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Everything posted by Steven

  1. I've done a search and seen there's plenty of threads about people lowering their Aurion's on here, but very little in the way of specific information for those who would like to do so. First of all this isn't a how to guide. If you aren't comfortable swapping your springs over and have the proper tools (spring compressors etc) then you're better off getting a shop to do the work for you. At the same time though the swap is very straight forward. Using my 2007 Aurion ZR6 as an example, I picked up a set of King Springs second hand and fitted them with the help (did most of the work) of DJKOR. King give an idea of an average overall drop of roughly 30 to 35mm. Although I can't comment on different models of Aurion, on My ZR6 Sportivo I found the had the following. Front Arch. Ground to top of arch stock = 692mm. After swap = 662mm. About 30mm Rear Arch. Before to top of arch = 690mm. After swap = 640mm. A much larger 50mm drop! This actually has the effect of the car sitting fairly level, but can cause scrubbing issues depending on your wheel/tyre combo. The wheels I am running are 18x8 at a 40+ offset, with 245/45 tyres. The test drive after fitting found bad scrubbing at the rear and some slight at the front. With stock wheels/tyres you would likely be fine however in my case I needed to pump the front guards and get the back guards rolled professionally. Even then I still on odd occasion get some scrubbing from the back but it is rare and overall the car is without issue. There is a noticeable loss in ride comfort. You WILL feel every bump more than before but as the car's centre of gravity is now lower is feels more stable when cornering. Quality shocks still contribute here and changing to more suitable lowered shock absorbers is recommended after lowering down the track. If you have a sportivo/TRD you can get away with the standard shocks, but might find non-sportivo shocks might wear a bit quicker. I won't go into difficulties getting around town with a lowered car, but be aware it does require you to think ahead and take some parts at an angle (if not avoided entirely). Hope this helps anyone planning on lowering their Aurion.
  2. BTW, cruise and BBQ date either 22nd or 29th of October. Location not yet specified but there are plenty of options to consider with heaps of time to sort that out. If you're in and prefer one of the above days (or don't care either way) let me know. Majority will pick.
  3. Yes as far as car clubs go, we are a very strange and warped lot. DJKORETTE - Cheers. Where did you pass me by?
  4. Very impressive, although a likely legal nightmare unless it can be proven to work 100% of the time
  5. Well I just got my guards rolled and it's removed most of the scrubbing but a bit remains. Options now are either to try to roll/pump the guards some more, or try these camber bolts.
  6. Still not 100% a fan of the interior. Definitely appears higher quality, but gives me an opinion of belonging to the inside of a Japanese 4x4 - steering wheel is definitely a turn off. Increase power, fuel economy and less weight is all good, but the differences are very slight and I doubt would make any real world difference between the face lift and previous models. Might be around 0.1 quicker down the 1/4 IMO.
  7. I am interested in this as well, having just lowered my car and having scrubbing issues.
  8. Seems we have a lot of conflicting dates here guys. Probably best we chat more in person this thursday. Speaking of which, I'm coming
  9. I agree with the Saturday idea. Further it also seems that most of us aren't too keen on high ropes due to personal conflicts with heights or our own physical "dimensions", so to keep things simple (and cheap) maybe just a cruise and BBQ eh? Maybe late October? Gives everyone plenty of notice, and right in the middle of spring. Also maybe mid-morning so we can beat the family lunchtime crowds
  10. I'd avoid those el cheapo Android integrated units for the time being. Most (ie 99%) of them only have resistive screens, low resolution (compared to the norm with tablets), slow processors and very old versions of Android OS. Android is only just starting to run well when equipped with a dual-core processor and good quality hardware supporting it, these lower end systems are typically slow, buggy and more of a gimmick than actually useful.
  11. The tank guage at my work gives a printout of current levels including amount of water in the tank, and we nearly always sit on 0% - 0mm ?
  12. It'd be roughly $30 per person, but I just found out that you need to be at least 1.8m tall (although 1.6m will get you most of the course), but UNDER 120kg. This sadly excludes me :( Still, I reckon we ought bout due for a cruise and bbq
  13. On a completely unrelated topic, I'm thinking of planning a day out to the High Ropes course up at Mt Tamborine in the not too distant future (at least more than a month away). Who'd be interested? To anyone who's never been, the course is freaking EPIC and takes a few hours to complete regardless of how experienced you are. Further the location means a good spot for a cruise and BBQ as well. Not sure of what the cost is but I know it isn't too much.
  14. I flared the front guards this afternoon which seems to have eliminated the scrubbing at the front. Backs are due to have the lips rolled sometime this week. Whilst test driving I noticed a very obvious knock and squeak from the front drivers wheel, found the nuts for both front wheels were loose however the squeak sounded like the tyre was rubbing against something. Have since removed it and bashed the hell out of the spring lower plate assembly to give it some more clearance but I don't believe that's where the problem lay. Here's hoping whatever I did had some effect, as even with the rear scrubbing the car feels SOOO much nicer to drive - just takes the corners in its stride sooo easily.
  15. Finally caved and go her lowered today with the help of DJKOR (cheers mate!) Good and bad though. Massive drop, before and after shows the front dropped by about 35mm, but the back has dropped a massive 45mm! Combined with my 245 wide tyres I am getting some massive scrubbing going on so it's off to the tyre shop later this week to get that rectified (hopefully). Pictures below, sorry for the dodgy camera pics but should be enough to get an idea until better photos can be taken.
  16. My VT (1997) Commodore when I owned it New Interior + wiring harness + BCM + ECU Rebuilt engine + radiator + various other engine bay bits New suspension, all around plus camber kits Now consider that all the above was done simply as repairs, not mods. Loving the Aurion, but I find myself with too much free time considering I'm not having to repair it constantly - plus I have this weird stuff I believe is called money in my wallet. If you want the car for love - get black If you want the car for transport - get white
  17. If you want a lift sing out. Thanks for the offer, but most of what I wanted to do tonight revolved around the car. It will at least give me the motivation to get off my ***** and do other ***** that's needed to do around here.
  18. Farrrkkk, just got a call from the mechanic letting me know my car won't be finished this afternoon :( so I won't be out tonight.
  19. The car is getting dropped off to the mechanics in the morning, will be out if it's finished by day's end
  20. Sounds like a majority of your history is from careless mistakes -> I would take this as a lesson that you need to start paying closer attention to your driving. 140km/h is not something I think would have happened too easily and you should have been aware of that, but doing that sort of speed in neutral? Maybe a few months without your license will have you paying more attention to the way you drive when you get it back.
  21. Exactly. Unless a significant safety issue presents itself, you are expected to be aware of traffic light signals and stop for them, even if the light if only yellow. It you are unable to stop safely on a yellow then you're not expected to -> however the timings for yellow lights are designed around what the speed limit is so if the light goes red when you enter the intersection, you should have stopped. Failing to see the changing lights and responding in time for it can easily be considering driving with undue care and attention, and isn't a valid excuse for not stopping in time. You'll have to wait until if you get a ticket or not, but if you don't have a reasonable excuse for not stopping prior to the white lines as you are supposed to I think you have zil chances of successfully appealing it.
  22. If you think that it's no good that not one of the 73 people that viewed the thread knows the answer, how about you ring Toyota and see if they even know? freakin GENIUS! I wonder why its never occurred to anyone before? In hindsight it would appear to be the very first thing anyone should do!
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