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I've also heard the *clunk* in mine.. though it doesn't always happen.

I get that clunk noise pretty much each time I drive off after parking. I got the dealer to test it and they said that the noise is "from tension put on when hand/foot brake applied (caliper groan)". Basically its "normal".

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Update -

Well i went down to Jarvis Toyota at Clovelly Park today at the request of the Sales Manager and they valuated my car. The figure came back to $30K, yet i paid $40K just three months ago. They also wanted me to part with another $8K to which i strongly refused to do and counter offered $5K to which they would not even listen to. They did not give a rats about all the issues i have been having or the inconvienience taking the car back so often has caused me (do they forget others work for a living?). This is also the 2nd new car i bought from the Jarvis group within 12months so it isnt a fact that they have lost money but rather the opposite.

To me Jarvis Toyota want your money and doesn't give a toss if your happy or not. The Sales Manager only wanted to talk $$$ and showed zero compassion over the DUD car that THEY sold me.

With that in mind when i returned to work i contacted Jarvis Head Office and requested the email address of the Dealer Principal for the Jarvis Group however he is overseas but his Personal Assistant provided her details and guaranteed it will be forwarded to him upon his return. I also CC'd the email to Toyota Australia and faxed it to the Office of Business & Consumer Affairs to keep them up to date. I have also contacted Wheels Magazine in order to write a small article about my experience and offered to even pay for it. I have also just registered the domain "toyotasux.com" and once i have a site running (shortly) i will list it to all search engines globally (i own a webhosting company!)

If Jarvis think i am going to roll over and forget all this they have another thing coming becuase i have just begun this crusade. I WILL NOT let a money hungry dealership get away with selling me a LEMON and think they can get away with it - period. These wan*ers need to be more accountable for what they sell and learn to put customers first, not there bank balance.


Edited by BlueAurionSX6
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If Jarvis think i am going to roll over and forget all this they have another thing coming becuase i have just begun this crusade. I WILL NOT let a money hungry dealership get away with selling me a LEMON and think they can get away with it - period. These wan*ers need to be more accountable for what they sell and learn to put customers first, not there bank balance.

Talk to Xoom. Members here went on a similar crusade with the 2003 Corolla Sportivos.

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Thats fked up Blue, its a nightmare situation you have there, I think youd better off trying to sell the car privately i guess... , get some legal advice also, theres something in the trades practices act somewhere....

and back to the clunk, yeah tried sports shift and happened late in gear 1, so im going to assume its normal. :whistling:

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awww damn. it had to be this way!@#$#$%

mmm blue is there any chance you could put "jarvis toyota sucks" on your avatar? because to be honest, all car companies have duds and lemons. ALL. so its a lil unfair to lay the blame solely on toyota. and i would say that toyota has the lowest percentage of lemons.

in my opinion, i would lay the blame solely on the dealership for giving u that dud. i know you forwarded emails and letters to toyota HQ, but i would beat $1000000million bucks that the sales manager of jarvis told/persuaded toyota HQ that it was you who treated the car badly, thus making hq ignore your emails/letters. i know its toyota's fault for manufacturing the piece of $hit, but if toyota actually ran their own dealerships i highly doubt it would turn out this way. its the manager of jarvis that doesnt want a "negative" figure on the financial statements, doesnt want the blame, and doesnt want to have a bad record.

usually bad experiences of companies come from the wrong doings of franchisees rather than the head company.


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awww damn. it had to be this way!@#$#$%

mmm blue is there any chance you could put "jarvis toyota sucks" on your avatar? because to be honest, all car companies have duds and lemons. ALL. so its a lil unfair to lay the blame solely on toyota. and i would say that toyota has the lowest percentage of lemons.

in my opinion, i would lay the blame solely on the dealership for giving u that dud. i know you forwarded emails and letters to toyota HQ, but i would beat $1000000million bucks that the sales manager of jarvis told/persuaded toyota HQ that it was you who treated the car badly, thus making hq ignore your emails/letters. i know its toyota's fault for manufacturing the piece of $hit, but if toyota actually ran their own dealerships i highly doubt it would turn out this way. its the manager of jarvis that doesnt want a "negative" figure on the financial statements, doesnt want the blame, and doesnt want to have a bad record.

usually bad experiences of companies come from the wrong doings of franchisees rather than the head company.


