldn't understand!!! ;)
  14. Big silly sticker and driver? That'd definately be Azza!! PS. Russ I've seen the girl in the Red one as well. Went past in the bullit and got a slight smirk out of her ;)
  15. Hi all If Data3 is "off limits" then there will be a few of us meeting at my house on Thursday night at @8pm onwards. If you got something to fix then we may be able to assist you(bring your tools etc) as we will be doing a few things to the Bullit on the night. So if the chain is up head on up to my house for a session in my garage. (No food or drink Michael!!!) I've got plenty of room so PM me for my address.
  16. Those stains are more likely to be there to stay my friend. You've left them on the paint for too long and the acids in the bird poo have actually started to eat into the top coat of paint causing the mark. You can try a polish and then a wax to hide most of the evidence but it still may be visible on certain angles.
  17. http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...t=0entry37153
  18. For those who still want a Club sticker and aren't in NSW then please contact Northy with your choice of sticker colour and either big or small. All other details are above in this thread. I will be placing an order on Friday 22nd of July so we need to know by THURSDAY THE 21ST JULY. Please send Northy your details and he will contact you with the bank details for the money transfer. Cheers Silvabullit. :D
  19. One under the bonnet and one in the boot?
  20. Got lighting?? Need light for parts fitment!!!Otherwise the Milton garage will have to close. :( :(
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