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[QLD-BNE] JZX-100 Chaser : Weekend fun - *RIP*


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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers mang! The Caldina was a little side thing - imported it for a friend :) detailed it and it's gone to it's new home now. Was very fun to drive though!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sold the Estima and hello Lexus ownership :)


PS. Not mine, it's my old man's car :) - but ... ' yes Dad, Lexus said old exhaust was causing issues, so now they fitted this new exhaust, I swear! they did the tints too to preserve interior wear and keep it cool plus they spent a weekend detailing it' haha .. can't wait!!

As for JZX updates.

- bought a manual footrest, (yup this is gonna be the most comprehensive auto-manual conversion babeh!)

- booked in for a defensive driving session, I believe a skidpan session happens too. True story, I sometimes feel I could know how to control it better :p.

- Only clutch to buy now..

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got an Airtrek @ my place now too - so someone BUY it :D


Did my defensive driving course. Admittedly I hadn't ever done this, so it was a good thing to cover and do in the JZX.



Can't wait til I'm manual and go for some track days (noob day courses til I feel ready for proper sprint days)

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  • 1 month later...

Still gotz it lol - lacking updates but I've been super busy with my detailing side gig lately. In other news the 110 has gone to it's first official owner :)






What do you think, does the overseas Corolla (earlier gen) kinda look like a mini Mark2 ?



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey man, hope you are doing well, I saw the accident pics on a mate's Facebook and heard what happened. Sucks to see one of the best condition JZXs in that condition. Hope the leg heals soon.

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  • 6 months later...

Thanks Trent and Jeffy - appreciate you fellas looking out for me at that time.

Was meant to be a simple arvo returning from work but when this stuff happens, it happens so quick that you don't realize. Approximately 4:45ish pm on the 2nd of September I lost control of the car while taking a left turn as some plastic sheeting and cardboard pieces came under the rear wheels, leading the car to step out and without reacting in time - slingshot me into a power pole.

Not that I ever claimed to be the best driver but I tell ya when this sort of stuff happens, unless you're like a race car / rally driver, the reaction time is what counts. Unfortunately for me, I didn't even get to the brakes in time and as such this is how I ended up.


I didn't hit anyone and well the car (as you can tell) was gone.. car vs pole, car always loses.. dump truck drive behind me witnessed it all and confirmed no hooning was involved, I don't drink and my passenger walked away too (wouldn't have been going the path I did, had his dang Ralliart not keep kicking up the engine light >.<, we were going to pick it up). I broke my my lower left tibia and a hairline fracture in the right leg so all up the damage was 6 nails and a sweet titanium rod. Not exactly where I'd like to have had titanium (rather on the car, than IN me) but that's life. I had a bit of time out as I healed, I'm super grateful for what the paramedics and firefighters did, to my family, company and all. I was working from home 2nd week I was back and in the office by the time I had crutches.

I thought long and hard of what I was going to do now, do I get into something modern? and just not mod any more? something newer from Japan? Lots of thoughts went through my head.

In the end, it was clear - I had to do what satisfied me the most and this is where the search began...

**to be continued

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Firefighters and Paramedics thought the same lol .. Still recall the firefighter touching my left leg at various points and going 'HOLD UP still here, we got him whole' - 75mins to get me outta there >.<

Paramedics going in my ear 'if you feel pain, you TELL me' - by the end of it, couldn't see or feel but hear them, felt like it was ages... til it all went quiet and then getting lifted up.

It's f'n so weird as the drugs lay off and your brain starts getting back to its processing speed, the slow motion pictures start gaining pace, then boom you're back like live HD haha. Wouldn't wish it upon my enemies >.<

The story continues here

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