As someone mentioned before, it may be time to go to TT or ACA. Write to your local paper, may be they'll publish your letter. Maybe start up some chain e-mail with a heading like "Do Not Buy Cars from Jarvis Toyota" explaining your experience. Email them to your mailing lists, and get the recipient to email to their mailing lists. It's amazing how quickly this will spread..I probably email it to Toyota also.

If Jarvis gets some bad publicity, I'm pretty sure they'll quickly act. If they don't, you'll probably affect their bottom line.

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A tip from my point of view, and i was successful at getting one of my cars replaced in the past is to bypass the dealer completely.

They have no authority to do anything when it comes down to replacing the car. They act as an agent for toyota selling their product. It's in their best interest to spend time and money fixing the car under warranty. The get paid by Toyota for all warranty work carried out.

My old car (another brand) had $12,000 in parts alone replaced on it, before i got the Head Office to step in.

I was on the phone everyday to the liason asking for an update, HO was not happy to keep forking out for warranty repairs and still not get anywhere. Eventually after pushing and pushing on my behalf, they asked what i wanted - i told them i wanted a car that was up to the standard a new car should be. If they can't fix it, then replace it.

They agreed to replace it. A the time the series 2 version had been released (mine was series 1), they couldn't find a series 1 in the same colour in manual that i had, so they ordered and built a new series 2 in my original colour/trim and transmission. some weeks later i had a new car.

My advice - don't talk to the dealer anymore. All communication must be via the Head office. They warrant the product. If you can demonstrate that the problems are not able to be repaired to new car standard, they will do somehting to rectify the situation.

You don't want the dealer involved!!!

my 2c

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Thanks for the tips guys. I have been emailing Toyota many times since day one and they keep wiping their hands clean and forwarding it straight to the assholes at Jarvis Toyota. All i get back from Toyota is "Thanks for your email, it's is being forwarded to Customer Relations" and thats it!

I received a call this morning from the The Managing Director of Jarvis Cars who again was on no help. He reinterated that they wanted $8000.00 to replace my car to which i said NO, he then said he would meet me half way to $6500.00 and then went on to say it would be an SX6, not a ZR6 as per my request.

So overall all to buy an Aurion SX6 costs $38,000.00 on road if you walked in off the street, they expect me to pay $46,500.00 for the same thing all becuase THEY sold me a dud car! What a bunch of ******en ****ers! Who do they think they are????

I am now writing a letter to Today Tonight and plan to do everything i can to expose Jarvis Toyota as a crooked and sly dealer that they most certainly are.

Please, please, Adelaide buyers, avoid Jarvis at all costs what ever you do. Don't make the same mistake i made by buying a car off these morons.

Edited by BlueAurionSX6
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some good advice there, DKzr6...

blue.. forward us a copy of the email chain... i've got a couple of friends in adelaide, so i don't want them to find that same experience as you.

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A tip from my point of view, and i was successful at getting one of my cars replaced in the past is to bypass the dealer completely.

They have no authority to do anything when it comes down to replacing the car. They act as an agent for toyota selling their product. It's in their best interest to spend time and money fixing the car under warranty. The get paid by Toyota for all warranty work carried out.

My old car (another brand) had $12,000 in parts alone replaced on it, before i got the Head Office to step in.

I was on the phone everyday to the liason asking for an update, HO was not happy to keep forking out for warranty repairs and still not get anywhere. Eventually after pushing and pushing on my behalf, they asked what i wanted - i told them i wanted a car that was up to the standard a new car should be. If they can't fix it, then replace it.

They agreed to replace it. A the time the series 2 version had been released (mine was series 1), they couldn't find a series 1 in the same colour in manual that i had, so they ordered and built a new series 2 in my original colour/trim and transmission. some weeks later i had a new car.

My advice - don't talk to the dealer anymore. All communication must be via the Head office. They warrant the product. If you can demonstrate that the problems are not able to be repaired to new car standard, they will do somehting to rectify the situation.

You don't want the dealer involved!!!

my 2c

Yep agree, go direct to TMCA as the warranty sits under the 'factory' 3 year warranty, not any extended warranty brought on by the dealer, you might want to get teh papers from the service center and any outstanding quotes on what else needs to be done, should help you with any substantiation.

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Guys, I have a blog going at www.toyotasux.com which i am currently updating.

