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Everything posted by influx

  1. yeah that is good and 10kw is not minor. i still haven't recieved any news about the up grade.
  2. hey man gave you a plug on our site veryBadpeople.com it is my new weblog i share with some peeps. sorry i also stole your avatar to post with.
  3. yeah man i really like you car looks so good, nice nippon spec.
  4. don't worry man i prefer ours too. i just like it a little more sharp. and japanese. i feel all the car companies are trying to look a little too euro. and those head llights i have hated since the corolla S has had them in the US. i sound pretty opinionated today i am sorry. never the less i would still but it before every other car (cept my toy honda type R - king of the blessed ATMO's)
  5. ok guys so i have sent yet another email to them regaurding the power gain and gear rattle. it goes someting like this. to whom it may concern. i purchased a corolla sportivo in june last year and it has just come to my attention that along with several others of the same make that were transported from south africa, that the vehicle has been found to be under powered??!! as opposed to the advertising campaign of 141 kw. Being one of the top reasons i bought the car (... Which i am other wise very pleased with), i would like to know if any thing is being done to rectify to power issue, as per toyota south africa. It has come to light, being associated with several other owners of sportivos that they have also become aware of this issue, along with the ongoing gear selector cable rattle. Is and When is this problem going to be rectified??? Any feed back on the problem resolve would be appreciated. I understand you have known about the problem for a while, i alos understand implementing a resolve is not as easy as a phone call but I would appreciate some information about efforts being made to this fix. Yours faith fully i figure if we all write seperate little letters then a big one things will get moving i just hate being in the dark is all. hope i get a response soon cheers all and thanks to everyone who has already done investigating for us it is much appreciated.
  6. i'm keen but maybe wait another week (though i know you keen to kick our asses) so that every one can come.
  7. might be able to make it grimlock we'll see how we go, 10pm is a little late don't you think?? i don't have to be in bed but if you could make it earlier
  8. heheh ready when you are man. i am keen for a run any old day, getting my super performance new personalized number plates soon too!!, so everyone will be able to tell so watch out for the red nippon plate - INFLUX
  9. star city toyota parts in yenora, nice people they sponsor a little starlet in on eof the gtp races , i got brand new headlights for about the price of one and they are genuine parts too. jst half the rip off price of buying from a dealer
  10. **** i missed it i would have loved to come. that sucks oh well next time kids i gotta check the forum more often
  11. yeah i would love to cept i live in sydney. Would be very good. I wonder does insurance cover your car while you do this as it would better your driving, not that it would stop me just a wonder. I know that some insurance company regard this as an asset to their drivers.
  12. hey man who's Ae 86 is that in the photo, do you know the guy, i think i have seen it once in sydney, it looks so good almost makes me want to do the new modern version of it with my car
  13. yeah the cold air pipe to it would be good but if you get caught with it you will be defected without a heat shield. This is because ADR and the cops reckon if you don't have your pod shielded and something ??who knows what sparked from the engine and hit your pod then it would combust possibly leading to engine detonantion, thus the reason for the box/heat shield I also wanted the Apexi power intake as it is the best filter with best air flow/filtration as proven by several tests, but this reason stopped me for getting it. you can get a carbon fibre box / shield for our car but it is like ??400 USD
  14. Check it I might just have to run with the cheaper alternative to get an individual car.
  15. i put a couple of pics on my web log INflux yeah the white one is mine saw a nice origianl black one today the dude nearly broke his neck when he saw another sportivo
  16. more air flow first and then lower the temp both in combonation are great par tif the engine can breath better and push more air then it can burn more fuel quickly
  17. i myself am a registered nurse that works in Emergency who self qualified to do a part time job of kicking my sportivos **** as i drive it to the limit
  18. i have silverstones.....**** brand but stick well in the wet and dry have similar tread pattern to ?goodyear p1 i think that is the one, they have done my car proud though,
  19. looks good now lower that roller skate
  20. Hey all first the lovely peeps from toyota rang me and got me out of bed, with the news that the new modified cables will not be installed yet, as they do not work. fair enough but they have done a lovely job on the temp fix in my car with it not rattling so i am content for the time being, second, in reply to the focus thread which i didn't even read, there is an ST170 in penrith which i have beaten, therefore you can't out handle if you can't keep up, thirdlyI also asked about the 10kw extra due to air flow and ecu problems and lander wil return a call to me very soon with an answer from toyota so stay tuned, they have my mobile number and have been very reliable when calling me back. finally i wouldn't trade my Tsport for the world, (maybe for a concept sportivo)
  21. see all this rumour mongering is making me very confused cause 3 toyota dealers denies any sought of recall, and i am not talkin gon a customer level i'm talking to the heads of service at all as friends of friends??? hope for the 10kw
  22. i am not sure sorry. seems it might be the intermediate fix, but an order had to go to toyota aus, with a report to justify it. I said to the woman there that it was the problem all sportivos were having, shes like there has only been one i know of. i turned around and said i am friends with close to 30 sportivo owners, and they all have it, which brings me to my next question why don't the celica and the MR2/s have the problem they both have the same gear box/engine???i didn't ask this question but i really want to,
  23. it also could be a pingpong ball in your fuel tank
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