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Everything posted by MotoMan

  1. Its Sunday the 4th.... about 8 posts back... If you guys are up for it perhaps we could cruise to AusKarts in Salmon street port melbourne... do a few laps in the go karts :P
  2. Ill be there... although it would be nice to have a plan of where we might go :)
  3. You'll have to pay me to use any footage of my car :P j/k... nah ive got no issues..
  4. Check the club meets section... There's a Melbourne Meet this Sat or sunday :)
  5. Welcome. btw im only 23... and Blue is the colour that attracts the most women.. just so you know.. isnt that right Blue_Stivo :)
  6. OK outlook has changed again... next sunday is going to be Fine :) good ol' Melbourne
  7. according to the 10 day outlook... its going to be mainly cloudy on Saturday the 3rd.. and raining on Sunday the 4th :(
  8. I asked the same question a while ago... never got an answer...
  9. I just purchased an Injen CAI for AU$213 inc. shipping. There's some great deals out there if your willing to shop around. :) ← Where the fudge did you get it for $213AU Including shipping...?? just bought mine for $250US aka $339 AU shipped
  10. cheers for all the help everyone... Ill look into the Xforce Twinloop
  11. Ill be in for a sunday night cruise... cant make saturday as ive got a 21st to go to.. Vic market is deserted at night... you can park around the back near the MAZDA dealership... plenty of room So if its on Sunday count me in :) Just hope my INJEN CAI gets here by then.. And i vote we dont tell Egene we are coming :P we should all rock up one by one and park along the street... Freak him out :)
  12. Hey guys... Not happy with my current muffler.. Its an Xforce with a 4"tip... sounds friggen awesome outside the car (no farting).. Drones like a whiny bitch inside the car.. (silencer open) Atm i have the silencer closed so its fine inside the car.. but farts while engine breaking :( cant stand that noise... Do you think a Magnaflow with Dual smaller tips.. say 3" or 2.25" would be a little quieter? I drove an astra coupe the other day with a dual tip remus muffler and it sounded friggen awesome without the annoying cabin drone.. ideas? Thanks in advance MotoMan
  13. either of those dates are good for me... by then i should have my new muffler and INJEN CAI :)
  14. Spare Parts dealer... $15.. im a firm believer that Touch up paint should be supplied when you buy a new car... but toyota are tight a.rses
  15. Is BanGn in melbourne? Caus i swear i saw that exact car on manningham road in bulleen yesterday
  16. Mine has had the work done... but there is no sticker.. so perhaps not an accurate way to tell.. Mine is late 2004 though and yes TRD CAI aka "the red pipe" is a must.. now if only i could afford one :(
  17. also very interested in the cable tie fix... its the one thing that annoys my in my car... tell you what though.. after driving the New Astra coupe today.... im thinking that when the turbo version comes out in Janurary.. i might be tempted
  18. I cant see how a cold air intake would affect the gearbox... honestly.. that's just stupid
  19. you guys arent driving them hard enough... :P im lucky to get 450ks from a tank every time i fill up.. i say to myself "ok i wont hit lift this entire tank so i can get better fuel economy" hasnt worked so far B)
  20. Did you reset the ECU? most important part of installing a CAI im beginning to think... Btw dont bother with the simota anymore.. especially from Performance Warehouse.. price has gone from $133 to $260 and no ETA on when they are arriving.. Anyone know where to get a CAI kit in melbourne... or are the only options from overseas..
  21. Every car has its problems... eg. My brothers sp23 wont go into reverse fairly often.. My car has been fixed now.. its was a faulty Drive belt tensioner :)
  22. how come? give us more details :P
  23. add my sexy grille :P i can take a pic from any angle for ya :)
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