I had a return email from Toyota again today which just confirmed they received my email but nothing more, as usual. I really dont know how and why some of you swear black and blue about how great Toyota is as i beleive their Customer Service is absolutley ****house.

I emailed Today Tonight this afternoon and received a confirmation about a follow up call on Monday so i will advise how we go there as well as the email to Toyota today to which i doubt they will bother to reply to.

I was given several ideas today to the detriment of Jarvis Toyota and i will action these next week.

Edited by BlueAurionSX6
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I think people tend to praise the build quality of cars itself not the customer service, ive been to many dealers and I can tell you a few of them are shifty....

But hey they are salespeople they are supposed to be... As long you go into a dealership with a strong mind or bring someone with a strong mind, plus haggling skills then thats ok.

If you want customer service check out the premium services that BMW, Mercedes etc can provide... obviously it comes with a cost.

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But hey they are salespeople they are supposed to be... As long you go into a dealership with a strong mind or bring someone with a strong mind, plus haggling skills then thats ok.

If you want customer service check out the premium services that BMW, Mercedes etc can provide... obviously it comes with a cost.

Been there, seen that - as soon as you driving the car out of the car yard, they don't even remember your name after zillion of phone calls a week before. All of them


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But hey they are salespeople they are supposed to be... As long you go into a dealership with a strong mind or bring someone with a strong mind, plus haggling skills then thats ok.

If you want customer service check out the premium services that BMW, Mercedes etc can provide... obviously it comes with a cost.

Been there, seen that - as soon as you driving the car out of the car yard, they don't even remember your name after zillion of phone calls a week before. All of them


+1 Unless u are coming back, and saying that you are buying another off with a friend, then they will LOVEE u~

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Out of curiosity does anyone else hear a lot of clicking in the dashboard area when you turn on your airconditoning after the car has been in the sun? It's kinda of like a tic, tic, tic as the airconditioning piping contracts etc..

I have never heard this before in any other car and i have owned and driven many but the Aurion does this for about 20 mins or so every time.

The cause of this problem is that some of the centre register (2 air outs let in the middle) vertical 'louvers' rattle within the little holes they fit in when the fan speed is up high. To check - press them with your finger and it will stop.

If you direct the vents fully left or right the rattle will also generally stop.

My ZR6 does it too. Basic cause is crap quality australian supplier parts.

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Can someone explain to me, in case i missed it why all these things that blue is suffering with his car isn't covered by warranty??

Gees... My SX6 comes in this week and you guys are freaking me out now!!

Alot of my options in it aren't factory or dealer standard, the leather is custom, and the sat/nav is coming from another make, either the camry or corolla sportivo so I really wanted the aux jack for my ipod... is this going to increase the chances that my dash is going to rattle?

does anyone else have this setup for their dash?

eek, i'm officially freaked, i havn't been able to sleep the last few days coz i've been looking forward to my car!

Now i can't sleep coz i'm worried about it!

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Can someone explain to me, in case i missed it why all these things that blue is suffering with his car isn't covered by warranty??

Gees... My SX6 comes in this week and you guys are freaking me out now!!

Alot of my options in it aren't factory or dealer standard, the leather is custom, and the sat/nav is coming from another make, either the camry or corolla sportivo so I really wanted the aux jack for my ipod... is this going to increase the chances that my dash is going to rattle?

does anyone else have this setup for their dash?

eek, i'm officially freaked, i havn't been able to sleep the last few days coz i've been looking forward to my car!

Now i can't sleep coz i'm worried about it!

Yes they are covered by warranty, all the problems Blue has had was from what came standard with the car, I dont think he modded his car in anyway to cause those issues. Its the fact that Toyota and the dealer don't really have that customer care is the real issue here, if they did they would have swapped him a nice brand new SX6 long time ago due to the car is problem filled ala Lemon.

Well if most of your options are aftermarket going outside the dealership/toyota realm then that wont be covered under warranty but if these aftermarket is agreed with the dealer somewhat, they should put a warranty on these parts as well, im assuming you got the blacksat nav unit rather than the facia built spec one?

Don't stress, your most likely going to get a good car, its just unfortunate someone out there has to get a bad one out of the batch etc...

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Yes they are covered by warranty, all the problems Blue has had was from what came standard with the car, I dont think he modded his car in anyway to cause those issues. Its the fact that Toyota and the dealer don't really have that customer care is the real issue here, if they did they would have swapped him a nice brand new SX6 long time ago due to the car is problem filled ala Lemon.

