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Vibration Free Parcelshelf

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Hey guys. Like many of you, the vibration from my sub drives me nuts. I have read through some of the relevant posts here and I believe I am this first to come up with this solution. Please correct me if I am wrong. From having a look around I can say 90% of the vibration is coming from the parcelshelf while the remaining 10% is from the tweeter section of the stock rear speakers. That’s an easy fix and will happen in a few weeks. The following mod has not only completely removed all vibration associated with the parcelshelf, but it has also given me more room to install new speakers in the rear and made the sub a fair bit louder and a lot clearer. In my honest opinion, it looks good as well.

It seems like a fairly extreme mod, but I have contacted Toyota who have advised me that a new parcelshelf is $165 including GST, so I was willing to take the chance. I also had a large crack in my parcelshelf from before I bought my Aurion so it was just one more reason to give it a go.

What I basically have done is cut a large hole in the centre of the parcelshelf and stretched a stretchy black fabric across to make it look good. The fabric was secured underneath section by section with a hot glue gun starting with the side closest to the seats as it seemed like a good idea starting at a flat section. I just drilled a hole to start and used a jigsaw to cut the hole. The entire project took about 2 hours, including a fair bit of trial and error with the fabric. I’m more than happy with the end result and would recommend this mod to anyone looking to cut back on vibration. Here’s a few photos of the process and the final item installed. Let me know what you think.










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