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Everything posted by snakesau

  1. From what I understand, the engine is designed for sustained reving of 4K. Which is what you will be roughly be sitting on doing 110-120 km/h
  2. Since Sportivo's run a timing chain, do they need to be replaced? What about if the car has been driven hard?
  3. I don't mind paying that bit extra for quality - I would rather invest in a system that not only goes well, but lasts too. Unfortunately wheels will be last on the list as there is nothing wrong with the stockies & I am yet to find a pair of rims that I think looks good on a blue Sportivo.
  4. No probs mate, I would like to go for a full system, but figure I can leave the manifold for further down the track. Do you have the King Super Low on your car? What is the ride like compared to stock? Will having Superlows wear out your shockies quicker than King standard lows?
  5. Look, I'm *really* suprised that it still seems to be ok. I'll admit, I'm not the smoothest gear changer & occasionally ride the clutch, plus it gets driven pretty hard. I also taught an ex girlfriend how to drive a manual in it *picture burning smell*... So yeah, by the time the end of the year rolls around, the car will have ~165000kms on the clock (fingers crossed it lasts until then I'll definitley be looking at a new clutch (what do you guys recommend?) and a flywheel (also what do you guys recommend?) Would it be wise to have the gearbox overhauled at the same time if I go for the Celica 6th gear? Any idea what I would roughly be looking at for a clutch, flywheel, Celica 6th gear & gearbox overhaul? I guess labour would be a pretty large component yeah?
  6. Hey Mate, I might check the SRI option out. Moreso based upon the fact that I occasionally drive off-road & though big puddles. I gather that water & dust would be the enemy of a CAI since it breathes from down near the foggies right? Obviously I want to avoid any engine damage / extra wear & tear. If the King Springs are still available at the end of the year / early next year when I sort the car out I'll be in touch :)
  7. Hi Guys, Thanks for the replies. Please don't turn this into another CES vs ..... thread. Although I am willing to listen to other people's opinions on their own personal experiences e.g. ^^This. Thanks for suggesting the TRD intake. As you would know - the Sportivo really lags at low rev ranges therefore if I can get some extra acceleration down low, that would be handy. I guess the reason I was looking at the CES CAI was so that they could do both the exhaust & intake at the same time. Also much easier to only have to deal with 1 supplier if something was to go wrong... Now to suspension - I'm thinking King "12/01-4/07 COROLLA ZZE122 A KTFL-105 A KTRL-106 KTRS-106" - copied from their catalog. But I am happy to hear other suggestions. Also if I have the ride height reduced, what will that do to my shocks? The shocks have been in since I bought the car - should I look at replacing those at the same time?
  8. I've just checked out CES's website - currently they have CAI for $512 & Catback for $1060. Roughly what would I be looking at for a filter & labour?
  9. Hey All, Just wondering if any of you would be able to give me a *rough* idea as to cost including installation for the following mods. I have owned the Sportivo since new, but it has been under lease - which ends at the end of this year. I am thinking of taking out a loan to pay it out plus some extra money set aside to do some mods. Note that the car currently has 145000kms on it, gets used every day to/from work, plus some occasional dirt / off road driving / puddles. I'm not really thinking about any track work or posting quarter mile times - well not at this stage anyway... Here's what I have in mind: CES Cold Air intake - What type of filter should I get? CES Catback Exhaust - Should I look at replacing the cat converter at the same time? Some sort of suspension mods - I would like to drop it a bit, but don't want to lose too much ride comfort for the missus. Plus I have to drive over a number of speed bumps around work New clutch / flywheel - what would you suggest? Possibly look at replacing 6th gear with one from a Celica (gotta try & reduce cost on fuel now that I'll be paying for it hehe) Cheers Tim
  10. Well if you go to Toyota like i did, they will probably want to charge you at least $3 hunge just for the key & shell (mobilizer extra$$$$)
  11. Yep, dems de ones B) Thanks heaps for posting that!
  12. Hey Guize, not sure if this has been answered before... As you all probably know, Toyota give you 3 keys with the car. 1 master key & 2 keys with the remote alarm module built in. Both my normal key shells have cracked around where the key screws into the plastic shell & are falling apart (nothing wrong with the key or alarm module) Toyota want to charge ~300 bux just to replace the shells :o I say I'll keep my 300bux & you know where you can stick your shell :P Does anyone know where you can buy plastic shells that will fit the key & alarm module for like >less< than 300? Cheers Tim
  13. Hey All, Just looking for some advice, I think my front shocks have goneski, car lifts & wheelspins on spirited takeoffs. Just wondering what you would do. Would you just have them replaced with standard front shocks (car is out of warranty - 100K kms) or put in something a little bit better. Note that I'm not looking at spending thousands of $$$, I don't do any track work, mostly standard street / highway driving with a little bit of offroad when I go to doofs. Cheers :)
  14. 2pm on a weekday whilst its raining on the M4. Not the smartest thing you've done in life hey? But probably not the dumbest. I'm sure that the judge, jury & the families of innocent bystanders that you kill would be most interested in hearing that...
  15. Dec 05 Placebo now has 82 000 kays on the clock.
  16. Have you checked the power steering fluid level? You can find it under the bonnet, near where the back of the steering wheel would be located.
  17. Or the seaside. Those salt water sure speed up the process. But need another car that doesn't have it next to it for control. THat would be the best experiment. A beach is by the seaside, but by the seaside does not necessarily mean by a beach
  18. Had one fitted at the dealer when I got my Corolla Placebo brand new (Dec 05). I surf a lot & the car gets a full wash / clean approx once a month. So far, no sign of rust (touch wood!) Cheers Tim
  19. dyno reading so you can beat all your mates in the d1ck measuring contest advanced driver safety course track day
  20. No. Your car was simply tired & needed a rest I would be booking it in for a service asap. Might want to check your coolant, oil & other fluid levels asap. Possibly you might have got some dodgy petrol...
  21. I use Caltex E10 with a bottle of octane boost ~550kms per tank but I drive it pretty hard I'll put 98 in around every half a dozens tanks though
  22. I recently had the alternator go in my 05 Placebo. Toyota replaced it under warranty no questions
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