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Perth meet and/or cruise?


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hello boys and girls! its time someone brought it up again. uni is starting again and once it starts things should settle down for most of us. would anyone be up having to another meet/cruise or both? also i believe we should include an activity of some sort. perhaps paintballing or go-carting or something like that. although we dont have to neccessarily have an activity, only if people have the money and enough people want to..

well hopefully this should start some conversation for us perthies :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


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Thought of having a meet at Nando's near curtin..well few ppl mentioned it n stuff..

That could be organised quickly i recon :P make it two sundays from now or what not.. uni started thou but hey ;)

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I will be back in Perth this w/e

And until our cars start comparing CAI size, no-one cares how stock or modded your car is. We humans meet to say hello, not to let our cars burp at each other (tho I do admit it happens...)

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Well do we have an exact time and everything yet?? Might come, but not in my car haha. Will be in the other Rolla with sound but stock as. HAHA... well let us know on date n time and ill be sure to get there....

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I will be back in Perth this w/e

And until our cars start comparing CAI size, no-one cares how stock or modded your car is. We humans meet to say hello, not to let our cars burp at each other (tho I do admit it happens...)

dam i only have a sri :(

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SO guys..

What about a nando's(Karawara) meet this week?

Say like Friday? for lunch??

Can we have a show of hands who can make it..

1.J e r e M y



dam... I work full time and was thinking something was going to happen over the weekends?

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SO guys..

What about a nando's(Karawara) meet this week?

Say like Friday? for lunch??

Can we have a show of hands who can make it..

1.J e r e M y



yeah i have uni mon-thurs and work all day friday so thats a negative on weekdays for me :(

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