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Everything posted by SILVABULLIT

  1. I see it all the time and I hate it. People too friggen lazy to put it out in the ahstray in their car and dispose of it properly. Have you ever stopped at an intersection and looked out the window at the median strip or in the gutter at how many cancer stick butts are there??? The dob in a hoon thing is a joke. My dad told me that one of his neighbours was going to dob him in for coming around a corner too quick for their likening!!! moreso the fact they just reversed out of thier driveway without looking and Dad had swerve out and away from them to avoid a collision!! Imagine that? My old man being labelled a hoon at 60!!!! (He'd love it and tell everyone LOL)
  2. 10pm for 10.30pm departure guys/gals. see you there.
  3. Any signs of a leak??? Spring is still seated top and bottom properly?? Have you got them set on a harder or softer setting??
  4. 2.5" lost a lot of bottom end on the 1zz. Top end was also affected and down on peka power by roughly 5kw. Try 2.25" as this is what CES are currently looking at for the ZRE152 cat backs.
  5. One thing you must do when removing an airbag is always place the airbag on the bench etc with the face(the bit you see on the steering wheel) facing up. In the rare event it may go off it then doesn't become a projectile and hurt someone.
  6. Make sure you use plastic primer tho...
  7. Buy a sportivo LOL seriously with VVTi there is no point as it does basically what an adjustable cam gear does anyway.
  8. MMM love that Roil... i call it horsepower in a bottle the only nulon stuff I use is the octane booster. It has been tested as the best on the market and alos one of the cheapest.
  9. Looks like we are going to be in for some nice cold weather!!! Your CAI's will lurv it!!!
  10. It is a balance issue. To have next to no shake you have to have a good balance done. All rims and all tyres have a heavy spot. They have to mounted so that the "heavy" spots are not located together but moreso opposite eachother. If you have this done 805 of the time it will solve the problem. tyre shops will charge you more to do this sort of balance. The other thing you can get done is an oncar balance where they balance the wheel/tyre combo on the car. This is very effective if you have sensitive rims(not quite round or have more than one heavy spot). The wheels you have on your car are not bent/buckled are they? this will also cause a shake. Plus make sure if they are aftermarket rims that you have hub rings fitted as well.
  11. Arrrgghhhh !!!!! Told you North I would catch you hahahahahahahahaha now who do I want to pick off next.........(with my flukey tips lol)
  12. Pro Ma is full of graphites, moly's and suspended solids.
  13. Personally on a side note the Air force should bite the bullet and spend a small portion of what they are going to spend on new planes and buy up all the F111's sitting in the desert near Nevada for spare parts. Upgrading computer systems to compete with the latest and greatest is the easy part. Spare parts and the age of the aircraft were the reason they were scrapped and a lot of underhand deals too on the quiet. There are literally hundreds of them sitting in plane graveyards just doing nothing. They are a very solid plane and can be maintained with the technology available today easy as. ask the pilots off the record away from the media which plane they would rather fly!!! They are the best fighter bomber we have ever had or ever will have. They can fly further, faster and carry more payload than any new plane on the market at the moment. Seeing as we are a remote location on the planet wouldn't it make sense to have planes of this ability?? the govt say it would cost too much but it is really only a small amount compared to buying new planes that to be honest no other country wants??? As far as the cost cutting on defence is concerned, Rudd lives a fairy land where I'm sure he thinks that we will never be attacked by some terrorist group or another country. Indonesia is on our door step and is a ticking time bomb. the unstableness of the country with the likes of the Islamic extremists(I'm in no way being negative towards Muslims cause I have a few who are very good friends of mine) and these splinter terrorist cells floating around it is only a matter of time. We've got stuff all planes, a handfull of tanks and heavy combat machinery, a few destroyers and friggits, and an army that is very small in number compared to the countries population. In this day and age you can never be too certain what the future holds. Krudd is more interested in getting greenhouse emissions down and carbon offsetting for 15 plus years time instead of setting the wheels in place for the immediate future. Once again, we're possibly only going to be here for 3 years so the next gov't can fix it.
