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Everything posted by Andrew357

  1. Which side of a dog has the most hair? - - - The outside

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      i own a Siberian Husky & every Summer he gets at least 3 full hair Cuts that is how fast the hair grows back, & he still has more on the outside ;) his name is Shadoe ;)

  2. So my usage of 'having a bath/having a tin bath' I am suggesting that he is having me on if he thinks people are jealous because one owns a BMW or Aurion.
  3. If you think people are jealous that you own an Aurion or a BMW 323i (lets face it, most people won't know/care if it is a 46/36/90 series 323i) you are having a bath. If it were an Aston/Lambo/Ferrari/Maserati it would be a different story. Most people just don't care.
  4. I was going to write up a equally odd reply but then I remembered I forgot to smoke the weed and inject the heroin so I decided against it.
  5. Dude. Christmas is ages away. Change of plans, will be there early tonight.
  6. ^ Buying a decent set of tools for the long haul would not be a bad thing to do. I highly doubt you will regret it should you choose to go down this road.
  7. Just thinking on it... You mentioned having some idlers. I am assuming you mean idler pulleys but they are more of a necessity than a modification.
  8. If you won't do up your HiLux, why are you looking for ideas?
  9. Chrome looking vinyl, tacky stick on chrome bits, led light strips are definitely the best way to go, when put together as a trio is the best way to make any car (including a 36 series camry) tacky. Less is more,
  10. Oh, wasn't disputing whether beastmode was being right or wrong; I think it is staggering that it is allowed. As you said yourself, imagine stalling when pulling into oncoming traffic.
  11. But I think the price difference is what makes a brand name unit different. Proper testing before release, after sales support RE: release of firmware updates if required; and should you need it a warranty I would trust more than the CCS unit.
  12. Steven is correct though. You can't expect Silver Service when you're paying Black and White cab prices.
  13. Oh please,stay by me, Diana..

  14. I hope so, I am paying good money! Is she good looking? Obviously.
  15. How do you know they didn't take the necessary steps before resorting to a test drive? Southside Woolloongabba is my nearest Service dealer (the service department is located on Logan road and has an exit on Jurgens Street. The nearest roundabout is 1.4km away. https://maps.google.com.au/maps?oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&channel=fflb&ie=UTF-8&q=southside+woolloongabba&fb=1&gl=au&hq=southside&hnear=0x6b915a6a19dc5429:0x502a35af3de9ea0,Woolloongabba+QLD&cid=0,0,12277707054466427967&ei=L67DUcLYFcmXiQe2kIHAAQ&ved=0CJwBEPwSMAA Is that too far a drive for you? Would you be ok letting them take it out that far? Anyone who has been to the SS Woolloongabba department will know it is paired with Southside Ford so there are cars everywhere. No chance of doing a proper test drive on premise; so what are they to do given you don't want them to drive it 'far away' from the dealership? You are what is wrong with people these days. You expect them to do an extraordinary job but are only willing to pay next to nothing, then you start talking about taking legal action when things don't go your way.
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