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Everything posted by johnnieboi

  1. Yeah RA3108 Green FTW. Ken Block Style reprezent
  2. Very nice! Always had a thing for these! Esp in white! Red Recaros just compliment it so well. :D
  3. I can already smell it and taste it in my mouth.. *wheres my packets of mi goreng..*
  4. Drink, smoke, club and work in the sun. Game over for me :(
  5. Too much work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. johnnieboi


      hehe.. yea yea =P

    3. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      if that doesn't brighten u up, my hamburgers will on saturday bahahaha

    4. Kenpo


      I want a hamburger now :(

  6. Johnnieboi: Burger with the lot, Flake and if you got steamed dim sims maybe 4 or so. Peach ice tea. :D
  7. Hey tash, After you get on the Western Ring Rd and take the first exit left; that is Sunshine Ave (There will be a Green sign saying so) after exiting left on Sunshine avenue just follow it all the way down approx 5-10km and thats the meet point (no turning off required). After exiting onto sunshine avenue you'll see a bunch of shops on your left, JayCar, Body Repair shops, Middys, Reece. Proceed straight ahead for another 5km-10km approx. You'll past one intersection and few traffic lights on the way. Bunnings will be on your left on the corner. This intersection is the infamous Ballarat Rd. Drive straight through the intersection and you'll see a vicroads on the left, take the first left turn you can after the major intersection. You should see a bunch of cars there already. I'll be there early if i can. If not, you got my number, just buzz me and i'll come and escort you.
  8. Come on pete. Put up ones i told you to! @Vinh: plates gonna be respectful thats for sure
  9. Duy! Put down a flake and can of coke for Peter on me. B) I know guys, im a big spender. hehe
  10. me likey this pic Leave them so John doesnt get rock chips while chasing you through the countryside. :P
  11. Spotted a plain black pre-facelift ZRE the other day in Western suburbs. Had black multispoke rims with red lip (like tomees and charlies) and was lowered. Where are you my friend?? Come join our club.
  12. you might get 'well done son' if your good. if not, you'll get 'get back in that kitchen and cook food for all your friends!
  13. me likey.. food and cars PM me or KenshinX or Kenpo so we can exchange numbers in case of anything. Also for future meets and whatnot. Guys that are East or Northsiders if you guys can organise pre-meet respectively that would be great. For all the ghetto westsiders, you all know where sunshine is, if you dont. Then you aint ghetto enough. :P
  14. OMG! Literally hanging on by the tyres!!
  15. At QR, my Aurion was in complete factory trim. The boot was left completely intact with the exception that I removed my sub before going there. Just something to note because depending on the driver, you may not want to remove your spare and aftect the balance which you are accustomed to. Hrmmm.. Good point daryl. Never thought of it like that. Without the spare + tools my rear sits higher = less stability in my rears while cornering which = gayness. But for the Winton Raceway track here in Victoria we have to remove the spare wheel, its mandatory. For insurance or safety or what i dont know exactly. But at scrutineering when they check out the cars for the 'OK' sticker, they check everything, engine, tyres, boot and inside cabin and make sure its all cleared out. Maybe different tracks have different rules i guess. Oh well. Just giving branno my thoughts and experience anyway. B)
  16. Yeh yeh yeh... :D Welcome! I'll be sure to keep you posted for future meets! Theres one this saturday as kenpo said. Fish and Chips at KenshinXs Fish and Chip shop. Check Upcoming meet thread!
  17. Saturday eh? Sure. Start a food tab for me please Duy, Gold Membership. Thanks
  18. Decent set of tyres a must. You dont want to lose control around a tight hairpin corner. Not sure what mods you've done to your ZRE but it would help if it was lowered and had decent tyres. More stability and handling prowess. Front strut brace also is just absolutely magic. Engine oil, check beforehand esp if your going to be travelling a fair distance to the track. Plus check all other fluids that may need attention, being 09 zre if you've kept up with your servicing then you should be okay. As with what daryl said, CAMS or ASAA race licence. A helmet that is also CAMs approved. Mine was 25bux on EBAY ftw! I got half face one, i think full face will hinder me a bit. First time on track with helmet is quite daunting and can get quite hot and uncomfortable, but as the day progresses you get used to it. Brake pads! Your brakes will get a good workout on track, brakes and tyres for sure. Also check your tyre pressure. Lower tyre pressure will give you more grip. I had mine on 40 to start with then dropped to 37psi all round on my RE001's 215/45/17 tyres Empty all unecessary things from your car beforehand or put into a personal box. Your car has to track fully empty and stripped, spare wheel/jack/tools and all. No loose objects in the car/cabin/boot. Do this on the day, not beforehand. lol Drinks, food/snacks, money. Thats about it i think. Just take it easy the first few laps/sessions, get a feel for the track, learn your racing lines and braking markers. By the end of the day, you'll definitely be improving on your time. Have fun and enjoy yourself.
  19. Victoria eh?? Welcome. After driving KenshinX's stivo.. sighhh.. no lift sucks.
  20. 2 words that can solve this bickering amongst members.. 'mi goreng'.. x3 packets.. do it now.. you know you want to :D
  21. just got home 30mins ago.. x3 packets of Mi Goreng FTW

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Buff Hamster

      Buff Hamster

      WEAK!!!. 5 packets >:D

    3. johnnieboi


      i did that the other night.. dont make me try 7packets next time. hehe

    4. Kenshin X
  22. Hell yeah! But then again, its your decision. Dont let others decide, YOU have to want to do or it just wont happen.
  23. No. Try bidding for one on Ebay or purchasing directly from a 3A Racing distributor shop. Ebay might be the cheaper alternative. Make sure its 3" or 75mm neck on the pod filter.
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