Well if most of your options are aftermarket going outside the dealership/toyota realm then that wont be covered under warranty but if these aftermarket is agreed with the dealer somewhat, they should put a warranty on these parts as well, im assuming you got the blacksat nav unit rather than the facia built spec one?

Don't stress, your most likely going to get a good car, its just unfortunate someone out there has to get a bad one out of the batch etc...

Yeah, it's the blacksat nav rather than the facia one...

has anyone seen it done? coz I ordered it without really taking too much consideration into how it would look, I'm a little worried that it'll look terrible now, not that i'm overly concerned, it's not like i'm buying the ZR6 or prodigy/presara... but still wouldn't mind knowing what i'm getting rather than getting a surprise.

All my options although custom are being done through the dealer, so yeah will be covered by warranty.

Back to blue, I don't understand why Toyota isn't just picking up the faults under warranty and fixing them or replacing the car?

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Yes they are covered by warranty, all the problems Blue has had was from what came standard with the car, I dont think he modded his car in anyway to cause those issues. Its the fact that Toyota and the dealer don't really have that customer care is the real issue here, if they did they would have swapped him a nice brand new SX6 long time ago due to the car is problem filled ala Lemon.

Well if most of your options are aftermarket going outside the dealership/toyota realm then that wont be covered under warranty but if these aftermarket is agreed with the dealer somewhat, they should put a warranty on these parts as well, im assuming you got the blacksat nav unit rather than the facia built spec one?

Don't stress, your most likely going to get a good car, its just unfortunate someone out there has to get a bad one out of the batch etc...

Yeah, it's the blacksat nav rather than the facia one...

has anyone seen it done? coz I ordered it without really taking too much consideration into how it would look, I'm a little worried that it'll look terrible now, not that i'm overly concerned, it's not like i'm buying the ZR6 or prodigy/presara... but still wouldn't mind knowing what i'm getting rather than getting a surprise.

All my options although custom are being done through the dealer, so yeah will be covered by warranty.

Back to blue, I don't understand why Toyota isn't just picking up the faults under warranty and fixing them or replacing the car?

Ive seen that satnav on a zr6 ive seen at a dealership, they use a replacement DoubleDin Facia put a typical DoubleDin Screen unit into it like you would do if u were to put an aftermarket system in anyway.

It does look out of place because of the silver/black contrast and the more proper option cost a ridiculous amount of money, but I tell you what, Im going in a similar route as yourself, but I will be overlaying the facia to a different colour etc, perhaps a very dark carbon fiber look or at least anything that attempts to blend the black to the interior colour.

Check out www.dashdesign.com.au, im pretty sure they'll be others around your area... check out the gallery, theyve done a console overlaying on a current spec camry...

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Ive seen that satnav on a zr6 ive seen at a dealership, they use a replacement DoubleDin Facia put a typical DoubleDin Screen unit into it like you would do if u were to put an aftermarket system in anyway.

It does look out of place because of the silver/black contrast and the more proper option cost a ridiculous amount of money, but I tell you what, Im going in a similar route as yourself, but I will be overlaying the facia to a different colour etc, perhaps a very dark carbon fiber look or at least anything that attempts to blend the black to the interior colour.

Check out www.dashdesign.com.au, im pretty sure they'll be others around your area... check out the gallery, theyve done a console overlaying on a current spec camry...

Ah, that sounds like a very good option, specially since I'm getting a dual tone blue/black leather on the seats and inside of the door. So maybe if i can find a similar colored overly for the facia it would be perfect! thanks for that! =)

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Nothing positive as yet im afraid. I have now officially lodged a formal complaint about Jarvis Toyota and Toyota Australia and i am also seeking legal advice in terms of sueing the dealer and the sales representative for deceptful conduct for false advertisement of the car purchased from them just 2 days prior to the end of the month. They even told me they needed the sale to meet the monthly target so no doubt it has all been lies.

Dont you worry Mr Jarvis (Toy)ota, i put you on notice that i will never stop until i rightfully receive what is mine. I will continue to tell my story until the whole of Adelaide knows of your pathetic attitude and the lies you forward to your customers to make a sale. You think i might back away, wrong, this all gives me more ambition to keep on going and soon a little bit of advertising will soon be seen outside your Clovelly Park branch on public land seen to thousands of motorists who pass by on Adelaide's busiest road.

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