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TRD CAI [Group Buy]


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OK list so far


ck[03.14] (Sydney)

TRDYUS (Sydney) I think

Fudgebottom South Brisbane QLD

daniel 2inspire (Gold Coast) Maybe Daniel can pair up with Fudgebottom and send him his ??


channy 1210 (PERTH)

Simo (QBN) ACT

Well it looks like $ANGELO$ and channy can pair up so everone eles needs to pair up

Being as i dont live in a capital city im happy to pair up with anyone who cant get a partner close to them

Edited by PICCOLO
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Hay guys, please could you let me know how much these CAI's cost delivered to Brisbane QLD.... (just roughly).



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Ive seen I've seen some conflicting reports as to wether or not these will fit into an '05 facelift hatch... can anyone confirm for me? If they will I will mostly likely be interested.

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Ive seen I've seen some conflicting reports as to wether or not these will fit into an '05 facelift hatch... can anyone confirm for me? If they will I will mostly likely be interested.

2zz (sportivo) Yes, a bit of a tight fit though.

1zz (ascent, conquest, levin) It fits but its a mission to fit it.

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Please put me down for a CAI for a Rolla Sportivo '05 FaceLift...

I'm from South Brisbane, QLD any one want to team up?



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i'll start collecting money by the end of this week..

and guys!

PLEASE FOLLOW THE RULES!! copy below and add ur name if ur in!

PICCOLO - (Mudgee) NSW

ck[03.14] - (???) NSW

TRDYUS - (???) NSW

Fudgebottom - (South Brisbane) QLD

daniel 2inspire - (Gold Coast) QLD


channy 1210 - (PERTH) WA

Simo - (QBN) ACT

so far theres 8! but scattered around AUS..

i will start collecting money by the end of this week! so.. make up ur mind!

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Well I'm pairing up with simo and were ready to pay as soon as we get the bank details

wait a sec....

he lives in ACT.. where do u live man?!?! ur gonna deliver it?

if its yes..

then we have 8!

4 from NSW...... including SIMO from ACT

2 from WA

2 from QLD ..... errrrrrm.. Gold Coast and South Bris??.. how is that gonna work out??

if u 2 QLDer r ok..... then.. we can start.. REPLY ASAP!

i'll contact the supplier now!

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Would it cost much more to get the QLD once sent separately perhaps? It's a bit of a drive there and back, extra postage would cost less then driving there.. LOL



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Noooo, more people pulling out... :huh: (Sorry you had to pull out TRDyus, I'm sure you have your reasons)

Any new guys wanna jump in before payments are made? Come on all it's for a good cause.... vrooom vrroooom... :spiteful:



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yeah ill overnight post it to simo as soon as i get them . Im in Mudgee NSW 2.5 - 3 hours west of sydney

you're cool with the post???

and for fudgebottom..

the post for local is around $24AUD i think..

not much if u 2 share...

im not gonna do that thing.. like getting you guys to all chip in another $4.. for other's local post....

too much trouble....

ok.. now that we have 3 pairs. and 1 NSW guy left over..

i'll send you my bank details (ANZ) during the weekend.. so you can transfer the money into my account.


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