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Tony Prodigy

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Everything posted by Tony Prodigy

  1. Can we Have a Tool and Associated Car Equipment thread added to Workshop & Maintenance please ?? This way we can all share or recommend tools etc to each other. Great for the DIY guys.
  2. Nice work Ash. I received my order yesterday actually. I should look into getting a digital tyre depth gauge too. Nice little tool to have.
  3. Speaking of Torque Wrenches, I recently purchased this digital luggage scale so I can carry out a calibration of my torque wrench and every subsequent one I intend purchasing. Pro calibration services are way too expensive and this torque wrench, I bought around 25 years ago for around $50. It has served me well and I'd love to see how far out of calibration it actually is. I'll let you all know how I go.
  4. I'll definitely consider looking at these Ashley. Thanks for the links. I'm also a fan of the Teng Tools range. I wish they'd have a sale
  5. Those torque wrenches are really cheap. Are they any good though ?
  6. Your welcome Ash. I was waiting for the 3000kg screw and pin ones to go on special. What excellent value !!
  7. Hey guys, I have been waiting for this for a while and it's on special at the moment if you're interested. I ordered two pairs along with another juicy nugget that I will reveal later https://www.supercheapauto.com.au/p/sca-sca-car-stands-screw-and-pin-3000kg/568659.html This link is for all the axle stands https://www.supercheapauto.com.au/3-day-deals?prefn1=activePromos&prefv1=Tools %26 Storage&prefn2=adArticleType&prefv2=Car Stands#main
  8. I had a crack at this test this morning. I was hoping to do my D-Max (still has a Factory Fill) also but it's reservoir is shaped such that when the fluid drops a bit it doesn't provide the access to probe into the lower portion of the reservoir where the fluid resides.. So off to the Aurion. The initial indication is very good seeing I only recently flushed the fluid so I was expecting a good result. The tester indicated less that 1%. I don't think it's possible for brake fluid, even a brand new sealed one, to have absolutely zero % moisture content. Would this be a fair assumption ? So to further add a little more scrutiny to the tester I still had the glass jar I had used to collect the old fluid from my recent flush and test this. Funny enough, it too came back the same result. So I thought to add a tiny amount of water, swill it around and then re test. The tester indicated "Danger". So it does seem to work. Conclusion. Although this test is not even remotely scientific, even old fluid can still be ok perhaps, although not ideal, one should not panic in a hurry if they are overdue for a fluid flush. I think sticking to the "every two years" regime would be fine. I'm even more happy to do it annually. First two pics is my Aurion and the second two of the Raguletto Jar is water added to brake fluid
  9. I have some Meguiars products at my Parents place where my other car is stored and have been very happy with the quality too. I too have the leather conditioner, I think it's the Gold Class one. I Haven't used it in a while as that car hardly gets driven and hasn't had the need for any recent treatment. I am looking to try out some new products on the Aurion pretty soon. The leather could do with a little nourishment. I'll post back when I have them.
  10. Hello all. As some of you know I am very much into detailing and it is something that I derive a lot of satisfaction from. I have over the years gained plenty of knowledge and experience with certain products and equipment alike. I don't do it professionally as a full time job but more of weekend Professional, if that makes sense. I have several cars which I look after and have done cars for others too, so I have a pretty good idea how to make cars look amazing. We all try our best to care and maintain our cars. Some are more mechanically oriented and some do both, kind of like myself. I hope to get everybody motivated and enjoy detailing as much as I do. Share your ideas. Tell us what products you guys use, including machinery, pressure washers and anything you might find relevant. I have a decent stash of various products now that I have picked up over the recent years and today I received yet another installment in my ever growing product range. I am very happy to share with you some of the latest items on the market. P&S BeadMaker Paint Protectant Sealant ***EXTREME CRAZY GLOSS*** - 3.8L The Rag Company Creature Edgeless 420GSM 70/30 Plush Dual Microfibre Towel - 40cm x 40cm / ROYAL BLUE The Rag Company Minx Edgeless Coral Fleece Gold 70/30 Microfibre Towel – 40CM X 40CM - Gold Shine Master Plush Microfiber Wash Mitt With Cuff - White/Black The Rag Company -- The Gauntlet Microfiber Drying Towel - Medium (38cm x 60cm) This is just a small taste of my goodies. I'll share more of my collection very soon. Hope to hear from everyone. Cheers Guys
  11. Yep, for sure. If I remember i'll have a go with it this afternoon.
  12. Wow, That's impressive. What a sleeper car ! How has the drive train held up ?
  13. I came across this little device that tests brake fluid and thought, what the hey.. It measures the amount of moisture apparently. I haven't had a chance to try it out as yet, but I'll let you all know soon. Anyone else have gadgets like these ?
