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Everything posted by Steven

  1. Completely disassembled my rear brakes and grinded, sanded and then washed them prior to color coding them to match the new front brakes. Also ground the rough surface of my new front brakes and repainted them. Came up looking heaps better.
  2. I have been with AAMI since owning the Aurion, and have found them fairly good to work with and cheap, plus happy to accept my current mods without increasing my premium. I have been in one semi-major accident where a truck drove over my front end (he was at fault, and the Police at the scene agreed although no charges were laid). Since then this dodger hasn't paid his dues and now my insurance company are taking him to court - they have kept me informed of every step along the way even though no action was required on my part except obtaining the Police Report number. As already stated though, there are no perfect insurance companies and at the end of the day they're all about turning a profit hence their will always be good stories and bad references to every company out there under the sun. I prefer to take them all with a grain of salt, obviously the bad stories will focus on the bad and people naturally tend to omit certain details that may cast the agency in a better light. Remember we're all meant to read the product disclosure statement before we sign up, most people don't (myself included) but then cry poor when something goes wrong. With me for AAMI it's not a case of the lesser of two evils, but rather sticking with the devil you know
  3. Dropped by GSL today and picked up a few goodies, namely some TRW Brake fluid and some A1RM pads for the new setup Still got to wait about 2 weeks though until my brackets get made up by the laser cutters <_<
  4. Just a thought, but what about a once a year Mag or something that's basically based around the National meet of that year. Content is readily available in the form of pictures etc, it would give a chance to tell more to those who couldn't make it whilst at the same time promoting attendance for the next years meet. We've got cruise feedback, the show n shine, dinner, karting, personal stories, photoshoots - And being only a once a year release with no set date (within a month or 2 after the meet is over) I doubt it would have too many troubles as volunteers could contribute whenever they have free time. I for one would like to see much more interest in next years Melbourne meet and I think this is one genuine way of generating that.
  5. Saw on of these at the TOCAU National Meet, have to say it looks alot sexier in person. The interior is very nice (retract previous "cheap" statement) and all the little touches add up. At 42k special price this ones a steal!
  6. I will gladly pay you 5000 for it. Is Japanese Yen okay?
  7. Does the Hayman Reece bar removed far enough that a plug can be put into the back bumper to hide it completely? I haven't seen one yet that does. If you're dead set on one I think I have my factory tow bar around here somewhere I'd be willing to part with for fairly cheap.
  8. Feeling pretty chuffed at the moment, at the QLD National meet Show 'n Shine I walked away with Best Interior and Best Overall! Will post up some pics when they become available by blatantly hot-linking. Big cheers to 51DER and Big Pete who took plenty of pics over the weekend, as well as DJKOR, Mick Wheels and SILVERBULLIT who ran/organised the event plus everyone else who chipped in when needed. Look forward to next years Nationals
  9. For me it will depend on several things such as what happens with my brakes/wheels/tyres etc over the next couple of months, so no answer just yet
  10. Can't get 51DER's photo link to work on the home pc, only the Iphone?
  11. Damn I would have had no idea otherwise, being blind and all :P
  12. Test fitted my new brake setup whilst I was replacing the standard rotors today, like how well they fill out the factory wheel. Yes I'm aware that's the wrong rotor for that side btw. Also big thanks to Andrew357 for lending me his old brakes to get me out of trouble in time for the nationals!
  13. Welcome to the club, cant wait to see how you build her up. Imo im not a fan of the trd logos, as it isnt a trd and thus looks out of place, but each to their own
  14. I'm thinking of entering the show n shine, also just to support the club and show off the interior a bit. Also got a bit that needs doing, got so much happening over the next few days *bloody shift work
  15. Twas at work, good spotting considering I park behind the carwash. BTW I see a few Gold Aurion/Camry's drive past every morning, they're out there
  16. Will there be TOCAU T-shirts available? I've wanted to get one for oh so long now B)
  17. weather isn't looking like it will be too crash hot this weekend. Hopefully it's just the weatherman's typical accuracy when it comes to predicting rain
  18. First of all, welcome to the club. There are many members here, but first I suggest you get to know Mr. Punctuation and Miss Comma. These 2 have helped many out and have greatly contributed to the forum. Also be sure to post in the correct section of the forum. There is one such section dedicated to Aurions and posting here will see your question get the most relevant attention. This section is, as per the large notice sign at the top of the page, only for members to introduce themselves and NOT for car related questions. Onto your actual question, the traction light and engine light pretty much both come on at the same time with the Aurions for most error codes, but the only actuator attached to the supercharger likely to cause traction issues is the "throttle body", which is electronically linked to the "throttle pedal". This problem is more so accentuated in the TRDs when the throttle pedal is in a state known as "floored". TRDs also run pretty rich by nature btw, far from the ideal air/fuel ratio Did Toyota actually mention which error code you currently have? Or any other information at all? At this time by the way you've described sounds like the Toyota tech hasn't a clue, or at the very least is making it worse than it sounds. Help us help you by giving a better description of the problem including what the symptoms are aside from just the Engine light. Their are some TRD owners on here who are very knowledgeable and might be able to point you in the right direction.
  19. Behold my 2 cents Magazines require frequent and interesting material to keep readers interested, editors, photographers, writers, distributors etc etc. I'm going to use the Street Commodores Magazine as an example here as they also have a very large online forum community. Examples of their MONTHLY magazine include several feature cars, tech articles written by true out-in-the-field qualified experts, DIY guides, meet information, letters from the readers and the staff, and press releases. Combined with the above mentioned staff this creates enough content to sell a magazine for around $8.95 Now assuming having a huge staff to work on this project wasn't an issue, it would still require a fairly steady inflow of content etc to produce the magazine. Sometimes I troll these forums for weeks at a time and the most interesting thing is that somebody bolted some new wheels to their ride. The Toyota community simply isn't large enough, nor are they all affiliated with these forums. You'd find then, that any magazine we could possibly put together, would be easily outdone by any fast4s or other misc car magazines found dirt cheap on your newsagents shelf. Further how would you even distribute this magazine? If you were only providing an online download to save trouble here then I think most people would opt to just search the forum themselves and get the same information for free (and even contribute themselves). Now if you were thinking of something like a monthly newsletter this might have more potential, but it still requires constant effort and input from a variety of people and most people on here already know where to go to find information that they hold an interest in (not to mention a newsletter, taking a month to put together, is already out of date by the time the finished product is out). The only feasible idea I have that has any resemblance to what car mags do, is have a moderator-speaks section, in which maybe once a month a moderator from somewhere goes out and does a feature on a members ride, including hi-res photos and a full write up, and posts that in a special section of the forum. It could include - A "moderator's rant" about certain behaviors or pet-peeves they've noticed on the forums, or a write up on a meet they went to. - The featured ride - General upcoming club information (proposed changes, upcoming meets etc) But this does require a fair bit of effort on our moderators as the above content can take a while to put together.
  20. I prefer the LED ones for looks overall. The inconsistent light actual looks really good and blends into the headlight as a feature rather than over the top bling. Plus the reliability of LEDs in a simple not ballast setup gets points too.
  21. Thanks for the comments guys. I made it by shaping ABS plastic into shape using a heat gun and an ABS/Acetone mix, using edging strip as a finishing touch.
  22. Behold, my ghetto heat shield! Not fully shielded from the engine bay but at least it offers some protection, plus it should help the factory cold air intake a little too.
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