  14. Thats a really good post, and you will find that most people on the forum agree with u. Hence the "this place has gone to the hole" topic that most people ignored. I know the mods (myself included) may seem that we are very trigger happy sometimes but u need to see our point of view as well. If we do something we get flamed, if we don't we do anyway. Some people also need to remember that this is a car forum, and as such at least 90% of topics should generally be about cars. The problem is that toyota's aren't really the popular choice when it comes to big mods and therefore people only want to do the same little things. If every new member posted the same topic this place would be overrun with topics that would never get answers because the people who have the knowledge can't be bothered continually repeating the same things. I don't know what we are expected to do? We can either try and keeps things clean, or we can let in go wild. If it goes wild, someone else can have my mod role and i will take my knowledge to another forum. Anyone interested in my role? Send me a pm. PM sent. Pm denied Agree with you micky 10000%. We're dammed if we and dammed if we don't. I get roughly 3 posts a week over posts in wrong areas, inflammatory or rude comments, or just plain old spammers floggin shoes. I'd be happy to leave it be but then newbies would never never never find any info they wanted because of all the crap. Seriously if you want to post crap and inappropriate stuff then go and join Boostlosing forum I mean boostcruising forum. If you have info on a toyota post it up or are looking for info then search for it on this forum. All other stuff unsuitable leave it somewhere else. Or face the mods wrath.Simple.
  15. Give it about 3000k's before your fuel economy stabilises. Haven't really heard about the new D4D's giving much trouble so as others ahve siad take it back to the dealer and demand a car and tell them you don't want it back till it's 100% fixed. FYI I have a 99 SR5 dual cab 3.0 diesel with bullbar,canopy,trayliner and a few other extras and am getting fuel economy of roughly 450 to 530 km's to a tank full. (66 litre tank) That is mainly city driving in a lot of peak hour traffic. Highway driving is a lot better with a minimum of 520 to a tank.
  16. Patience grasshopper!!! Not all are as wise and knowledgeful as you are. Seriously Lukus please just browse all of the sections of this forums as the answer to all of your questions so far are not all that hard to find for the uninitiated.
  17. Its a CAI SB, they all do the same thing. Im sure it will be fine, snap it up buddy. Seriously Micky I never knew that And no not all CAI's do the same things. Some do funny things when some install them :P ON a serious note what is this CAI made out of and anyone have specs??
  18. Anytime my friend anytime.
  19. Matrix XRS in the silver with the 18's absolutely awesome.
  20. there are certain additives which I an a few other members on here use but it isn't comercailly available. Those in the motor racing circles(namely drags and some forms of circuit) will know if that's for sure cause it does what it says it does. Nulon is rubbish. It contains molys,teflons, graphites etc which are basic suspended solids that travel around your engine in your oil till they reach the sump where they stay. They don't attach themsleves to any moving parts but moreso sit in the sump of your engine and will eventually start to clog up your oil pick gauze screen causing oil starvation and which leads to engine failure. Most or should I say nearly all of these wonder products do the same thing. Very very few actually work as they say. As for the differences in oils that is another story altogether. Superdave remind me to show you something you of all people and your ongiong quest for all things of mechanical knowledge will find interesting.....
  21. FYI I didn't click the link but got done by something similiar on a forum by a mate a few years ago. I deleted it because a lot of people access this forum during work time and if the "wrong " eyes saw what I think it was on the screen could lead to dire consequences. hence why it A - breaches forum rules B - if anything similiar gets posted in the future the offending member/s will be banned for a certain amount of time from this forum. Let this be the last warning to all as this is a car forum about Toyota's not what sort of lifestyle you lead behind closed doors. If you want to talk about it then find the appropriate forum. cheers SB
  22. Seem very cheap. You got any info on it at all?? did they give you any proof of gains or something like that?? Can't say i have ever heard of the brand.
  23. OK so if you are coming then add your name to the list.... 1. SILVABULLIT 2. Northy 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  24. Last year 4 of us stayed in one room. Bit cramped but all we did was sleep in there and use the shower/toilet(Azza really stunk it out a few times!!) as most of the time we were out and about. After splitting up the costs it was really a cheap weekend for us. Azza gave me money for fuel and the other guys split it as well. all up the weekend including food only costs me about $200 odd. cheap for a long weekend in Sydney considering we ate takeway all weekend and hammered the KK's as well!!
  25. So Jimmy you and the Celica crew want to join us next friday for the night cruise?? 10pm at the loop.
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