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Everything posted by influx

  1. i work until 3pm so i don't think i will be able to make it.
  2. yeah i know but i bought it form them and have connections there richi my panda has advanti wheels after market type
  3. ok lets begin shall we. in june i took my panda to lander in blacktown as they could fit me in, always lovely and helpful they generously rang me and said "do you want your wheels rotated and balanced" i agreed and then agreed to some other stuff which made my car run very nicely. 1month later. now ever since i have had the car on the odd occasion i have had to wash the engine bay of coolant, that i though might have sprayed out undcer pressure. Today i had my car in for the old engine and 6speed oil change as well as a look at the radiator and low and behold the mechanic informed me that i had a radiatior leak. - that wasn't the bad part. Kind and generous (don't get me wrong they are nice and helpful) people at lander had rotated my tyres - I didn't check as they are mechanics not me. My tyres are rotational. meaning they only are supposed to go on one way and the trusted peeps have swapped them left to right and i have been wondering why no traction in the wet and no traction under hard driving conditions......there lies my answer. I rang the boss at lander and stated this fact to him. I asked if my tyres were damaged would he replace them retorically as there was no apparent damage. He then proceeded to tell me that when rotating they only put the front wheels on the back and so the wheels must have been wrongly put on any way. - i don't think so. Any way on reading the proper manual on the way that toyota suggest to rotate this isn't even the method. they used some crazy dodgy manner to do it. so at then at the moment. Radiator is leaking causing me to be driving around with little to no coolant. lucky i am conscientious and check. Air con is blowing cold air for the longest period of time and then ? interferring with engine temp. my car no longer feels like it needs a wheel balance. as the wheels are on the right way. usually no problems with lander as they done a beautiful temp fix on my gear select cables but this time ???
  4. will you be quick enough to bench mark. :P my panda goes into the workshop for a little tune on tuesday
  5. I have the trd filter. the air flow and filtration is higher than the denso one that comes standard and this is becasue it is an oil based filter. can trap particles heaps smaller. the performance gain was little/non just better throttle response. if oiled correctly nil oil should go near the airflometer. this is outlined in the manual, haven't had a service yet so i am not sure if toyota will willingly clena my trd filter.
  6. i personally would love a drive to canberra. and meet up with the influx inc. doopleganger that egene runs.
  7. and the s2000 obviously wasn't driving hard. My girl friend kicks sportivos and type R's like they are datto 120s
  8. lol the power figures aren't good enough. heheheh and my gear cables are loose. i am off until wednesday man let see if your tuning days are finished or i have to send you back to the work shop.
  9. it's not the the car. they are even. bring it on. forced intake. whatever. it sounds nice but if i want that sound i'll go to the air port and listen to jets take off. :P B) :P anytime. i'm off for four days now!! come feel the atmo defeat. might even have to get my Mt winmalee Speedstars sticker out for the five hair pin
  10. i already have my own one man coalition corolla's against sp - anythings VRX/lancers in general and pulsars fake or true
  11. addit: i love how all people are crazy about their own type of car that is the best thing about being "into" cars the passionate rivalry without the violence.
  12. i would so race him i have smoked many a sss, maybe the fake ones or whatever, if he has mods well thats an unfair advantage but i would run him any way only thing is i could not be bother to drive alkl that way to prove i might win, it's all down to the driver and many people always leave out the fact we a have a 6 speed close range with a redline of 8200 so by the time i have reach the vavle pop and screech of 1st to second old mate in his true or fake sss is soughting out third gear as per most five speeds then i am in lift for the next 5 gears so go figure. would be a nice race though.
  13. hey can someone repost the factual evidence that our car is under powered so i can email toyota again please
  14. http://www.autojoy.com.au or they are in castle towers or parramatta the blue ones are usually not adr compliant. and the police are more likely to pull you over but they do look so good used to have them on my satria.
  15. nah man, at the moment i will leave it i have some friends that can get to talkin gto the general manager of toyo aus. that is how i got one of the first 26 cars off the boat from sa. i will check in to it for us
  16. this is the latest email i have received from toyota. Dear Luke, Thankyou for your email forwarded to the Toyota Customer Relations Department. Firstly, the investigation into a modification for the Gear Selector has been completed and the Modification Kit is now being manufactured. Please make sure you have been in to report the rattle to a Dealer and you will be notified immediately the Spare Parts are available. We are not sure of the "underpower" problem you refer to but there is a compliance issue pending that Toyota and the authorities will have finalised ASAP. Thankyou for being a valued Toyota customer. Regards, Tony Hatton Advisor - Customer Relations CFDD Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Limited to be honest i don't care about the power. i would love the gear cable soughted though. the power would be nice but as it is it is hard to get traction
  17. it was pretty dry man and even though i run 17X& i was still losing traction too, i always do 1st - 2nd then 2nd to 3rd. your car is so fast grimlock, very fast. grimlock forgot to mention that we both took a 180sx to school and a ss V6 ute. good fun day of racing and the winmalee hair pins were ******* cause we got caught behind a ****ty old red car. didn't even get to use the ABS yes grimlock had the disadvantage of 2 passengers but i had a full tank of gas i reckon i only won cause i have those TRD stickers.
  18. my lights are rated true white they have absolutley nil yellow, they are also 100W as opposed to the normal 55w ones, and because of the glass and electrode setup they put out the same visability/light infront of you as 150w globes. it is like driving in daylight. the oncoming motorists don't flash me with these lights in either.
  19. influx


    i've added you to my list xtigerx, for PGR2
  20. that should win a prize at a film festival for best ***** kick given to a holden well done man.
  21. they are h7 low beam and h4 for the fogs, i suggest go to auto joy, as they do 100w miricle white, no trace of yellow. and then put white led parking lights in. i didn't bother changing my high beams. (if you change the rest they are bright enough to look white) they sell for about 52$ a pair. and last longer than factory the phillips that i purchased were supposed to be white???they were the blue vision ones and they looked white if you had white spray paint sprayed in your eyes. 70$ is also a rip off for yellow kinda white bulbs. they did last long. i changed my bulbs in the 30mins after i bought the car. phillips only get 2\5 spuds with a downgraded mark to 1\5 spuds for being yellow.
  22. lunch time sat i will try and make it see how i go.
  23. yeah homebush is cool. I can't make it this friday i am working nights i'm afraid.
  24. man pm me. the guy that did my tint is good, he will tint it for cheap and dark as you like with high quality tint - anti scratch for about 150 if you pay any more than this amount you are being ripped off for both cash and qualitly.
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