  14. I am one who doesn't really like tacky add ons, but sometimes there are those little things we put in or on our cars to make them that little bit more nicer or comforting. I have always felt something was missing inside and it has to do with how low the centre console lid is. I like to rest my arm when I'm cruising and i feel the Aurion Centre console lid should've been a little more accomodating in this department. So I purchased this centre armrest cushion. Got one for Dad too as he has the same car. I'll surprise him with it soon. I purchased one a while back for my Isuzu dual cab and it was a much needed item for that's my work vehicle and I can spend many hours a week in it.. It too has a low centre console lid. The cushion improves the ergonomics and my arm is at the perfect height and I feel relaxed driving it, so too the Aurion. I can link my purchase if you need. Go on.... Spoil yourselves
  15. My front brake pads arrived today. I ordered two sets for the front and as you all know a single set for the rear. I don't have to worry about brakes or oil for a while now... I can concentrate more on detailing work
  16. Yep, good idea. The door seals are items that people always forget.
  17. I look forward to your results Ash. I too will try and do the same when I'm ready for it. BTW, Did you get a tracking number for your 303 order ?
  18. Hahahaha ! I would think not mate, unless you're planning on going to a skid pan Seriously though, I suspect the tyres should benefit from 303 absorbed into the rubber as indicated and reduce the frictional wear to some degree. I'm no scientist but it is a plausible theory. I wish Myth Busters did a test like this. Can you imagine the meticulous data we'd get ?
  19. I agree 100% Never compromise yours or your family's safety to save a few bucks. Not that this would be the O.P.'s intention of course. I'm just saying. If a tyre is selling for say $135 and there is a slightly better spec one at $165, I'll pay the extra knowing I have the peace of mind of the better tyre. Ashley also pointed out a very good point in that it has to be good in the wet weather too. Very important. Do your research.
  20. This will be a good test Ash. I am planning on doing something similar when I'm up for tyre replacement. I will purchase the tyres outright first then treat them liberally allow to set for a couple of weeks before having tyre shop fit, balance and wheel align. Then I'll take wear measurements, say quarterly, and compare notes with you. I don't have a control base to start off with as my tyres are near end of life, but I have a rough idea how long they have lasted as I still have my tyre service history booklet from Bob Jane.
  21. I ended up buying 4 of those 6lt Penrites. I love the idea of the added zinc for extra protection and it's Australian made too. I'll keep using the Nulon I have left and may consider switching to the Penrite and see..
  22. The cabin filter is one thing you can forget very easily. I think a 6 monthly check would be a good thing. I'm like you on the trolley Jack thing. The problem I've been experiencing is that my other car is stored at my parents place and each time I need to go there and do the maintenance on that car, I have to load my work vehicle up here with the very heavy, thick plated steel jack, all the axles stands and some tools. So I've had to "double up" on workshop gear so I don't get a second hernia having to do this all the time. I plan to keep big bertha here and get a new low profile Alloy dual piston affair for the other car and just leave it there. The problem with the M3 is that it's quite low and a trolley jack (not even a low profile) doesn't readily fit underneath, I had to buy a full set of these hydraulic actuated vehicle positioning jacks just so I could get the clearance to push the jack underneath to the lift point. They lift the car up some 3 inches, more than enough clearance to then push the trolley jack under. Previously it had been a nightmare to work on until I discovered these. Wow, what a great help they are !
  23. I feel your frustration Robert, but my car still gets a decent work out don't worry. It's my wife's daily and she still has a job to got to thankfully. Although it's usage on weekends has definitely reduced, I'm kinda relieved as this helps keep the Kays low and doesn't hasten the maintenance . I've been able to spend more time cleaning and detailing it recently as I've had fewer opportunities over the weekends pre Covid -19. I might in fact go over it this morning. Nothing crazy, just a maintenance wash. All it will is a good snow foam, pressure clean and then simply dry with a microfibre towel. That's the beauty of having a slick product on it. The dust and dirt doesn't stick all that good and easily comes from with an emulsion of soap and a good pressure wash. Have fun with your cars today !!
  24. I'm going to wait till these go on Special. I prefer the screw adjustable to the the ratcheting ones as they offer better adjustment potential. They have these for $99 /pair and I found out that they were on sale recently for $69 !! I wish I knew, I would've got 2 pair. One can never have enough axle stands.
  25. Posting this here too if that's ok. Get 'em while they're hot guys !! https://www.supercheapauto.com.au/p/penrite-penrite-full-synthetic-engine-oil---5w-30-6-litre/348768.html
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