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Everything posted by Steven

  1. The paint contributes to the car, so it's just a part of what makes a car "wow". I don't think the paint will make your car look as good as those others, but it's all personal preference and at the end of the day it will still look pretty damn freakin amazing!
  2. I reckon anyone who owns shares in a certain car washing business be banned from competing. Looks like interior cleanlineas will have to be my forte, lest their is an award for customisation?
  3. OMG that frozen black is pure sex. Real shame this won't be ready for the meet, but at least then us mortals will actually have a chance at the show n shine
  4. excuse me, but WHAT?! Please show us a scanned quote showing that pricing
  5. Considering your MPH was higher on your first run then I reckon you've definitely got more in it. Bloody impressive for a practically stock 6. You'll be cracking 12s in no time
  6. Not much today, just decided on a color combination for my new brakes (thought red would be a bit too try-hard considering they aren't true "performance" brakes)
  7. we actually have a legal right to lawful/peaceful assembly. As previously posted, they'd have a hard time proving we were planning "unlawful activity". Most they can do is give what is known as a move on direction, but for that certain criteria must be met and without getting long winded about it we don't even come close.
  8. THIS! Mega rage here, especially when there is over half a kilometer between the 100km/h sign and the actual freeway and they've made NO attempt to speed up prior. Also, being on the freeway already when one of these dicks merges into your lane still doing 60.
  9. Just to prove how ghetto it is, behold my MAF mount!
  10. Looking tops, although those brakes don't seem to fill out the rims enough if I'm brutally honest Can't wait to see it in person as obviously the photos wouldn't do it justice
  11. Cheers mate... I think your diet's getting to you btw <_<
  12. Installed my ghetto intake today, after much cheapness and corner cutting. But DAMN does it sound good, I never knew the standard intake (despite all I had done to make it louder) was muffling the engine. I've now got a damn sexy growl every time I plant my foot Power increase? No idea as I'm well aware of the placebo effect and don't plan on claiming anything until I have the 1/4 mile times to prove it. Also big thanks to DJKOR for helping me make this all happen. Mate I reckon there's a carton of cheap, ghetto beer out there somewhere with your name on it
  13. I miss NOTHING! (Why do you think I parked there?)
  14. something came in the mail
  15. a few updates. Brakes are coming along nicely however whether they'll be ready by the Nationals is anybodies guess. It will mostly depend on how much work I get as opposed to free time. Took her out to Willowbank tonight to finally figure out what she can do. First few runs had me almost in tears at around 15.28 average, with another higher than 18 due to excessive wheel spin. Finally managed a best of 14.867 with a max speed of 94.89mph (152.72km/h) . This was done without a spare, half a tank of 95ron, and my heavy **** (130kg) in the driver's seat. Not to mention my special, teflon-made tyres. Launch involved a lot of babying the throttle to prevent wheel spin so I'm confident with better tyres I could get about 14.7 Quickest way for me to run is in S-mode, manually shifting it (loving those paddles), with a stall speed of between 1200-1400rpm but feathering the throttle for about 20-30 meters, with plenty of time to cool down between runs. As they finished up a bit early I only got a chance to get 1 good run in, but now I know my recipe for success I'm set for next time. This also provides a bit of insight into my exhaust, as Aurions are known to run 14.8 stock (in fact there was a facelift sportivo there that ran 14.8s all night long, completely stock) it would indicate my exhaust system isn't having much overall effect on the cars performance. Although my Y-pipe mod should free things up some, it could use some tweaking and after those factory headers I'm thinking the benefits are minimal. Will post pics of the time sheets later
  16. Speak for yourself, if I screw up the whole club comes down with me!
  17. Love that spare parts pricing, Toyota is one of the worst. I remember you used to be able to the Holden V8 Gen3 engine, brand spankers in a crate, for less than 10g from Holden spares. Went for around $1000 or so on ebay, that's a bargain in anyones language if the engine is any good.
  18. Haven't got the funds for a helmet right now so I'm getting Daryl in the Driver's seat. Tis a shame but I'm more interested in the time than anything
  19. Seems to be a bit of light leaking around the Aurion wording on those plates, might suggest a less than optimal fit and finish
  20. Spent a few joyous hours this morning working on the bracket designs for fitting the calipers -> fit confirmed by making a replica out of MDF. Cheers to Viking Dave as his caliper designs helped out with designing my own.
  21. I'll be there for everything but will be bailing mid afternoon sunday as I can't afford to turn down the penalty rates for working from 11pm sunday night due to public holiday monday
  22. spotted this white Aurion on Sandgate rd around 2pm. Keens eyes would see the CF overlay on the roof.
  23. The guys at BHSS weren't kidding when they said I wouldn't recognise them once they had finished. Plus they only wanted around $115 per caliper in the end! Getting closer
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